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lotsaram edited this page Aug 28, 2019 · 3 revisions


This TI is intended to copy data from one element of a dimension to another in the same cube.

Use Case: Mainly used in production environments.

  1. Typically, this would be used to archive a Budget or Forecast element of a version dimension.
  2. Could also be used to prepopulate a version from a prior year.

Naturally, a valid cube name (pCube) is required. otherwise the process will abort.
Element mapping (pEleMapping) is also required, otherwise the process will abort.
A filter parameter (pFilter) can also be used to filter dimensions that have not been mapped.
Source (pSrcView) & target (pTgtView) views will be assigned temporary names if left blank.
All other parameters may be left as is but be sure to use them appropriately when specifying pEleMapping & pFilter parameters.

  • Since this TI has a view as a data source, it requires the implicit variables NValue, SValue and Value_is_String.
  • To edit this TI in Architect a tmp cube with minimum 24 dims is needed as the preview data source or set the data source to ASCII and manually edit the TI in notepad after saving to add back the required implicit view variables.
  • If using the pFilterParallel parameter the single dimension used as the "parallelization slicer" cannot appear in the pFilter and pEleMapping parameters.
  • When using parallelization via the RunProcess function the elements listed in pFilterParallel will be split one_at_a_time and passed to a recursive call of the process being added to pFilter.

Process Parameters

Parameter Data Type Default Prompt Text
pLogOutput Numeric 0 Optional: write parameters and action summary to server message log (Boolean True = 1)
pCube String REQUIRED: Cube
pSrcView String OPTIONAL: Temporary view name for source
pTgtView String OPTIONAL: Temporary view name for target
pFilter String OPTIONAL: Filter Unmapped Dimensions using format: Year: 2006 + 2007 & Scenario: Actual + Budget etc
pFilterParallel String OPTIONAL: Parallelization Filter: Month:Q1+Q2+Q3+Q4 (Blank=run single threaded). Single dimension parallel slices. Will be added to filter single element at a time. Dimension must not be part of filter
pParallelThreads Numeric 0 Maximum number of threads to run when parallel processing is enabled ( if <2 will execute one thread, but parallel filter is still applied )
pEleMapping String REQUIRED: Map source elements to target elements using format Dim1ToCopy:SourceElement->TargetElement & Dim2ToCopy:Source Element->TargetElement etc
pMappingDelim String -> OPTIONAL: Delimiter between source element and target element in pEleMapping (default value if blank = '->')
pDimDelim String & REQUIRED: Delimiter for start of Dimension/Element set (default value if blank = '&')
pEleStartDelim String ¦ REQUIRED: Delimiter for start of element list (default value if blank = '¦')
pEleDelim String + REQUIRED: Delimiter between elements (default value if blank = '+')
pFactor Numeric 1 OPTIONAL: Multiply source value by factor (1 keeps the value as is). To modify existing values make the target element the same as the source with pZeroTarget = 0
pSuppressConsol Numeric 1 OPTIONAL: Suppress Consolidated Cells (Skip = 1)
pSuppressRules Numeric 1 OPTIONAL: Suppress Rules (Skip = 1)
pCumulate Numeric 0 OPTIONAL: 1 = Add source to existing value in target (if zero out target = 0 False). 0 = Replace target with source.
pZeroTarget Numeric 1 OPTIONAL: Zero out Target Element PRIOR to Copy? (Boolean 1=True)
pZeroSource Numeric 0 OPTIONAL: Zero out Source Element AFTER Copy? (Boolean 1=True)
pTemp Numeric 1 OPTIONAL: Delete temporary view and Subset ( 0 = Retain View and Subsets 1 = Delete View and Subsets 2 = Delete View only )
pCubeLogging Numeric 0 OPTIONAL: Cube Logging (0 = No transaction logging, 1 = Logging of transactions)
pSandbox String OPTIONAL: To use sandbox not base data enter the sandbox name (invalid name will result in process error)
pThreadMode Numeric 0 DO NOT USE: Internal parameter only, please don't use

Full Process Dependencies

Process ExecuteProcess RunProcess
} Y Y
} Y Y
}bedrock.cube.view.create Y N
}bedrock.hier.sub.create Y N
}bedrock.hier.sub.exclude Y N
}bedrock.hier.sub.create.bymdx Y N

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