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lotsaram edited this page Apr 18, 2019 · 3 revisions


This process will validate a string pInputString based on rules in pChanges and change or eliminate characters to create a global variable sOutputString that can be used in the source TI.


  • pInputString: This is the input string that needs to be validated based on file system limitations or undesirable 1st characters.
  • pUndesirableFileSystem: These are characters considered undesirable (even forbidden) in object/element names due to file system limitations of the operation system.
  • pUndesirable1st: These are characters considered undesirable as 1st characters in object/element names due to TM1 limitations.
  • pChanges: This string defines the rule of how to change undesirable characters. It can be made up of many definitions delimited by pDelim (e.g. & which is not considered undesirable anywhere). Each definition would contain a character considered undesirable and the desired character separatedby pSeperator (e.g. to change a % to Percentage and " to inches, it would be %,Percentage&",inches if pDelim = & and pSeperator = ,).
  • pReplaceIfNotFound: This is a catch all for characters listed in pUndesirableFileSystem or pUndesirable1st that don't have a rule in pChanges.
  • pDelim: This is a character that is used to seperate definitions in pChanges.
  • pSeperator: This is a character used to seperate the current and desired character within each definition in pChanges.
  • pMode: This can be used to limit whether the TI looks at pUndesirableFileSystem or pUndesirable1st without having to delete the characters in those parameters.

Process Parameters

Parameter Data Type Default Prompt Text
pLogOutput Numeric 1 Optional: write parameters and action summary to server message log (Boolean True = 1)
pInputString String Required: Element name to validate and update if necessary
pUndesirableFileSystem String /|\>"<:?* Optional: Undesirable characters for file system (e.g. /|>"<:?* )
pUndesirable1st String '+-[]@!{}% Optional: Undesirable 1st characters (e.g. '+-[]@!{}% )
pChanges String \,B Slash&/,F Slash&|, &-,Minus&+,Plus&>,greater than&<,less than Optional: String showing what to change. Replaces with pReplaceIfNotFound if blank.
pReplaceIfNotFound String _ Optional: Replace ndesirable character with this if not specified in pChanges above (blank will delete)
pDelim String & Required: Delimiter between definitions
pSeperator String , Required: Seperator between current & desired
pMode Numeric 3 Required: 1=Validate for File System only, 2=Validate for 1st only, 3=Validate Fully

Full Process Dependencies

Process doesn't call any dependencies.

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