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Miami-Dade County Public Transportation Documentation 1.1 (June 2019)
Alejandra Agredo (CC0: Public Domain)


There are various public transportation systems in Miami-Dade County, each belonging to a separate technical cluster of APIs. Many of these systems are also run by different operators, such as the Coral Gables Trolley being run by the City of Coral Gables as opposed to the Miami Trolley which is contracted to a company, and the Metrobus which is run by Miami-Dade Transit. In the following documentation, these systems will be grouped as follows (not a complete list of systems, please see the reference):

  • TSO Mobile: Miami-Dade Transit (Contracted buses to LSF Shuttle), municipal trolleys (Miami, Miami Beach, Doral), other public transit (Aventura, North Miami Beach, South Miami)

  • ETA Transit: SFRTA/Tri-Rail, Coral Gables Trolley

  • Transitime: Miami-Dade Transit (Metrobus, Metrorail), SFRTA/Tri-Rail

  • Miami-Dade Transit XML Feed: Miami-Dade Transit (Metrobus, Metrorail, Metromover)

  • Brightline: Brightline Trains

Focus on Tri-Rail, Metrorail, and the Metrobus first. Following these high-ridership systems should be contracted buses/municipal trolleys, the Coral Gables Trolley, the Metromover, and Brightline.

In cases where real-time data may overlap (such as Miami-Dade Transit buses via TSO Mobile and Transitime), locate vehicle information and merge it together. Most recently updated information takes priority over the older data, regardless of which source it came from. Vehicles should be properly filtered by name to prevent duplicates.

In other cases where data overlaps, such as the Miami Beach Trolley routes, data from TSO Mobile (the vehicle tracking vendor) takes priority over the route shape and stops from Miami-Dade Transit GTFS. Route data from the GTFS should be entirely discarded for all trolley routes whenever data from TSO Mobile is available.


There’s inconsistency between the Miami-Dade Transit GTFS and what routes are actually being serviced. As a result, there are at least 40 routes that do not appear on any well-known app like Google Maps or MDT Tracker. Coordination between municipalities and the county is poor, and many municipal trolleys have routes changed or added without the change being reflected in GTFS. In this case, real-time data from TSO Mobile and ETA Transit must be used and factored in for trip planning.

For example, the Miami Trolley’s Coconut Grove route is not available on the GTFS, but is available from TSO Mobile with real-time information. The route data and real-time arrivals should be displayed to the user like any other route. It should also be factored in for trip planning if possible.


Real-Time Data Feeds

Provider Feed Label Base URL
Miami-Dade Transit XML Basic Data
Miami-Dade Transit XML Verbose Data
TSO Mobile Public Transit
ETA Transit Coral Gables Trolley
ETA Transit Tri-Rail/SFRTA
Brightline Train Status
Transitime Tri-Rail
Transitime Miami-Dade Transit

Static Transit

The three large transit systems can all be fetched live from a server.

Transportation Agency Static GTFS file URL
Miami-Dade Transit
Brightline Trains

TSO Mobile Agencies

Service Name Vehicle Type Company ID
Miami-Dade Transit (Private Operator) Jitney 30109
Miami Trolley Trolley 21241
Miami Beach Trolley Trolley 22844
Doral Trolley Trolley 2500
NOMI Express Jitney 24600
Aventura Express Jitney 26082
SIBshuttle Jitney 31344
NMB Line Trolley 31934
Pinecrest People Mover Jitney 24560
Bal Harbour Express Jitney 34323
I-Bus Jitney 49454
SoMi Shuttle Jitney 34423
Miami Gardens Express Trolley 21699

Miami-Dade Transit GTFS/TSO Mobile Route Mappings

This is an extensive list best served by a configuration file. See for a TOML representation of route mappings to and from Miami-Dade Transit GTFS internal route IDs and TSO Mobile internal route IDs. An exportable JavaScript module is provided at

Real-Time Transit (Miami-Dade Transit)

Metrorail and Metrobus (Transitime)

Since Metrorail and Metrobus AVL data is sent directly to the Transitime server, it can be fetched as GTFS Realtime by calling the Transitime Miami-Dade Transit feed and using the /gtfs-rt endpoint. This data is recommended for the Metrorail and Metrobus. When it's unavailable, or missing bus data, then use the Miami-Dade Transit XML Verbose feed as a fallback.

Vehicle Positions

Fetch the vehicle positions as a GTFS Realtime Vehicle Positions feed by calling /vehiclePositions as follows:


In the second GET request, the format parameter can be added to make the response return in json or human (a human-readable version of the default protocol buffer response). The response in JSON would look like the following:

  "header": {
    "gtfsRealtimeVersion": "2.0",
    "incrementality": "FULL_DATASET",
    "timestamp": "1560460087"
  "entity": [{
    "id": "AT5778",
    "vehicle": {
      "trip": {
        "tripId": "4291475",
        "startDate": "20190613",
        "routeId": "20910"
      "position": {
        "latitude": 25.15502,
        "longitude": -80.38789,
        "bearing": 217.32881
      "currentStopSequence": 13,
      "currentStatus": "IN_TRANSIT_TO",
      "timestamp": "1560460031",
      "stopId": "9840",
      "vehicle": {
        "id": "AT5778",
        "label": "AT5778"

Note: In the response above, the vehicle ID is also the entity ID. Any vehicle ID that begins with “AT” or “LSF” should be treated specially, as these vehicles are contracted to a private transportation company and are tracked with their own equipment and (sometimes) in addition to Miami-Dade Transit AVL equipment. Not accounting for this will produce false bunching and wrong bus counts. See the TSO Mobile feed on how to properly merge and handle duplicate data.

Trip Updates

Similar to the Vehicle Positions feed, this is a GTFS Realtime Trip Updates feed. It can be fetched by calling /tripUpdates as follows:


The JSON response will be similar to this:

  "header": {
    "gtfsRealtimeVersion": "2.0",
    "incrementality": "FULL_DATASET",
    "timestamp": "1560460683"
  "entity": [{
    "id": "4282805",
    "tripUpdate": {
      "trip": {
        "tripId": "4282805",
        "startDate": "20190613",
        "scheduleRelationship": "SCHEDULED",
        "routeId": "20835",
        "directionId": 1
      "stopTimeUpdate": [{
        "stopSequence": 1,
        "departure": {
          "time": "1560461880"
        "stopId": "421",
        "scheduleRelationship": "SCHEDULED"
      }, {
        "stopSequence": 2,
        "arrival": {
          "time": "1560461733"
        "stopId": "2293",
        "scheduleRelationship": "SCHEDULED"
      "vehicle": {
        "id": "LSF412"
      "timestamp": "1560460645"

Notice the “LSF” in the vehicle ID. The data from the GTFS Realtime Trip Updates may be used for contracted vehicles and routes, but is not recommended. Do not include it unless data from TSO Mobile is unavailable.

Metrobus* and Trolleys

This section applies for the transit systems which use TSO Mobile for fleet tracking. Namely, this includes certain Metrobus routes (including 35/35A) and many municipal transit systems (see TSO Mobile Agencies in the reference). It’s recommended to ignore GTFS route and stop data when data from TSO Mobile is available, except for Metrobus routes. GTFS files may be slow to update to reflect actual route shapes and stops for municipal transit systems. It may be used as a fallback in the case that the user is offline.

Using This Data

For all systems except Miami-Dade Transit, use the listed routes and data from TSO Mobile as-is. This means that routes such as Coral Way with Miami Trolley should entirely replace the data available on the GTFS. Additionally, routes that do not appear in the GTFS such as the Coconut Grove route must still be available for the end-user to see, regardless of its presence in the GTFS feed or not. Other transit systems not present in the GTFS such as SIBshuttle must also be available, using the accurate data directly from TSO Mobile’s API.

Miami-Dade Transit Special Exception

There are nearly 30 routes operated by a private contractor for Miami-Dade Transit (see, and the GTFS/TSO Route Mappings in the reference). In the Transitime feeds for Miami-Dade Transit, vehicle IDs will sometimes begin prefixed with “LSF” (Limousines of South Florida) or “AT” (America’s Transportation). In the TSO Mobile API, for the “Miami-Dade Transit” service (see TSO Mobile Agencies in the reference), the ShortName property for a vehicle will appear as “Bus 964” or “6221”.

In the case that the TSO vehicle ShortName begins with “Bus”, the Transitime feed’s vehicle ID will begin with “LSF”. If the vehicle ShortName is just a number, the Transitime feed’s vehicle ID will begin with “AT”. However, not all vehicles tracked on Transitime (with Miami-Dade County AVL equipment) are also tracked with TSO Mobile equipment, and vice-versa. This means that there are some vehicles exclusive to the Transitime feed, and some exclusive to the TSO Mobile API, as well as significant overlap.


Let’s assume the Transitime feed has Trip Updates on a route like 35A. Additionally, the TSO Mobile API shows where all the vehicles are (in terms of between which stops and lat/long). How would you know which vehicles are the same between feeds? If the Transitime feed has a vehicle ID that says “LSF294”, you match it with any of the vehicles in the TSO Mobile API by checking for “Bus 294”. If it’s similar to “AT9327”, then you match it by looking for “9327” in the TSO vehicles.

For trip updates, the stop IDs between the Transitime feed (using GTFS stop IDs) are different than that from TSO Mobile’s Route Stops data. How do you account for this difference? One way is to merge the data together by mapping identical stop names to one another. Since the stop names in TSO Mobile’s data are nearly identical to those in the GTFS, mapping between them should be rather simple. To account for the situation where the ambiguous ETA with TSO Mobile stops might cause problems, it’s recommended to merge TSO Mobile ETAs with the other Transitime feed as long as they fall within a time span of up to 1 minute.

For example, let’s say “Stop X” in TSO Mobile’s API says that there are 3 upcoming arrivals: 2m 39s (A), 9m 12s (B), and 16m 43s (C). Now, the Transitime feed says there are also 3 upcoming arrivals: 2m 37s (A), 17m 1s (C), and 26m 14s (D). Notice that both list 3 vehicles en route, but this is not what actually is happening. In reality, there’s 4 vehicles serving the route at a 7-10 minute frequency. Also notice that Vehicle B is not present with the Transitime feed, but is on the TSO Mobile feed. Vehicle D is on the Transitime feed (meaning it’s tracked with MDT equipment) but not on the TSO Mobile feed. These are all live and running, while Vehicles A and C are tracked by both systems (thus, overlapping). In this case, proper leeway (about 1-2 minutes) should be given to merge the ETAs properly, so it appears as (A), (B), (C), (D) to the user, not (A), (A), (B), (C), (C), (D).

TSO Public Transportation

The TSO Mobile Public Transit feed is the only URL needed, since all data passed to it is in the form of parameters. Responses will be returned as string-encoded JSON that will need to be unescaped and parsed. The following are examples of real responses from the API:


GET Routes

Name Required Description Example
key required The method to use for this request routes
id required Company ID (see reference) 21241
Example Request
Example Response

This is the result after parsing the response. The ID property here refers to the route ID and the RoutePath uses standard polyline encoding.

  "ID": "102216",
  "Name": "Blue Express Route",
  "RoutePath": "__m}CdidhNCkBaE|@QCc@g@o@s@U...",
  "LineColor": "#1303FF",
  "StopIcon": "Stop_Small_Blue.png",
  "UnitIcon": "Unit_Blue.png"

GET Route Stops

Name Required Description Example
key required The method to use for this request route_stops
id required Route ID (see GET Routes) 102216
Example Request
Example Response

This is the result after parsing the response. The array of stops contains an ID property which refers to the internal stop ID. The Description property refers to the user-facing stop name.

  "ID": "1155598",
  "StopNumber": "1001",
  "Sequence": "1",
  "Street": "19525 Biscayne Boulevard Abigail Road",
  "Description": "Transit Terminal",
  "Latitude": "25.958400",
  "Longitude": "-80.144987",
  "Weelchair": "",
  "RouteID": "102216",
  "DirectionName": "",
  "Direction": ""
}, {
  "ID": "1155599",
  "StopNumber": "1002",
  "Sequence": "2",
  "Street": "2952-2984 Northeast 199th Street Aventura Mall Eckerd",
  "Description": "Publix",
  "Latitude": "25.960051",
  "Longitude": "-80.141868",
  "Weelchair": "",
  "RouteID": "102216",
  "DirectionName": "",
  "Direction": ""
}, {
  "ID": "1155600",
  "StopNumber": "1003",
  "Sequence": "3",
  "Street": "125 Northeast 29th Place",
  "Description": "NE 29 Pl / Walgreens",
  "Latitude": "25.961775",
  "Longitude": "-80.141865",
  "Weelchair": "",
  "RouteID": "102216",
  "DirectionName": "",
  "Direction": ""

GET Vehicle Positions

Name Required Description Example
key required The method to use for this request units_location_route
id required Route ID (see GET Routes) 85862
Example Request
Example Response

This is the result after parsing the response. The array of vehicles includes an ID property which can be used to uniquely identify the vehicle. The hea is the bearing from 0 to 359. Tim is the timestamp when the vehicle’s location was last updated. StopA represents the previous vehicle stop, and StopB represents the next stop. If RealStopID is not an empty string, then it means that the vehicle is currently at that stop.

  "ID": "1057402",
  "ShortName": "MB21",
  "Lat": "25.790623",
  "Lng": "-80.136557",
  "Hea": "358",
  "Tim": "1560632428",
  "SquareID": "13654196",
  "StopA": "1028427",
  "StopB": "1028428",
  "RealStopID": "1028427",
  "RouteID": "85862",
  "AntibunchingCmd": "2",
  "Occupation": "0"
}, {
  "ID": "1057404",
  "ShortName": "MB22",
  "Lat": "25.797689",
  "Lng": "-80.128196",
  "Hea": "205",
  "Tim": "1560632461",
  "SquareID": "13652499",
  "StopA": "1045210",
  "StopB": "1045211",
  "RealStopID": "",
  "RouteID": "85862",
  "AntibunchingCmd": "3",
  "Occupation": "0"

GET Stop Info

Name Required Description Example
key required The method to use for this request stopinfo
id required Stop ID (see GET Route Stops) 1067128
Example Request
Example Response

For Miami-Dade Transit routes (such as 72A and circulators with a numbered route short-name like the 212 Sweetwater Trolley), the Description property will exactly match the stop name in the Miami-Dade Transit GTFS file. This is useful for merging ETAs between the Transitime and TSO Mobile feeds.

  "RouteName": "Route - 72A",
  "ID": "1067128",
  "StopNumber": "98",
  "Description": "SW 72 St & SW 79 CT",
  "Street": "8000-8012 Southwest 72nd Street",
  "Latitude": "25.702708",
  "Longitude": "-80.323340",
  "ETAResult": "1",
  "ETASeconds": "1624"

Metromover, Metrobus, and Metrorail (XML Feed)

Most commonly, the Miami-Dade Transit XML feed is used to fetch data from the Metrobus, Metrorail, and Metromover. This is done by fetching the /Buses and /Trains endpoint on either the verbose or basic feed.

The XML feed should be used as a fallback for the Metrorail and Metrobus, as the Transitime feed may sometimes (rarely) have missing vehicle data.

Please see for documentation, and use the Miami-Dade Transit XML Verbose feed.


The Miami-Dade Transit XML Feed should only be primarily used for fetching real-time information about the Metromover system. There are three loop configurations: BKL (Brickell Loop), INN (Inner Loop), and OMN (Omni Loop).

Vehicle Positions

The location of all Metromovers, with direction and speed. This is updated roughly every 10-15 seconds. This feed can be fetched by calling /MoverTrains on either the verbose or basic feed as follows:


This would return a response similar to this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <LocationUpdated>3:41:41 PM</LocationUpdated>
        <LocationUpdatedDiff>5 seconds ago</LocationUpdatedDiff>

Station Arrivals

The arrival estimates and some other station information for the Metromovers. This feed can be fetched by calling /MoverTracker on either the verbose or basic feed as follows:


Note: The verbose feed does return more information, including a fifth arrival time and a RiderAlert field, but it requires the StationID parameter. The following is an example response of the verbose feed:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <StationName>Government Center</StationName>
        <StationAddress>101 NW First Street</StationAddress>
        <firstTime1>0:11 sec</firstTime1>
        <firstTime1_Arrival>4:03 PM</firstTime1_Arrival>
        <firstTime2>2:58 min</firstTime2>
        <firstTime2_Arrival>4:05 PM</firstTime2_Arrival>
        <secondTime1>0:00 sec</secondTime1>
        <secondTime1_Arrival>4:02 PM</secondTime1_Arrival>
        <secondTime2>6:02 min</secondTime2>
        <secondTime2_Arrival>4:08 PM</secondTime2_Arrival>
        <thirdTime1>4:11 min</thirdTime1>
        <thirdTime1_Arrival>4:07 PM</thirdTime1_Arrival>
        <thirdTime2>9:06 min</thirdTime2>
        <thirdTime2_Arrival>4:11 PM</thirdTime2_Arrival>

Real-Time Transit (Tri-Rail/SFRTA)

Commuter Rail and Connector Buses

Tri-Rail/SFRTA and their connector buses’ AVL data is sent directly to the same Transitime server as the Metrobus and Metrorail for Miami-Dade Transit. The data can be fetched as GTFS Realtime by calling the Transitime Tri-Rail feed and using the /gtfs-rt endpoint. This data is very reliable and accurate. There are no known “gotchas” with this system, and the same API applies for Transitime data. (see Transitime Vehicle Positions and Trip Updates)

Real-Time Transit (Coral Gables Trolley, Tri-Rail/SFRTA)

This section deals only with ETA Transit. The same principle of wholly discarding Coral Gables Trolley data from the Miami-Dade Transit GTFS also applies here, treated in the same way with the transit systems that are not present on the GTFS (the only exception applies for offline trip planning purposes). Tri-Rail/SFRTA shares the same system with Coral Gables Trolley, and both may be treated the same way. However, it is highly recommended to use the Transitime feed whenever possible for Tri-Rail/SFRTA.


All valid responses should return plain JSON. The API endpoint varies based on the serviced agency, but generally follows the syntax http://<agency> For calling methods, everything is sent to the same endpoint as parameters.


Returns a JSON object containing an array of all tracked vehicles, which may also include vehicles not currently running.


Name Required Description Example
equipmentID optional The equipmentID of a vehicle, used for tracking a single vehicle 502
includeETAData optional If set to 1, a minutesToNextStops property will be added to each vehicle containing an array of trip update objects. Setting to -1does not return any trip updates -1
minutesToNextStops optional If set to 1, the minutesToNextStops property will have a sorted array 1

Example Request


Example Response

  "get_vehicles": [
      "aID": "354676050503",
      "blockID": 0,
      "capacity": 100,
      "deadHead": "0",
      "direction": "South",
      "directionAbbr": "S.",
      "equipmentID": "503",
      "inService": 1,
      "lat": 25.9222,
      "lng": -80.21625,
      "load": 0,
      "minutesToNextStops": [
          "blockID": 0,
          "direction": "South",
          "directionAbbr": "S.",
          "equipmentID": "503",
          "minutes": 1,
          "patternStopID": "32",
          "routeID": 1,
          "schedule": "01:20PM",
          "scheduleNumber": "P673",
          "status": "On Time",
          "statuscolor": "#39b139",
          "stopID": "14",
          "time": "01:19PM",
          "track": 1
          "blockID": 0,
          "direction": "South",
          "directionAbbr": "S.",
          "equipmentID": "503",
          "minutes": 31,
          "patternStopID": "36",
          "routeID": 1,
          "schedule": "01:50PM",
          "scheduleNumber": "P673",
          "status": "On Time",
          "statuscolor": "#39b139",
          "stopID": "18",
          "time": "01:49PM",
          "track": 2
      "nextPatternStopID": 32,
      "nextStopETA": 800,
      "nextStopID": 14,
      "onSchedule": 0,
      "patternID": 1,
      "receiveTime": 1550945942000,
      "routeID": 1,
      "scheduleNumber": "P673",
      "trainID": 190,
      "tripID": "P673",
      "vehicleType": "Train"


Returns a JSON object containing an array of route objects.

Example Request


Example Response

The encLine property in each route object is a regular polyline, and vType is usually either “Bus” or “Train”.

  "get_routes": [{
    "abbr": "TR",
    "color": "#006c86",
    "encLine": "qgm|C`mzhNuONcGLmJLgYNoRNmEH}...",
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Tri-Rail",
    "order": 1,
    "showDirection": true,
    "showPlatform": true,
    "showScheduleNumber": 1,
    "showVehicleCapacity": false,
    "stops": [1, 18, 2, 17, 3, 16, 4, 15, 5, 14, 6, 13, 7, 12, 8, 11, 9, 10],
    "type": "Inbound",
    "vType": "Train"


Returns a JSON object containing an array of pattern objects. This endpoint contains information on route lengths (distance-wise in miles)

Example Request


Example Response

  "get_patterns": [{
    "color": "#2E3191",
    "decLine": [],
    "encLine": "qgm|C`mzhNuONcGLmJLgYNoRNmEH}...",
    "extID": "1",
    "id": 1,
    "length": 75,
    "name": "Northbound",
    "routeNames": ["Tri-Rail"],
    "routes": [1],
    "stations": [],
    "type": 1


Returns a JSON object containing an array of stop objects. The stop objects are not all unique, some overlap. Each stop’s unique identifier is in the id property, which can be used to merge together stop information. Exact stop locations may vary even for those with the same id, make sure to be aware of this.


Name Required Description Example
stopIDs optional A comma-delimited list of stop IDs. If set, it returns only the stops which match this same ID instead of all stops. 2,5,3

Example Request


Example Response

  "get_stops": [
      "rid": 1,
      "id": 2,
      "name": "West Palm Beach Station",
      "lat": 26.713298797607,
      "lng": -80.062538146973,
      "extID": "",
      "shortName": "WPB"
      "rid": 51,
      "id": 2,
      "name": "West Palm Beach Station",
      "lat": 26.712093353271,
      "lng": -80.062118530273,
      "extID": "2",
      "shortName": "2"


Returns a JSON object containing an array of ETAs for a stop.


Name Required Description Example
stopIDs optional A comma-delimited list of stop IDs. If set, it returns only the stops which match this same ID instead of all stops. 12,3

Example Request


Example Response

  "get_stop_etas": [{
    "enRoute": [{
      "blockID": 0,
      "direction": "South",
      "directionAbbr": "S.",
      "equipmentID": "1006",
      "minutes": 6,
      "patternStopID": 32,
      "routeID": 1,
      "schedule": "12:20PM",
      "scheduleNumber": "P671",
      "status": "12:33PM",
      "statuscolor": "#b91d1d",
      "stopID": 14,
      "time": "12:33PM",
      "track": 1
    "id": 14

Real-Time Transit (Brightline)

This is among the simplest of all systems to implement, since the GTFS file is well-done and the train status API is simple to work with. However, there is no known way to track vehicle positions. This is not a major issue since the trains only board at the stations and the real-time arrival estimates are very accurate.

Train Arrival and Departure Times

There exist other APIs, however, the Train Status API is the most relevant one for trip planning and most usage purposes. This returns an array of all trains scheduled to run on a certain date, as well as information about each train’s current status (for example: departed, arrived, arriving, scheduled to depart). The station IDs here directly correspond to the stop IDs (and parent station) in the Brightline GTFS.


Name Required Description Example
arrival optional The train station ID. If specified, it returns all trains arriving at this station for a certain day. FLL
departure optional The train station ID. If specified, it returns all trains departing from this station for a certain day. PBI
departureDate required A YYYY-MM-DD formatted date to fetch trains for. 2019-06-16

Example Request


Example Response

The legs property for each train status object refers to the individual trips between stations. It’s useful for getting the ETAs of the same train for upcoming stations.

The consistNumber refers to the color of the train, and it comes in 5 variants: BRTBLUE (Blue), BRTPINK (Pink), BRTORANGE (Orange), BRTGREEN (Green), and BRTRED (Red). Brightline employees often announce the train by its color, such as “Bright Red is now boarding” and “The Bright Green train is on the left-hand track.” This is useful information for a rider and should be included (such as a colored indicator next to a station’s ETAs).

  "actualArrival": null,
  "actualArrivalPlatform": "1",
  "actualDeparture": "2019-06-16T12:10:00",
  "actualDeparturePlatform": "2",
  "arrival": "2019-06-16T13:25:00",
  "arrivalPlatform": "1",
  "arrivalStatus": "On-Time",
  "arrivalType": "Estimated",
  "bagClaim": "",
  "consistNumber": "BRTORANGE",
  "departure": "2019-06-16T12:10:00",
  "departurePlatform": "2",
  "departureStatus": "Departed",
  "departureType": "Actual",
  "destination": "PBI",
  "estimatedArrival": "2019-06-16T13:25:00",
  "estimatedDeparture": null,
  "fidsArrivalStatus": "Default",
  "fidsDepartureStatus": "Default",
  "legs": [{
      "actualArrival": "2019-06-16T12:42:00",
      "actualArrivalPlatform": "1",
      "actualDeparture": "2019-06-16T12:10:00",
      "actualDeparturePlatform": "2",
      "arrival": "2019-06-16T12:42:00",
      "arrivalPlatform": "1",
      "arrivalStatus": "Arrived",
      "arrivalType": "Actual",
      "bagClaim": "",
      "consistNumber": "BRTORANGE",
      "departure": "2019-06-16T12:10:00",
      "departurePlatform": "2",
      "departureStatus": "Departed",
      "departureType": "Actual",
      "destination": "FLL",
      "estimatedArrival": "2019-06-16T12:42:00",
      "estimatedDeparture": null,
      "fidsArrivalStatus": "Default",
      "fidsDepartureStatus": "Default",
      "inventoryLegId": 43234,
      "isCancelled": false,
      "legStatus": "Normal",
      "origin": "MIA",
      "scheduledArrival": "2019-06-16T12:40:00",
      "scheduledArrivalPlatform": "1",
      "scheduledDeparture": "2019-06-16T12:10:00",
      "scheduledDeparturePlatform": "3",
      "train": "710"
      "actualArrival": null,
      "actualArrivalPlatform": "1",
      "actualDeparture": "2019-06-16T12:45:00",
      "actualDeparturePlatform": "1",
      "arrival": "2019-06-16T13:25:00",
      "arrivalPlatform": "1",
      "arrivalStatus": "On-Time",
      "arrivalType": "Estimated",
      "bagClaim": "",
      "consistNumber": "BRTORANGE",
      "departure": "2019-06-16T12:45:00",
      "departurePlatform": "1",
      "departureStatus": "Departed",
      "departureType": "Actual",
      "destination": "PBI",
      "estimatedArrival": "2019-06-16T13:25:00",
      "estimatedDeparture": "2019-06-16T12:45:00",
      "fidsArrivalStatus": "Default",
      "fidsDepartureStatus": "Default",
      "inventoryLegId": 43233,
      "isCancelled": false,
      "legStatus": "Normal",
      "origin": "FLL",
      "scheduledArrival": "2019-06-16T13:25:00",
      "scheduledArrivalPlatform": "2",
      "scheduledDeparture": "2019-06-16T12:42:00",
      "scheduledDeparturePlatform": "1",
      "train": "710"
  "origin": "MIA",
  "scheduledArrival": "2019-06-16T13:25:00",
  "scheduledArrivalPlatform": "2",
  "scheduledDeparture": "2019-06-16T12:10:00",
  "scheduledDeparturePlatform": "3",
  "segmentStatus": "On-Time",
  "train": "710"