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cstivers78 edited this page Jan 13, 2012 · 17 revisions

Bliss Templating System

Bliss is a JavaScript-based template engine, inspired by ASP.NET Razor and Play! Framework.

Using bliss, developers can utilize two very familiar languages: HTML and JavaScript. There is no hurdle in learning a new syntax or language, it is just JavaScript and HTML. Using bliss's compact and expressive syntax, it minimizes keystrokes and enables a more fluid template coding experience. A bonus is that you can edit the templates in most text editors without any special extensions (as long as you name your templates with a .js.html extension).


Bliss templates are simple text files containing JavaScript and HTML. The templates get compiled into JavaScript functions, which can be executed like any other function.

The following are the contents of orders.js.html:



You can then compile the template and receive the function to execute:

Bliss = require('bliss');
bliss = new Bliss();
template = bliss.compile('orders');
output = template(customer,orders);

You can also simply call render with the template name and the parameters:

output = bliss.render('orders',customer,orders);

Syntax: The '@' Character

Bliss uses the @ as the single special character. Every time this character is encountered, it indicates the beginning of a JavaScript statement.


Bliss is able to detect simple statements. If you want to evaluate expressions, then you will need to wrap them in '(' and ')' (parenthesis):

Hello @(customer.firstName + customer.lastName)!

You may also use block statements within { and } (curly braces):

@{name = customer.firstName + customer.lastName}
Hello @(name)!

You may also escape the @ by using @@:

Template Parameters

A template is a JavaScript function, as such, you can declare parameters for the template on the first line of the template:


You may also use the arguments variable available to all JavaScript functions.


You can use JavaScript loop constructs (for, do-while, while), for comprehension and iterator functions.

  <li> ([email protected])</li>

Which is similar to:

@for(var p=0; p<products.length; p++) {
  @{product = products[p]}
  <li> ([email protected])</li>


If statements are available:

@if (items) {
  <h1>Nothing to display</h1>
else {
  <h1>@items.length items!</h1>

Reusable Blocks as Functions

You can declare functions within you templates and reuse them:

@function display(product) {
  <li> ([email protected])</li>



Comments should be wrapped in @* and *@:

 * Comment

Composing (layouts, partials, etc.)

Template, being simple functions, can be composed in multiple ways using the @render() function. The first argument to @render() is the template file path. The subsequent arguments are the template parameters.

  ... contents ...


Let's declare a layout.js.html as:

<!DOCTYPE html>

You will notice the template takes two parameter: a title and a body. The body will contain content which needs to be rendered, which means it should be a function. You can use the layout as:

  <h1>Home page</h1>

You may want additional blocks in the layout, such a a sidebar, so you can declare the layout as:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <section id="sidebar">@sidebar()</section>
    <section id="body">@body()<section>

And you can use the layout as:

@function sidebar() {

@function body() {
  <h1>Home page</h1>


Partials / Imports / Embeds

Partials are pieces of content which can be included into a page. Usually, these are small reusable pieces.

<section id="sidebar>
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