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72 lines (37 loc) · 2.84 KB

File metadata and controls

72 lines (37 loc) · 2.84 KB
  _    _           _              _   _____      _        _                  
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PHP Composer

Password Playground in PHP

To get our project running run the following MYSQL script in a MYSQL installation MYSQL File

After that you can run the PHP Files, maybe start with Register Page


First download the source code

Then cd into the root folder and run the following composer command to install the dependencies Download composer here:

composer install

Database setup

The following script sets up the mysql database with all the users and tables


hCaptcha Setup

As we use captcha on this web application there are a few changes that need to be done to get this to work in local development the following instructions taken from the hCaptcha Developer Docs will get it running:

Modern browsers have strict CORS and CORB rules, so opening a file:// URI that loads hCaptcha will not work. Loading hCaptcha from http://localhost/ will encounter the same issue on some browsers. The hCaptcha API also prohibits 'localhost' and '' as supplied hostnames. The simplest way to circumvent these issues is to add a hosts entry. For example:

Place this in /etc/hosts on Linux, /private/etc/hosts on Mac OS X, or C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts on Windows. You can then access your local server via, and everything will work as expected.

Quoted from

Running the web server

In VSCode you can use the following extension to run the php webserver

As we changed the host file in the hCaptcha setup you will need to point the extension to the domain name given above:


PHP Sodium configuration

The application uses the PHP sodium library to encrypt passwords, this however needs to be enables in the php.ini file inside your php installation. Add the following line to that file


created by @cstringer17 and @FlicT1337