diff --git a/src/components/Accounts/ApprovedAccounts.jsx b/src/components/Accounts/ApprovedAccounts.jsx
index d2de376..73a38c6 100644
--- a/src/components/Accounts/ApprovedAccounts.jsx
+++ b/src/components/Accounts/ApprovedAccounts.jsx
@@ -1,177 +1,223 @@
 import { NPOBackend } from '../../utils/auth_utils.js';
 import { useEffect, useState, useCallback } from 'react';
-import { Box, Table, Thead, Tbody, Tr, Th, Td, TableContainer, Button, Checkbox, useDisclosure } from '@chakra-ui/react'
-import { CloseIcon } from '@chakra-ui/icons'
+import {
+  Box,
+  Table,
+  Thead,
+  Tbody,
+  Tr,
+  Th,
+  Td,
+  TableContainer,
+  Button,
+  Checkbox,
+  useDisclosure,
+} from '@chakra-ui/react';
+import { CloseIcon } from '@chakra-ui/icons';
 import DeleteAccountModal from './DeleteAccountModal.jsx';
 import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
-import PaginationFooter from "../../components/Catalog/PaginationFooter/PaginationFooter";
+import PaginationFooter from '../../components/Catalog/PaginationFooter/PaginationFooter';
 import { usePagination } from '@ajna/pagination';
+import { useAuthContext } from '../../common/AuthContext.jsx';
-const ApprovedAccounts = ( {accountType, searchQuery} ) => {
-    const [approvedAccounts, setApprovedAccounts] = useState([]);
-    const { isOpen: isDeleteOpen, onOpen: onDeleteOpen, onClose: onDeleteClose } = useDisclosure();
-    const [deleteItemId, setDeleteItemId] = useState([]);
-    const [totalRowCount, setTotalRowCount] = useState(0);
-    const { currentPage, setCurrentPage, pagesCount, offset, pageSize, setPageSize} = usePagination({
-        initialState: { currentPage: 1, pageSize: 10 },
-        total: totalRowCount,
-      });
-    const [individualChecked, setIndividualChecked] = useState(new Array(approvedAccounts.length).fill(false));
-    const [checkedAccountIds, setCheckedAccountIds] = useState([]);
-    const [dataShouldRevalidate, setDataShouldRevalidate] = useState(false);
+const ApprovedAccounts = ({ accountType, searchQuery }) => {
+  const [approvedAccounts, setApprovedAccounts] = useState([]);
+  const { isOpen: isDeleteOpen, onOpen: onDeleteOpen, onClose: onDeleteClose } = useDisclosure();
+  const [deleteItemId, setDeleteItemId] = useState([]);
+  const [totalRowCount, setTotalRowCount] = useState(0);
+  const { currentPage, setCurrentPage, pagesCount, offset, pageSize, setPageSize } = usePagination({
+    initialState: { currentPage: 1, pageSize: 10 },
+    total: totalRowCount,
+  });
+  const [individualChecked, setIndividualChecked] = useState(
+    new Array(approvedAccounts.length).fill(false),
+  );
+  const [checkedAccountIds, setCheckedAccountIds] = useState([]);
+  const [dataShouldRevalidate, setDataShouldRevalidate] = useState(false);
+  const { currentUser } = useAuthContext();
+  const [isSelectAll, setIsSelectAll] = useState(false);
-    const fetchTableData = useCallback(async () => {
-        try {
-            const { data } = await NPOBackend.get(`/users/approved-accounts`, {
-                params: {
-                    keyword: (searchQuery && searchQuery.length) && searchQuery,
-                    page: currentPage,
-                    limit: pageSize,
-                    accountType: accountType}
-            });
-            setApprovedAccounts(data.accounts);
-            setTotalRowCount(Number(data.count[0].count));
-        } catch (error) {
-            console.error('Error fetching data:', error);
-        }
-    }, [searchQuery, currentPage, pageSize, accountType]);
+  const fetchTableData = useCallback(async () => {
+    try {
+      const { data } = await NPOBackend.get(`/users/approved-accounts`, {
+        params: {
+          keyword: searchQuery && searchQuery.length && searchQuery,
+          page: currentPage,
+          limit: pageSize,
+          accountType: accountType,
+        },
+      });
+      setApprovedAccounts(data.accounts);
+      setTotalRowCount(Number(data.count[0].count));
+    } catch (error) {
+      console.error('Error fetching data:', error);
+    }
+  }, [searchQuery, currentPage, pageSize, accountType]);
-    useEffect(() => {
-        fetchTableData();
-    }, [fetchTableData]);
+  useEffect(() => {
+    fetchTableData();
+  }, [fetchTableData]);
-    useEffect(() => {
-        if (dataShouldRevalidate) {
-            fetchTableData();
-            setDataShouldRevalidate(false);
-            setIndividualChecked(new Array(totalRowCount).fill(false));
-            setCheckedAccountIds([]);
-        }
-    }, [dataShouldRevalidate, fetchTableData, totalRowCount]);
+  useEffect(() => {
+    if (dataShouldRevalidate) {
+      fetchTableData();
+      setDataShouldRevalidate(false);
+      setIndividualChecked(new Array(totalRowCount).fill(false));
+      setCheckedAccountIds([]);
+    }
+  }, [dataShouldRevalidate, fetchTableData, totalRowCount]);
-    useEffect(() => {
-        setCurrentPage(1);
-    }, [searchQuery, setCurrentPage, pageSize]);
+  useEffect(() => {
+    setCurrentPage(1);
+  }, [searchQuery, setCurrentPage, pageSize]);
-    useEffect(() => {
-        setIndividualChecked(new Array(totalRowCount).fill(false));
-        setCheckedAccountIds([]);
-    }, [searchQuery, currentPage, totalRowCount]);
+  useEffect(() => {
+    setIndividualChecked(new Array(totalRowCount).fill(false));
+    setCheckedAccountIds([]);
+    setIsSelectAll(false);
+  }, [searchQuery, currentPage, totalRowCount]);
-    const handleDeleteClick = id => {
-        setDeleteItemId(id);
-        onDeleteOpen();
-    }
+  const handleDeleteClick = id => {
+    setDeleteItemId(id);
+    onDeleteOpen();
+  };
-    const updateAllCheckedAccountIds = (e) => {
-        setIndividualChecked(new Array(approvedAccounts.length).fill(e.target.checked));
-        if (e.target.checked) {
-            let allIds = [];
-            for (let i = 0; i < approvedAccounts.length; i++) {
-                allIds.push(approvedAccounts[i].id)
-            }
-            setCheckedAccountIds(allIds);
+  const updateAllCheckedAccountIds = e => {
+    let newIndividualChecked = new Array(approvedAccounts.length).fill(e.target.checked);
+    if (e.target.checked) {
+      let allIds = [];
+      for (let i = 0; i < approvedAccounts.length; i++) {
+        if (approvedAccounts[i].id != currentUser.id) {
+          allIds.push(approvedAccounts[i].id);
         } else {
-            setCheckedAccountIds([]);
+          newIndividualChecked[i] = false;
+      }
+      setCheckedAccountIds(allIds);
+    } else {
+      setCheckedAccountIds([]);
+    setIndividualChecked(newIndividualChecked);
+    setIsSelectAll(e.target.checked);
+  };
-    const updateIndividualCheckedAccountIds = (e, id, index) => {
-        const newIndividualChecked = [...individualChecked];
-        newIndividualChecked[index] = e.target.checked;
-        setIndividualChecked(newIndividualChecked);
-        let newCheckedAccountIds = [... checkedAccountIds];
-        if (e.target.checked) {
-            newCheckedAccountIds.push(id);
-            setCheckedAccountIds(newCheckedAccountIds);
-        } else {
-            let index = newCheckedAccountIds.indexOf(id);
-            newCheckedAccountIds.splice(index, 1);
-            setCheckedAccountIds(newCheckedAccountIds);
-        }
+  const updateIndividualCheckedAccountIds = (e, id, index) => {
+    const newIndividualChecked = [...individualChecked];
+    newIndividualChecked[index] = e.target.checked;
+    setIndividualChecked(newIndividualChecked);
+    let newCheckedAccountIds = [...checkedAccountIds];
+    if (e.target.checked) {
+      newCheckedAccountIds.push(id);
+      setCheckedAccountIds(newCheckedAccountIds);
+    } else {
+      let index = newCheckedAccountIds.indexOf(id);
+      newCheckedAccountIds.splice(index, 1);
+      setCheckedAccountIds(newCheckedAccountIds);
+  };
-    return (
-        <Box>
-          <TableContainer border="1px solid #ededed" borderRadius="10px">
-            <Table variant='simple'>
-              <Thead>
-                <Tr>
-                  <Th w="5%" h="50px"><Checkbox onChange={(e) => { updateAllCheckedAccountIds(e) }}/></Th>
-                  <Th w="30%">Name</Th>
-                  <Th w="30%">Email</Th>
-                  <Th w="0" textAlign="right" >Deactivate</Th>
-                  {checkedAccountIds.length > 0 &&
-                    <Th w="20%" textAlign="right">
-                      <Button isDisabled={checkedAccountIds.length === 0}
-                        onClick={() => { handleDeleteClick(checkedAccountIds) }}
-                        size="xs"
-                        variant="outline"
-                        borderRadius="4px"
-                        borderWidth="1px"
-                        padding="0"
-                        borderColor={checkedAccountIds.length != 0 ? 'red' : 'gray.500'}>
-                        <CloseIcon w="10px" h="10px" color={checkedAccountIds.length != 0 ? 'red' : 'gray'}/>
-                      </Button>
-                    </Th>
-                    }
-                </Tr>
-              </Thead>
-              <Tbody>
-              {
-                approvedAccounts.map((account, i) => (
-                  <Tr key={i}>
-                    <Td>
-                      <Checkbox
-                        isChecked={individualChecked[i]}
-                        onChange={(e) => { updateIndividualCheckedAccountIds(e, account.id, i)}}>
-                      </Checkbox>
-                    </Td>
-                    <Td>{account.firstName} {account.lastName}</Td>
-                    <Td>{account.email}</Td>
-                    {checkedAccountIds.length > 0 &&
-                      <Td></Td>
-                    }
-                    <Td textAlign="right">
-                      <Button
-                        onClick={() => { handleDeleteClick([account.id]) }}
-                        size="xs"
-                        variant="outline"
-                        borderColor="gray.500"
-                        borderRadius="4px"
-                        borderWidth="1px"
-                        padding="0"
-                      >
-                        <CloseIcon w="10px" h="10px" color="gray.500"/>
-                      </Button>
-                    </Td>
-                  </Tr>
-                ))
-              }
-              </Tbody>
-            </Table>
-            <PaginationFooter
-              pagesCount={pagesCount}
-              totalRowCount={totalRowCount}
-              setPageSize={setPageSize}
-              currentPage={currentPage}
-              setCurrentPage={setCurrentPage}
-              rangeString={`${offset + 1} - ${offset + approvedAccounts.length}`}
-            />
-          </TableContainer>
-          <DeleteAccountModal
-              isOpen={isDeleteOpen}
-              onClose={onDeleteClose}
-              deleteItemId={deleteItemId}
-              setDataShouldRevalidate={setDataShouldRevalidate}
-          />
-        </Box>
-    )
+  return (
+    <Box>
+      <TableContainer border="1px solid #ededed" borderRadius="10px">
+        <Table variant="simple">
+          <Thead>
+            <Tr>
+              <Th w="5%" h="50px">
+                <Checkbox
+                  isChecked={isSelectAll}
+                  onChange={e => {
+                    updateAllCheckedAccountIds(e);
+                  }}
+                />
+              </Th>
+              <Th w="30%">Name</Th>
+              <Th w="30%">Email</Th>
+              <Th w="0" textAlign="right">
+                Deactivate
+              </Th>
+              {checkedAccountIds.length > 0 && (
+                <Th w="20%" textAlign="right">
+                  <Button
+                    isDisabled={checkedAccountIds.length === 0}
+                    onClick={() => {
+                      handleDeleteClick(checkedAccountIds);
+                    }}
+                    size="xs"
+                    variant="outline"
+                    borderRadius="4px"
+                    borderWidth="1px"
+                    padding="0"
+                    borderColor={checkedAccountIds.length != 0 ? 'red' : 'gray.500'}
+                  >
+                    <CloseIcon
+                      w="10px"
+                      h="10px"
+                      color={checkedAccountIds.length != 0 ? 'red' : 'gray'}
+                    />
+                  </Button>
+                </Th>
+              )}
+            </Tr>
+          </Thead>
+          <Tbody>
+            {approvedAccounts.map((account, i) => (
+              <Tr key={i}>
+                <Td>
+                  <Checkbox
+                    isDisabled={account.id === currentUser.id}
+                    isChecked={individualChecked[i]}
+                    onChange={e => {
+                      updateIndividualCheckedAccountIds(e, account.id, i);
+                    }}
+                  ></Checkbox>
+                </Td>
+                <Td color={account.id === currentUser.id ? 'gray' : 'black'}>
+                  {account.firstName} {account.lastName}
+                </Td>
+                <Td color={account.id === currentUser.id ? 'gray' : 'black'}>{account.email}</Td>
+                {checkedAccountIds.length > 0 && <Td></Td>}
+                <Td textAlign="right">
+                  <Button
+                    onClick={() => {
+                      handleDeleteClick([account.id]);
+                    }}
+                    size="xs"
+                    variant="outline"
+                    borderColor="gray.500"
+                    borderRadius="4px"
+                    borderWidth="1px"
+                    padding="0"
+                    isDisabled={account.id === currentUser.id}
+                  >
+                    <CloseIcon w="10px" h="10px" color="gray.500" />
+                  </Button>
+                </Td>
+              </Tr>
+            ))}
+          </Tbody>
+        </Table>
+        <PaginationFooter
+          pagesCount={pagesCount}
+          totalRowCount={totalRowCount}
+          setPageSize={setPageSize}
+          currentPage={currentPage}
+          setCurrentPage={setCurrentPage}
+          rangeString={`${offset + 1} - ${offset + approvedAccounts.length}`}
+        />
+      </TableContainer>
+      <DeleteAccountModal
+        isOpen={isDeleteOpen}
+        onClose={onDeleteClose}
+        deleteItemId={deleteItemId}
+        setDataShouldRevalidate={setDataShouldRevalidate}
+      />
+    </Box>
+  );
 ApprovedAccounts.propTypes = {
-    accountType: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
-    searchQuery: PropTypes.string
+  accountType: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
+  searchQuery: PropTypes.string,
 export default ApprovedAccounts;
diff --git a/src/components/Accounts/PendingAccounts.jsx b/src/components/Accounts/PendingAccounts.jsx
index 52e71c8..043f47a 100644
--- a/src/components/Accounts/PendingAccounts.jsx
+++ b/src/components/Accounts/PendingAccounts.jsx
@@ -1,197 +1,285 @@
 import { NPOBackend } from '../../utils/auth_utils.js';
-import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
-import { Table, Thead, Tbody, Tr, Th, Td, TableContainer, Button } from '@chakra-ui/react'
-import { Checkbox } from '@chakra-ui/react'
+import { useEffect, useState, useRef } from 'react';
+import {
+  Table,
+  Thead,
+  Tbody,
+  Tr,
+  Th,
+  Td,
+  TableContainer,
+  Button,
+  Checkbox,
+  Text,
+  HStack,
+  Spacer,
+} from '@chakra-ui/react';
 import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
-const PendingAccounts = ( {accountType, setHasPendingAccounts} ) => {
-    const [pendingAccounts, setPendingAccounts] = useState([]);
-    const [individualChecked, setIndividualChecked] = useState(new Array(pendingAccounts.length).fill(false));
-    const [checkedAccountIds, setCheckedAccountIds] = useState([]);
-    const [accountStatus, setAccountStatus] = useState({});
+const PendingAccounts = ({ accountType, setHasPendingAccounts }) => {
+  const [pendingAccounts, setPendingAccounts] = useState([]);
+  const [checkedAccountIds, setCheckedAccountIds] = useState([]);
+  const [accountStatus, setAccountStatus] = useState({});
+  const [timeoutIds, setTimeoutIds] = useState({});
+  const [isMultiSelect, setIsMultiSelect] = useState(false);
+  const statusRef = useRef({});
+  const timeoutIdsRef = useRef({}); 
+  useEffect(() => {
+    const renderTable = async () => {
+      const { data } = await NPOBackend.get('/users/pending-accounts', {
+        params: { accountType: accountType },
+      });
+      setPendingAccounts(data);
+      setHasPendingAccounts(data.length !== 0);
+    };
+    renderTable();
+  }, [accountType, setHasPendingAccounts]);
-    useEffect(() => {
-        const renderTable = async () => {
-            const { data } = await NPOBackend.get('/users/pending-accounts', {params: {accountType: accountType}});
-            setPendingAccounts(data);
-            setHasPendingAccounts(data.length !== 0);
-        };
-        renderTable();
-    }, [accountType, setHasPendingAccounts])
+  useEffect(() => {
+    const newAccountStatus = {};
+    for (let i = 0; i < pendingAccounts.length; i++) {
+      newAccountStatus[pendingAccounts[i]['id']] = 'pending';
+    }
+    setAccountStatus(newAccountStatus);
+  }, [pendingAccounts]);
-    useEffect(() => {
-        const newAccountStatus = {}
-        for (let i = 0; i < pendingAccounts.length; i++) {
-            newAccountStatus[pendingAccounts[i]["id"]] = "pending";
-        }
-        setAccountStatus(newAccountStatus);
-    }, [pendingAccounts])
+  useEffect(() => {
+    statusRef.current = accountStatus;
+  }, [accountStatus]);
-    const changeStatus = ((accountid, status) => {
-        let newAccountStatus = {...accountStatus};
-        newAccountStatus[accountid] = status;
-        setAccountStatus(newAccountStatus);
-    });
+  useEffect(() => {
+    timeoutIdsRef.current = timeoutIds;
+  }, [timeoutIds]);
-    const handleApproveDeclineUser = async (ids, option) => {
-        try {
-            for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
-                if (option === "approve-option") {
-                    await NPOBackend.put(`/users/approve/${ids[i]}`);
-                }
-                else if (option === "decline-option") {
-                    await NPOBackend.delete(`/users/${ids[i]}`);
-                }
-            }
-            setIndividualChecked(new Array(pendingAccounts.length).fill(false));
-        } catch (error) {
-            console.log(error);
-        }
+  const undoChanges = (ids) => {
+    let timeoutKey = ids.toString();
+    const {timeoutId, isMulti} = timeoutIds[timeoutKey];
+    clearTimeout(timeoutId);
+    const newTimeoutIds = {...timeoutIds};
+    delete newTimeoutIds[timeoutKey];
+    setTimeoutIds(newTimeoutIds);
+    const newAccountStatus = {...accountStatus};
+    for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
+      newAccountStatus[ids[i]] = 'pending';
-    const updateAllIndividualChecked = (e) => {
-        let newIndividualChecked = [];
-        for (let i = 0; i < pendingAccounts.length; i++) {
-            if (accountStatus[pendingAccounts[i].id] === "pending") {
-                newIndividualChecked.push(e.target.checked);
-            }
-            else {
-                newIndividualChecked.push(false);
-            }
-        }
-        setIndividualChecked(newIndividualChecked);
+    setAccountStatus(newAccountStatus);
+    if (isMulti) {
+      setIsMultiSelect(false);
+  }
-    const updateAllCheckedAccountIds = (e) => {
-        if (e.target.checked) {
-            let allIds = [];
-            for (let i = 0; i < pendingAccounts.length; i++) {
-                if (accountStatus[pendingAccounts[i].id] === "pending") {
-                    allIds.push(pendingAccounts[i].id);
-                }
-            }
-            setCheckedAccountIds(allIds);
-        } else {
-            setCheckedAccountIds([]);
+  const handleApproveDeclineUser = async (ids, option, isMulti=false) => {
+    const timeoutId = setTimeout(async () => {
+      try {
+        let newCheckedAccountIds = checkedAccountIds;
+        for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
+          if (option === 'approve-option') {
+            await NPOBackend.put(`/users/approve/${ids[i]}`);            
+          } else if (option === 'decline-option') {
+            await NPOBackend.delete(`/users/${ids[i]}`);
+          }
+          // removes account that was approved/decline if it is in checked list
+          let index = newCheckedAccountIds.indexOf(ids[i]);
+          if (index > -1) {
+            newCheckedAccountIds.splice(index, 1);
+          }
+        setCheckedAccountIds(newCheckedAccountIds);
+      } catch (error) {
+        // error should occur if you try to delete an account that has already been deleted (individual delete then multi-delete)
+        console.log(error);
+        // clear checked list if there is error for good measure
+        setCheckedAccountIds([]);
+      }
+      const newAccountStatus = statusRef.current;
+      for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
+        newAccountStatus[ids[i]] = option === 'approve-option' ? 'approved' : 'declined';
+      }
+      setAccountStatus(newAccountStatus);
+      const newTimeoutIds = {...timeoutIdsRef.current};
+      delete newTimeoutIds[ids.toString()];
+      setTimeoutIds(newTimeoutIds);
+      if (isMulti) {
+        setIsMultiSelect(false);
+      }
+    }, 5000);
+    if(isMulti) {
+      setIsMultiSelect(true);
+    }
+    // Initiate waiting state
+    const waitingAccountStatus = { ...accountStatus };
+    for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
+      waitingAccountStatus[ids[i]] = option === 'approve-option' ? 'waiting-approved' : 'waiting-declined';
+    setAccountStatus(waitingAccountStatus);
+    const newTimeoutIds = {... timeoutIds};
+    newTimeoutIds[ids.toString()] = {timeoutId, isMulti};
+    setTimeoutIds(newTimeoutIds);
+  };
-    const updateIndividualCheckedAccountIds = (e, id, index) => {
-        const newIndividualChecked = [...individualChecked];
-        newIndividualChecked[index] = e.target.checked;
-        setIndividualChecked(newIndividualChecked);
-        let newCheckedAccountIds = [... checkedAccountIds];
-        if (e.target.checked) {
-            newCheckedAccountIds.push(id);
-            setCheckedAccountIds(newCheckedAccountIds);
-        } else {
-            let index = newCheckedAccountIds.indexOf(id);
-            newCheckedAccountIds.splice(index, 1);
-            setCheckedAccountIds(newCheckedAccountIds);
+  const updateAllCheckedAccountIds = e => {
+    if (e.target.checked) {
+      let allIds = [];
+      for (let i = 0; i < pendingAccounts.length; i++) {
+        if (accountStatus[pendingAccounts[i].id] === 'pending') {
+          allIds.push(pendingAccounts[i].id);
+      }
+      setCheckedAccountIds(allIds);
+    } else {
+      setCheckedAccountIds([]);
+  };
-    const acceptDeclineAllClick = (option) => {
-        handleApproveDeclineUser(checkedAccountIds, option);
-        const newAccountStatus = {... accountStatus};
-        for (let i = 0; i < checkedAccountIds.length; i++) {
-            newAccountStatus[checkedAccountIds[i]] = option === "approve-option" ? "approved" : "declined";
-        }
-        setAccountStatus(newAccountStatus);
-        setCheckedAccountIds([]);
+  const updateIndividualCheckedAccountIds = (e, id) => {
+    let newCheckedAccountIds = [...checkedAccountIds];
+    if (e.target.checked) {
+      newCheckedAccountIds.push(id);
+      setCheckedAccountIds(newCheckedAccountIds);
+    } else {
+      let index = newCheckedAccountIds.indexOf(id);
+      newCheckedAccountIds.splice(index, 1);
+      setCheckedAccountIds(newCheckedAccountIds);
+  };
-    return (
-        <TableContainer border="1px solid #ededed" borderRadius="10px">
-            <Table variant='simple'>
-                <Thead>
-                    <Tr>
-                        <Th w="5%" h="50px"><Checkbox onChange={(e) => {updateAllIndividualChecked(e); updateAllCheckedAccountIds(e);}}/></Th>
-                        <Th w="30%">Name</Th>
-                        <Th w="30%">Email</Th>
-                        <Th w="0" textAlign="right">Action</Th>
-                        {checkedAccountIds.length > 0 &&
-                            <Th w="20%" textAlign="right">
-                                <Button
-                                    onClick={ () => acceptDeclineAllClick("approve-option") }
-                                    mr={3}
-                                    colorScheme='blue'
-                                    fontSize="sm"
-                                    h="6"
-                                    w="16"
-                                    fontWeight="400"
-                                >
-                                    Accept
-                                </Button>
-                                <Button
-                                    onClick={ () => acceptDeclineAllClick("decline-option") }
-                                    fontSize="sm"
-                                    h="6"
-                                    w="16"
-                                    fontWeight="400"
-                                >
-                                    Decline
-                                </Button>
-                            </Th>
-                        }
-                    </Tr>
-                </Thead>
-                <Tbody>
-                {
-                    pendingAccounts.map((account, i) => (
-                        <Tr key={i}>
-                            <Td><Checkbox isDisabled={accountStatus[account.id] != "pending"} isChecked={individualChecked[i]} onChange={(e) => {updateIndividualCheckedAccountIds(e, account.id, i);}}>
-                                </Checkbox>
-                            </Td>
-                            <Td color={accountStatus[account.id] === "pending" ? "black" : "gray"}>{account.firstName} {account.lastName}</Td>
-                            <Td color={accountStatus[account.id] === "pending" ? "black" : "gray"}>{account.email}</Td>
-                            {checkedAccountIds.length > 0 &&
-                                <Td></Td>
-                            }
-                            {
-                                accountStatus[account.id] === "pending" ? (
-                                    <Td textAlign="right">
-                                        <Button
-                                            onClick={() => { handleApproveDeclineUser([account.id], "approve-option"); changeStatus(account.id, "approved");}}
-                                            mr={3}
-                                            colorScheme='blue'
-                                            fontSize="sm"
-                                            h="6"
-                                            w="16"
-                                            fontWeight="400"
-                                        >
-                                            Accept
-                                        </Button>
-                                        <Button
-                                            onClick={() => { handleApproveDeclineUser([account.id], "decline-option"); changeStatus(account.id, "declined");}}
-                                            fontSize="sm"
-                                            h="6"
-                                            w="16"
-                                            fontWeight="400"
-                                        >
-                                            Decline
-                                        </Button>
-                                    </Td>
-                                ) : accountStatus[account.id] === "approved" ? (
-                                    <Td textAlign="right" color="green">Approved</Td>
-                                ) : (
-                                    <Td textAlign="right" color="red">Declined</Td>
-                                )
-                            }
-                        </Tr>
-                        )
-                    )
-                }
-                </Tbody>
-            </Table>
-        </TableContainer>
-    )
+  return (
+    <TableContainer border="1px solid #ededed" borderRadius="10px">
+      <Table variant="simple">
+        <Thead>
+          <Tr>
+            <Th w="5%" h="50px">
+              <Checkbox
+                onChange={e => {
+                  updateAllCheckedAccountIds(e);
+                }}
+              />
+            </Th>
+            <Th w="30%">Name</Th>
+            <Th w="30%">Email</Th>
+            <Th w="0" textAlign="right">
+              Action
+            </Th>
+            { isMultiSelect ? (
+              <Th w="20%" textAlign="right">
+                <Button 
+                  onClick={() => { undoChanges([...checkedAccountIds]) }}
+                  fontSize="sm"
+                  h="6"
+                  w="16"
+                  fontWeight="400"
+                >
+                  Undo
+                </Button>
+              </Th>
+            ) : checkedAccountIds.length > 0 && (
+                <Th w="20%" textAlign="right">
+                  <Button
+                    onClick={() => handleApproveDeclineUser([...checkedAccountIds], 'approve-option', true)}
+                    mr={3}
+                    colorScheme="blue"
+                    fontSize="sm"
+                    h="6"
+                    w="16"
+                    fontWeight="400"
+                  >
+                    Accept
+                  </Button>
+                  <Button
+                    onClick={() => handleApproveDeclineUser([...checkedAccountIds], 'decline-option', true)}
+                    fontSize="sm"
+                    h="6"
+                    w="16"
+                    fontWeight="400"
+                  >
+                    Decline
+                  </Button>
+                </Th>
+            )}
+          </Tr>
+        </Thead>
+        <Tbody>
+          {pendingAccounts.map((account, i) => (
+            <Tr key={i}>
+              <Td>
+                <Checkbox
+                  isDisabled={accountStatus[account.id] != 'pending'}
+                  isChecked={checkedAccountIds.includes(account.id)}
+                  onChange={e => {
+                    updateIndividualCheckedAccountIds(e, account.id);
+                  }}
+                ></Checkbox>
+              </Td>
+              <Td color={accountStatus[account.id] === 'pending' ? 'black' : 'gray'}>
+                {account.firstName} {account.lastName}
+              </Td>
+              <Td color={accountStatus[account.id] === 'pending' ? 'black' : 'gray'}>
+                {account.email}
+              </Td>
+              {checkedAccountIds.length > 0 && <Td></Td>}
+              {accountStatus[account.id] === 'pending' ? (
+                <Td textAlign="right">
+                  <Button
+                    onClick={() => {
+                      handleApproveDeclineUser([account.id], 'approve-option');
+                    }}
+                    mr={3}
+                    colorScheme="blue"
+                    fontSize="sm"
+                    h="6"
+                    w="16"
+                    fontWeight="400"
+                  >
+                    Accept
+                  </Button>
+                  <Button
+                    onClick={() => {
+                      handleApproveDeclineUser([account.id], 'decline-option');
+                    }}
+                    fontSize="sm"
+                    h="6"
+                    w="16"
+                    fontWeight="400"
+                  >
+                    Decline
+                  </Button>
+                </Td>
+              ) : (
+                <Td>
+                  <HStack>
+                    <Spacer />
+                    {accountStatus[account.id] === 'approved' ||  accountStatus[account.id] === 'waiting-approved' ?
+                      <Text color="green">Approved</Text>
+                    :
+                    <Text color="red">Declined</Text>
+                    }
+                    {account.id in timeoutIds && 
+                      <Button 
+                        onClick={() => { undoChanges([account.id]) }}
+                        fontSize="sm"
+                        h="6"
+                        w="16"
+                        fontWeight="400"
+                      >
+                        Undo
+                      </Button>
+                    }
+                  </HStack>
+                </Td>
+              )}
+            </Tr>
+          ))}
+        </Tbody>
+      </Table>
+    </TableContainer>
+  );
 PendingAccounts.propTypes = {
-    accountType: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
-    setHasPendingAccounts: PropTypes.func.isRequired
+  accountType: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
+  setHasPendingAccounts: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
 export default PendingAccounts;
diff --git a/src/pages/Accounts/Accounts.jsx b/src/pages/Accounts/Accounts.jsx
index 8d14e15..4b0cdbd 100644
--- a/src/pages/Accounts/Accounts.jsx
+++ b/src/pages/Accounts/Accounts.jsx
@@ -1,88 +1,122 @@
-import PendingAccounts from "../../components/Accounts/PendingAccounts";
-import ApprovedAccounts from "../../components/Accounts/ApprovedAccounts";
-import { Box, Heading, Tabs, TabList, TabPanels, Tab, TabPanel, Input, InputGroup, InputLeftElement, HStack, Center } from '@chakra-ui/react'
+import PendingAccounts from '../../components/Accounts/PendingAccounts';
+import ApprovedAccounts from '../../components/Accounts/ApprovedAccounts';
+import {
+  Box,
+  Heading,
+  Tabs,
+  TabList,
+  TabPanels,
+  Tab,
+  TabPanel,
+  Input,
+  InputGroup,
+  InputLeftElement,
+  HStack,
+  Spacer,
+} from '@chakra-ui/react';
 import { SearchIcon } from '@chakra-ui/icons';
 import { useState } from 'react';
 const Accounts = () => {
-    const [approvedAdminKeyword, setApprovedAdminKeyword] = useState("");
-    const [approvedStudentKeyword, setApprovedStudentKeyword] = useState("");
-    const [hasAdminPendingAccounts, setHasAdminPendingAccounts] = useState(true);
-    const [hasStudentPendingAccounts, setHasStudentPendingAccounts] = useState(true);
+  const [approvedAdminKeyword, setApprovedAdminKeyword] = useState('');
+  const [approvedStudentKeyword, setApprovedStudentKeyword] = useState('');
+  const [hasAdminPendingAccounts, setHasAdminPendingAccounts] = useState(true);
+  const [hasStudentPendingAccounts, setHasStudentPendingAccounts] = useState(true);
-    return (
-        <Box marginTop='4vh' marginBottom='8vh'>
-            <Center>
-            <Tabs>
-                <TabList marginBottom='2vh'>
-                    <Tab>Admins</Tab>
-                    <Tab>Students</Tab>
-                </TabList>
+  return (
+    <Box margin="4vh 10vw 8vh 10vw">
+      <Tabs>
+        <TabList marginBottom="2vh">
+          <Tab>Admins</Tab>
+          <Tab>Students</Tab>
+        </TabList>
-                <TabPanels>
-                    <TabPanel>
-                        { hasAdminPendingAccounts ? (
-                            <>
-                            <Box marginBottom="6vh">
-                                <Heading marginBottom="2vh" fontSize="24px">Pending</Heading>
-                                <PendingAccounts accountType="admin" setHasPendingAccounts={setHasAdminPendingAccounts}/>
-                            </Box>
-                            </>
-                            ) : <></>
-                        }
-                        <HStack spacing='90vh' align="start">
-                            <Box><Heading marginBottom="2vh" fontSize="24px">Accounts</Heading></Box>
-                            <Box>
-                                <InputGroup width="315px">
-                                    <InputLeftElement pointerEvents="none" h="full">
-                                        <SearchIcon />
-                                    </InputLeftElement>
-                                    <Input
-                                        type="text"
-                                        placeholder="Search..."
-                                        variant="filled"
-                                        bgColor="blackAlpha.200"
-                                        h="30px"
-                                        onChange={ (e) => setApprovedAdminKeyword(e.target.value)}
-                                    />
-                                </InputGroup>
-                            </Box>
-                        </HStack>
-                        <ApprovedAccounts accountType="admin" searchQuery={approvedAdminKeyword}/>
-                    </TabPanel>
-                    <TabPanel>
-                            { hasStudentPendingAccounts ? (
-                                <Box marginBottom="6vh">
-                                    <Heading marginBottom="2vh" fontSize="24px">Pending</Heading>
-                                    <PendingAccounts accountType="student" setHasPendingAccounts={setHasStudentPendingAccounts} marginBottom="4vh" />
-                                </Box>
-                                ): <></>
-                            }
-                        <HStack spacing='90vh' align="start">
-                            <Box><Heading marginBottom="2vh" fontSize="24px">Accounts</Heading></Box>
-                            <Box>
-                                <InputGroup width="315px">
-                                    <InputLeftElement pointerEvents="none" h="full">
-                                        <SearchIcon />
-                                    </InputLeftElement>
-                                    <Input
-                                        type="text"
-                                        placeholder="Search..."
-                                        variant="filled"
-                                        bgColor="blackAlpha.200"
-                                        h="30px"
-                                        onChange={ (e) => setApprovedStudentKeyword(e.target.value)}
-                                    />
-                                </InputGroup>
-                            </Box>
-                        </HStack>
-                        <Box><ApprovedAccounts accountType="student" searchQuery={approvedStudentKeyword}/></Box>
-                    </TabPanel>
-                </TabPanels>
-            </Tabs>
-            </Center>
-        </Box>
-    );
+        <TabPanels>
+          <TabPanel>
+            {hasAdminPendingAccounts ? (
+              <>
+                <Box marginBottom="6vh">
+                  <Heading marginBottom="2vh" fontSize="24px">
+                    Pending
+                  </Heading>
+                  <PendingAccounts
+                    accountType="admin"
+                    setHasPendingAccounts={setHasAdminPendingAccounts}
+                  />
+                </Box>
+              </>
+            ) : (
+              <></>
+            )}
+            <HStack align="start">
+              <Box>
+                <Heading marginBottom="2vh" fontSize="24px">
+                  Accounts
+                </Heading>
+              </Box>
+              <Spacer />
+              <Box>
+                <InputGroup width="20vw">
+                  <InputLeftElement pointerEvents="none" h="full">
+                    <SearchIcon />
+                  </InputLeftElement>
+                  <Input
+                    type="text"
+                    placeholder="Search..."
+                    variant="filled"
+                    bgColor="blackAlpha.200"
+                    h="30px"
+                    onChange={e => setApprovedAdminKeyword(e.target.value)}
+                  />
+                </InputGroup>
+              </Box>
+            </HStack>
+            <ApprovedAccounts accountType="admin" searchQuery={approvedAdminKeyword} />
+          </TabPanel>
+          <TabPanel>
+            {hasStudentPendingAccounts ? (
+              <Box marginBottom="6vh">
+                <Heading marginBottom="2vh" fontSize="24px">
+                  Pending
+                </Heading>
+                <PendingAccounts
+                  accountType="student"
+                  setHasPendingAccounts={setHasStudentPendingAccounts}
+                  marginBottom="4vh"
+                />
+              </Box>
+            ) : (
+              <></>
+            )}
+            <HStack align="start">
+              <Box>
+                <Heading marginBottom="2vh" fontSize="24px">
+                  Accounts
+                </Heading>
+              </Box>
+              <Spacer />
+              <Box>
+                <InputGroup width="20vw">
+                  <InputLeftElement pointerEvents="none" h="full">
+                    <SearchIcon />
+                  </InputLeftElement>
+                  <Input
+                    type="text"
+                    placeholder="Search..."
+                    variant="filled"
+                    bgColor="blackAlpha.200"
+                    h="30px"
+                    onChange={e => setApprovedStudentKeyword(e.target.value)}
+                  />
+                </InputGroup>
+              </Box>
+            </HStack>
+            <ApprovedAccounts accountType="student" searchQuery={approvedStudentKeyword} />
+          </TabPanel>
+        </TabPanels>
+      </Tabs>
+    </Box>
+  );
 export default Accounts;