- Added type annotation for the heat package (#36)
- Build and test with Python 3.12 (#29)
- Use random subpackage from numpy instead of scipy (#26)
- Add example notebooks (#25)
- Move static project metadata to pyproject.toml (#23)
- Bundle maintenance tasks (#22)
- Use declarative setuptools configuration setup.cfg (#21)
- Implement the get_grid_node_count function, needed by pymt (#20)
- Change weight of coefficient in heat equation (#11)
- Match bmipy (#12)
- Use GitHub Actions for continuous integration (#15)
- Dimensionalize flattened values passed into set_value (#17)
- Update CI (#18)
- Switch from versioneer to zest.releaser
- Remove obsolete docs directory
- Update example to use BMI v2.0
- Initial release