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The Concurrent Editor

This is a rather full on package so this README document will outline how exactly the (OT) Concurrent Editor. As a high level overview though the concurrent editor is an OT based editor thats heavily influenced by Google's WAVE algorithm, Wave was Google's predecessor to Google docs and heavily inspired the architecture for Google Docs. Our editor uses the same underlying architecture as Wave except the difference lies in the type of operations we are sending back and forth between the server. Wave was originally designed to operate with operations that modified unstructured data, our operations modify structured JSON data.

Before reading the rest of this document I highly recommend you read through the resources linked in the base

High Level Architecture

At a very high level our editor server consists of 3 distinct layers.

  • The data layer
    • This layer is basically the server's copy of the current state of the document. This is what all incoming operations will end up modifying. Our initial design for the data layer involved a singular struct modelling the entire document that we modified using reflection, this however proved rather tricky due to the intricacies of Go's reflection system so we ended up moving to an AST based approach. Currently the data layer is just the AST for the JSON within the document, operations modify this AST directly. To prevent corrupted documents we have various data integrity checks utilising reflection.
  • The client layer
    • The client layer is an internal representation of an active client connection. Whenever a client connects to our server a new client object is allocated to represent their connection.
  • The document server layer
    • The server layer is a big object that models a singular document being edited, it maintains a list of all active client objects that are connected to it and the current state of its AST.

Editor Architecture

Starting a Document

I personally feel like its rather easy to understand a system if you understand how it achieves its key features. This section is about what exactly happens when a user clicks the "edit" button on a document and constructs an edit session. What type of objects are created? Where do they live? Etc.

The connection starts

So the user clicks the "edit" button, this instantiates a HTTP request thats handled by the HTTP handler in main.go: func EditEndpoint(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request). This handler takes the incoming request, looks up the requested document and if it exists upgrades the connection to a Websocket connection.

After upgrading the connection to a websocket connection the handler then asks the DocumentServerFactory to either create or fetch the object modelling an active edit session for the requested document. If the document does not already have an active edit session the DocumentServerFactor will proceed to read the document from disk, parse it (construct an AST for it) and return a DocumentServer.

After the DocumentServer is fetched a client object is allocated and registered with the document server and a new goroutine is spun up to handle incoming operations from the client. The handler code is as follows (note it is subject to change):

func EditEndpoint(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	requestedDocument := // parse request body
	targetServer := GetDocumentServerFactoryInstance().FetchDocumentServer(requestedDoc)

	wsClient := newClient(ws)
	commPipe, terminatePipe := targetServer.connectClient(wsClient)

	go, terminatePipe)

Note that during the connection process the document server ended up returning a pipe, this pipe is actually just a small function that the client (or at least the client's shadow on the server) can use to propagate messages to the server it is connected to.

The client applies an operation

So the client has just applied an operation to their local document, the frontend has captured this and set it to the server via websockets, now what? 😳. If you remember back to the previous code snippet the last bit of code spun up a goroutine to run the function, this function is an infinite loop that is constantly reading from the websocket and forwarding the operations to the document server. The function at the moment of typing up this document looks something like:

func (c *clientView) run(serverPipe pipe, signalDeparturePipe alertLeaving) {
	for {
		select {
		case <-c.sendOp:
			// push the operation down the websocket
			// send an acknowledgement

		case <-c.sendAcknowledgement:
			// push the acknowledgement down the websocket

		case <-c.sendTerminateSignal:
			// looks like we've been told to terminate by the documentServer
			// propagate this to the client and close this connection

			if _, msg, err := c.socket.ReadMessage(); err == nil {
				// push the update to the documentServer
				if request, err := operations.ParseOperation(string(msg)); err == nil {
			} else {
				// todo: push a terminate signal to the client, also tell the server we're leaving

The bit of interest is what happens in the default branch of the select statement (we will talk about the other branches later). Within this branch we attempt to read something from the websocket and then parse that (we will cover parsing a little later as its surprisingly complicated), we then use the serverPipe mentioned previously to send that request to the document server.

This serverPipe is a function built by the document_server during connection it is a closure returned by the buildClientPipe method. The function is relatively intense and hands on so a lot of details have been left out here

func (s *documentServer) buildClientPipe(clientID int, workerWorkHandle chan func(), workerKillHandle chan empty) func(operations.Operation) {
	return func(op operations.Operation) {
		// this could also just be captured from the outer func
		clientState := s.clients[clientID]
		thisClient := clientState.clientView
		// ... skipped implementation details

		// spin up a goroutine to push this operation to the server
		// we do this in a goroutine to prevent deadlocking
		go func() {
			defer func() {
				clientState.canSendOps = true
				thisClient.sendAcknowledgement <- empty{}

			clientState.canSendOps = false

			// apply op to clientView states

			// apply the operation locally and log the new operation
			transformedOperation := s.transformOperation(op)
			s.operationHistory = append(s.operationHistory, transformedOperation)

			// apply the transformed operation locally (note that this is being applied against the server's state)
			if !transformedOperation.IsNoOp {
				newState, err := op.ApplyTo(s.state)
				if err != nil {
					clientState.sendTerminateSignal <- empty{}
				} else {
					s.state = newState


			// propagate updates to all connected clients except this one
			// if we send it to this clientView then we may deadlock the server and clientView
			for id, connectedClient := range s.clients {
				if id == clientID {

				// push update
				connectedClient.sendOp <- transformedOperation

so whenever we get an operation from the client we:

  1. communicate it to the document_server via a pipe
  2. the operation is then transformed against the entire log of operations the server has applied
  3. the operation is then applied to the server's representation of the document
  4. the operation is then communicate to all other clients

The document server wants to propagate operations

If you remember previously how it was mentioned that the document server "propagates" operations to the clients? It does that by sending these operations down a channel maintained by each client

type clientView struct {
	socket *websocket.Conn

	sendOp              chan operations.Operation
	sendAcknowledgement chan empty
	sendTerminateSignal chan empty

sendOp, the function is constantly listening for messages down these channels and actions on them accordingly.

Operation Parsing & Application

For information regarding how operation parsing and application works see this document.

Lock Acquisition Order

To prevent deadlocks we have a defined lock acquisition order for each type, thankfully theres not many as most synchronization is achieved using channels. They are as follows.


  1. document state lock
  2. client lock

server factory

  1. active servers lock