Releases: cul-it/exhibits-library-cornell-edu
Changes to ENV variables
See env.example for a list of expected ENV variables for running exhibits on localhost. Additional ENV variables are required for production. See production configurations on the production server for more details
- EMAIL_URL - used to initialize ActionMailer default_url_options host parameter which is used to connect to the mailing service
- EMAIL_FROM - used to initialize ActionMailer default_options from parameter which is used in notification emails to show the email as being sent from this email
- SECRET_KEY -> DEVISE_SECRET_KEY - This give Devise its own secret key.
NOTE: SECRET_KEY is still defined but it is hardcoded for localhost.
Significant Bug Fixes
- prevent add from CSV job from re-running when email notification fails
NOTE: There is work that still needs to happen to set up emailing on AWS servers. But this fix prevents a job from running over and over again when the notification email fails. For add from CSV job, this resulted in the bulk items being uploaded multiple times which makes a mess in the exhibits.
Change Log
- adjust permissions for debug logger to allow writing
- minor adjustment to reset password notification
- prevent add from CSV job from re-running when email notification fails
- use letter opener for testing emails on dev
- clean up environment variables and add .env.example
- skip exceptions when reindexing exhibits
- move reindex override from prepend to full class override (required to catch problems in before_perform)
- make sidekiq logger statements write to production log (search for FAILURE to find indexing failures)
The update bundler script was fragile. If the ruby version or bundler version changed, then the script would fail causing the entire deploy to fail. Additionally, the version of bundler does not need to be set with every deploy. It is actually quite rare that this script needs to run.
There are 3 environment variables that need to be set for this script...
- UPDATE_BUNDLER = true | false - only run when true
- RUBY_PATH - ex. '/opt/rubies/ruby-2.5.8/bin/gem'
- BUNDLER_VERSION - ex. '2.1.4'
Change Log
2.12.1 (2020-04-30)
- spotlight version updated to v2.12.1
- requires migration to add a unique constraints to solr document sidecars
2.12.0 (2020-04-30)
- spotlight version updated to v2.12.0
- fixes bug where uploaded images are no longer able to be viewed in a IIIF viewer
- HTML lang attribute should now reflect the current i18n locale
2.11.0 (2020-04-30)
- spotlight version updated to v2.11.0
- add UI controls for making a user a site administrator
- fix a regression in generating IIIF manifests for sites served over https
Change Log
2.10.0 (2020-04-30)
- spotlight version updated to v2.10.0
- allow importing IIIF manifests with multilingual metadata
- allow curators to specify exhibit-specific configuration for search fields
- add some configuration to allow uploaded field mappings to provide processing directives
- allow applications to use an external (non-riiif) IIIF server for image derivative requests
Change Log
2.8.1 (2020-04-30)
- display the header with a different background color for each Rails env
2.8.0 (2020-04-30)
- add web accessibility assistance link in footer
- spotlight version updated to v2.8
- add-and-continue stays on the same tab when adding items
- bulk add forwards to exhibit page after adding items
- allow items to be added without an image
- allow custom field types to be configured as facetable
- add support for multi-valued custom fields