Resources from a tutorial given by Curran Kelleher at UMass Lowell on 2/21/2014 as part of the Computing II C programming lab.
Vim and Unix Commands:
- ls - list files
- mkdir - makes a directory
- cd - changes directory
- pwd - present working directory
- cd .. or cd ../ - navigate to parent
- curl -O - fetches the content of a URL
- CTRL+a - move to beginning of line
- CTRL+e - move to end of line
- up arrow - navigate previous commands
- clear - clears the console
- history - list previous commands
- vimtutor - the VIM quick start tutorial
- vim - open file
- :q - close vim
- :q! - close vim without saving the file
- :w - save
- :wq - save and close
- hjkl - move 1 character
- CTRL+d - move down by half a page
- CTRL+u - move up by half a page
- gg - go to the top of the file
- G - go to the bottom of the file
- ! - run shell command
- / - search
- n - "next" search result
- i - insert mode
- ESC - go back to normal mode
- v - visual mode
- V - visual line mode
- < - unindent
- > - indent
- CTRL+V - visual block mode (SUPER USEFUL)
- I - insert at selected block (e.g. commenting out multiple lines)
- d - delete selected block
- u - undo
- y - copy (y stands for "yank")
- p - paste
- dd - delete line
- d - deletes selection
- x - deletes one character
- J - join lines
- r - replace character
- :sp - split window
- :vs - split window vertical
- CTRL+w j - go down a window
- CTRL+w k - go up a window
- CTRL+w l - go left a window
- CTRL+w h - go left a window
- $ - go to line end
- 0 - go to beginning of line
- :wa - write all files
- % - match curly brace or paren
- :r ! - execute a shell command and read the content into the file
- :r !ls - read
into the file - :%/s/A/B/g - replace all occurences of A with B
- qq - record macro at 'q'
- @q - run macro at 'q'
- @@ - run previous macro
- 99@@ - run previous macro 99 times
- 118G - go to line 118
- :echo @% - show current file
- :set nu (short form of :set number) - show line numbers
- :set nu! - toggle line numbers on and off