Anyone who wants a comprehensive end-to-end understanding of Azure Machine Learning (AzureML).
- Understand the core concepts of AzureML
- Understand how to use AzureML in an end-to-end fashion
- Serve as a reference for common scenarios
- Set up your workspace and compute
- Register a dataset
- Run AutoML from the UI (optional)
- Designer interface (optional)
- Clone git repo to Compute Instance
AML training including HyperDrive:
- Notebook for plain vanilla Scikit-Learn model training in AML local compute (AML VM)
- Notebook for Scikit-Learn model training in AML remote compute and HyperDrive
- Notebook for Model Interpretability in AML on local compute (includes upload explaination to the experiment)
- Notebook for Model Interpretability on AML Compute
Automated ML:
Pipelines & Batch Inference:
- Deploy a model to ACI with Python - Start with this!
- Automate training & deployment - Basic example to get started with MLOps in Azure DevOps
- Automate training & deployment using ML Pipelines Work in Progress!
- Create automation workflow with EventGrid
- Enterprise security - VNet for AML Compute, Compute Instance, Key Vault, Storage, including secure deployment to AKS
Reading materials:
- Enteprise Security Overview
- Manage access via RBAC
- Managing compute quotas
- VNET integration
- Azure Monitor
- R Integration - Training with R, deployment with R, running a Shiny app