This is the public posting of the assignment. See Piazza for the invite link to make your submission in your own repository in the class organization
Due: November 26, 2019 before 9:30am
(I will accept submissions until Monday, Dec 2 at 9:30am without penalty. But I strongly encourage you to complete this assignment by the due date so that you have ample time to study for the final exam on Tuesday, Dec 3.)
The goal of this assignment is to use data journalism/storytelling techniques to refine your chart from HW7.
Use principles from data journalism/storytelling to refine one of your charts from HW7. You must include a headline that summarizes the main point of your chart (as opposed to a title that only describes your chart). You also should include annotations or context as needed. This will be your final chart, so care should be taken in choosing fonts, colors, and other design/aesthetic aspects.
Every element on your chart should be explained and justified in your report. Do not accept the defaults just because they are defaults. Accepting defaults is a design decision and must be explained and justified.
You may use Excel, Tableau, R, or Vega-Lite to complete this assignment. (But, be particularly careful about using Tableau as it may not as easily customizable as the other options, and customization is a large part of this assignment.)
Your report is an important part of this assignment. I expect your report to include your name, CS625-HW8, date, and appropriate headings and Markdown markup for clarity and neatness. You will lose points if there are many spelling or grammatical errors.
Your report should include the following information:
- image of your draft chart from HW7
- image of your refined chart
- description of all design decisions made in transforming from the draft to the refined chart
- explanation of how your final chart answers the question you asked in HW7 and how your headline fits your chart
If you use Excel, also include the spreadsheet in your repo.
If you use R, any code produce your chart be runnable and embedded in your RMarkdown report. Make sure to 'Knit' your report to produce Markdown suitable for Github and commit the .Rmd, .md, and any generated image files to your repo. You may use template.Rmd to get started.
If you use Vega-Lite, your report must include a link to the Observable notebook that contains your Vega-Lite code and chart.
As always, you must include a section titled "References", including links to any examples that you used in completing this assignment.
Submit the URL of your report in Blackboard:
- Click on HW8 under Homeworks
- Under "Assignment Submission", click the "Write Submission" button.
- Copy/paste the URL of your
file into the edit box (should be something like - Make sure to "Submit" your assignment.