diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 28b320b..2c3d893 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -8,6 +8,19 @@ Enscons is a Python packaging tool based on `SCons `_. It bu
Enscons helps you to build sdists that can be automatically built by pip, and wheels that are independent of enscons.
+About this fork
+This fork adds the following features to plain enscons:
+* optionally name SConstruct files enscons.py
+* possibility to pass --config-settings of the form 'option=value' into SCons ARGUMENTS
+* possibility to have smaller SConstructs with the help of enscons.helper module (remove boilerplate code)
+* experimentally support pyarmor
What does enscons provide?
diff --git a/enscons/api.py b/enscons/api.py
index 4c2e4fd..c74b4d2 100644
--- a/enscons/api.py
+++ b/enscons/api.py
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
def _run(alias):
+ if os.path.isfile("enscons.py") and not "-fenscons.py" in sys.argv:
+ sys.argv.append("-fenscons.py")
except SystemExit:
diff --git a/enscons/helpers.py b/enscons/helpers.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1306099
--- /dev/null
+++ b/enscons/helpers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+This module provides helper functions for packaging python code into wheels using enscons as a build backend.
+A basic pure-python SConstruct may look like the following:
+# SConstruct start
+ import enscons
+ import enscons.helpers
+ import os
+ env, version_file = enscons.helpers.prolog(None, enscons.get_universal_tag())
+ package_source = [node for package in env["PACKAGE_METADATA"]["packages"]
+ for node in enscons.helpers.recursiveGlob(package)]
+ # add other files (e.g. json configurations) to the package_source list as needed, you can use
+ # enscons.helpers.recursiveGlob for this as well
+ lib = env.Whl(env["WHEEL_TARGET"], package_source, root=".")
+ lic_files = [x for x in os.listdir() if x.lower().startswith("license") or x.lower().startswith("notice")]
+ lib += env.Install(env["DIST_INFO_PATH"], lic_files)
+ enscons.helpers.epilog(env, lib, lic_files + version_file)
+# SConstruct end
+If you want to distribute shared objects, dll's or other binary code, you can use this template
+# SConstruct start
+ import enscons
+ improt enscons.helpers
+ import os
+ env, version_file = enscons.helpers.prolog(None, enscons.get_universal_tag())
+ package_source = [node for package in env["PACKAGE_METADATA"]["packages"]
+ for node in enscons.helpers.recursiveGlob(package)]
+ # add other files (e.g. json configurations) to the package_source list as needed, you can use
+ # enscons.helpers.recursiveGlob for this as well
+ lib = env.Whl(env["WHEEL_TARGET"], package_source, root=".")
+ lic_files = [x for x in os.listdir() if x.lower().startswith("license") or x.lower().startswith("notice")]
+ lib += env.Install(env["DIST_INFO_PATH"], lic_files)
+ if not "editable" in COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS:
+ # assume we only have one package
+ env["PACKAGE_NAME"] = env["PACKAGE_METADATA"]["packages"][0]
+ # for each binary source, add the source to the wheel like this
+ lib += env.Install("$WHEEL_PATH/$PACKAGE_NAME/", binary_source)
+ enscons.helpers.epilog(env, lib, lic_files + version_file)
+# SConstruct end
+If you want enable pyarmor, you can use this template:
+# SConstruct start
+ import enscons
+ import enscons.helpers
+ import os
+ env, version_file = enscons.prolog(None, enscons.get_binary_tag())
+ py_files = [node for package in env["PACKAGE_METADATA"]["packages"]
+ for node in enscons.helpers.recursiveGlob(package)]
+ lib = env.Whl(env["WHEEL_TARGET"], [], root=".")
+ pyarmored = enscons.helpers.pyarmor(py_files, env)
+ package_source = (pyfiles if pyarmored is None else [])
+ # add other files (e.g. json configurations) to the package_source list as needed, you can use
+ # enscons.helpers.recursiveGlob for this as well
+ lib += env.Whl(env["WHEEL_TARGET"], package_source, root=".")
+ lic_files = [x for x in os.listdir() if x.lower().startswith("license") or x.lower().startswith("notice")]
+ lib += env.Install(env["DIST_INFO_PATH"], lic_files)
+ if pyarmored is not None:
+ lib += pyarmored
+ enscons.helpers.epilog(env, lib, lic_files + version_file)
+# SConstruct end
+import os
+from pathlib import Path
+import shutil
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import traceback
+import enscons
+import pytoml as toml
+from SCons.Script import *
+def recursiveGlob(root, pattern="*.py", ignoreNames=None, expectFile=None):
+ """
+ Helper function for recursively globbing package source files
+ :param root: base directory to search
+ :param pattern: file name pattern (default: *.py)
+ :param ignoreNames: directory names to ignore (default: ["__pycache__"])
+ :param expectFile: directories without at least one of the given files are ignored (default: ["__init__.py"])
+ :return: a list of SCons file nodes matching the rules
+ """
+ ignoreNames = ["__pycache__"] if ignoreNames is None else ignoreNames
+ expectFile = ["__init__.py"] if expectFile is None else [expectFile] if isinstance(expectFile, str) else expectFile
+ matches = []
+ res = Glob(os.path.join(root, pattern))
+ for oswroot, oswdirnames, _ in os.walk(root):
+ for oswdirname in oswdirnames:
+ if oswdirname in ignoreNames:
+ print("[%s]: Ignoring %s (directory name is ignored)." % (pattern, os.path.join(oswroot, oswdirname)))
+ continue
+ found = any([os.path.isfile(os.path.join(oswroot, oswdirname, fn)) for fn in expectFile])
+ if (not found) and len(expectFile) > 0:
+ print("[%s]: Ignoring %s (expected files %s not found)." % (pattern, os.path.join(oswroot, oswdirname), expectFile))
+ continue
+ res.extend(Glob(os.path.join(oswroot, oswdirname, pattern)))
+ return res
+def prolog(os_environ_version_key, wheel_tag, is_binary=None, py_project_toml="pyproject.toml"):
+ """
+ Function supporting an enscons build to remove some boilerplate copy/paste stuff.
+ Use env["PACKAGE_METADATA"] to access the toml metadata.
+ Use env["WHEEL_TARGET"] to access the target ("purelib" or "platlib")
+ :param os_environ_version_key: the name of the environment variable containing the version number (might be None)
+ :param wheel_tag: the tag for the wheel (you can use enscons.get_abi3_tag() for binary wheels and enscons.get_universal_tag() for pure python wheels)
+ :param py_project_toml: the name of the pyproject.toml file
+ :return: scons environment, version_file SCons node
+ """
+ if is_binary is None:
+ is_binary = "-none-any" not in wheel_tag
+ if Dir("#build").exists():
+ # these directories might cause troubles -> remove them before doing anything else
+ print("Removing left-over build directory")
+ shutil.rmtree(Dir("#build").abspath, ignore_errors=True)
+ metadata = dict(toml.load(open("pyproject.toml")))["project"]
+ if os.path.isfile("VERSION.txt"):
+ metadata["version"] = open("VERSION.txt").read().strip()
+ version_file = ["VERSION.txt"]
+ else:
+ default_version = "99.99.99"
+ metadata["version"] = os.environ.get(os_environ_version_key, default_version) if os_environ_version_key is not None else default_version
+ version_file = None
+ env = Environment(
+ tools=["default", "packaging", "textfile", enscons.generate],
+ WHEEL_TAG=wheel_tag,
+ ENV=os.environ.copy(),
+ WHEEL_TARGET="platlib" if is_binary else "purelib"
+ )
+ if version_file is None:
+ # version files will be put into the source distribution
+ version_file = env.Textfile("VERSION.txt", metadata["version"])
+ return env, version_file
+def epilog(env, lib, additional_source_files):
+ """
+ Function supporting an enscons build to remove some boilerplate copy/paste stuff.
+ :param env: The SCons environment to be used
+ :param lib: The lib targets as a source to env.Wheel
+ :param additional_source_files: additional files to be added to sdist (e.g. LICENSE, NOTICE, ...)
+ """
+ whl = env.WhlFile(lib)
+ # Add automatic source files, plus any other needed files.
+ sdist_source = FindSourceFiles() + ["PKG-INFO", "setup.py", "pyproject.toml"] + additional_source_files
+ sdist = env.SDist(source=sdist_source)
+ env.NoClean(sdist)
+ env.Alias("sdist", sdist)
+ develop = env.Command("#DEVELOP", enscons.egg_info_targets(env), enscons.develop)
+ env.Alias("develop", develop)
+ # needed for pep517 / enscons.api to work
+ env.Default(whl, sdist)
+def pyarmor_enabled():
+ pyarmor_platform = ARGUMENTS.get("pyarmor_platform", None)
+ pyarmor_license = ARGUMENTS.get("pyarmor_license", None)
+ pyarmor_cmd = ARGUMENTS.get("pyarmor_cmd", None)
+ pyarmor_flags = ARGUMENTS.get("pyarmor_flags", None)
+ if pyarmor_platform is not None or pyarmor_license is not None or pyarmor_cmd is not None or pyarmor_flags is not None:
+ return True
+ return False
+def pyarmor(py_files, env):
+ """
+ Function for supporting pyarmor obfuscation. The obfuscation is controlled via the SCons arguments
+ pyarmor_platform, pyarmor_license, pyarmor_cmd, pyarmor_flags. If at least one of these arguments is
+ present, then pyarmor is enabled.
+ Note: This is a pretty basic usage of pyarmor. More advanced usages with restrict may probably require the
+ usage of pyarmor projects (https://pyarmor.readthedocs.io/en/v7.7/project.html), which is out of scope here.
+ :param py_files: the python files of the project (potentially obfuscated)
+ :param env: the scons environment where env.Whl already has been executed at least once.
+ :return: the pyarmored files or None if pyarmor is not configured
+ """
+ pyarmor_platform = ARGUMENTS.get("pyarmor_platform", None)
+ pyarmor_license = ARGUMENTS.get("pyarmor_license", None)
+ pyarmor_cmd = ARGUMENTS.get("pyarmor_cmd", None)
+ pyarmor_flags = ARGUMENTS.get("pyarmor_flags", None)
+ pyarmored = None
+ if pyarmor_platform is not None or pyarmor_license is not None or pyarmor_cmd is not None or pyarmor_flags is not None:
+ if pyarmor_cmd is None:
+ pyarmor_cmd = "%s -m pyarmor.pyarmor" % sys.executable
+ pyarmor_args = "" if pyarmor_flags is None else pyarmor_flags
+ pyarmor_license = [pyarmor_license] if pyarmor_license is not None else []
+ #reglic = env.Command(["non_existing_dummy_file"], [pyarmor_license], "%s register ${SOURCES[0]}" % pyarmor_cmd)
+ if pyarmor_platform is not None:
+ pyarmor_args += " --platform=%s" % pyarmor_platform
+ sources = []
+ targets = []
+ for f in py_files:
+ sources.append(f)
+ targets.append(env["WHEEL_PATH"].File(str(f)))
+ targets.append(env["WHEEL_PATH"].Dir("ifm_o3r_cmf").Dir("pytransform"))
+ def pyarmorify(target, source, env):
+ try:
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
+ first_source = None
+ for i, tgtfile in enumerate(target[:-1]):
+ srcfile = str(source[i])
+ tgtdir = Path(tmpdir) / str(source[i].dir)
+ tgtdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ shutil.copy(srcfile, tgtdir)
+ if i == 0:
+ first_source = tgtdir / Path(srcfile).name
+ if len(source) == len(target):
+ print("%s register %s" % (pyarmor_cmd, source[-1]))
+ if env.Execute("%s register %s" % (pyarmor_cmd, source[-1])):
+ raise RuntimeError("pyarmor register returned error")
+ elif len(source)+1 != len(target):
+ raise RuntimeError("Unexpected list lengths")
+ print("%s obfuscate %s --recursive --output $WHEEL_PATH/${PACKAGE_METADATA['packages'][0]} %s" % (pyarmor_cmd, pyarmor_args, first_source))
+ if env.Execute("%s obfuscate %s --recursive --output $WHEEL_PATH/${PACKAGE_METADATA['packages'][0]} %s" % (pyarmor_cmd, pyarmor_args, first_source)):
+ raise RuntimeError("pyarmor obfuscate returned error")
+ except Exception as e:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ # we are using whole package mode here
+ pyarmored = env.Command(targets, sources + pyarmor_license,
+ pyarmorify)
+ return pyarmored
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index f3ccdff..270f563 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-name = "enscons"
-description = "Tools for building Python packages with SCons"
+name = "enscons-forked"
+description = "Tools for building Python packages with SCons (forked for providing some useful features)"
version = "0.28.0"
-authors = [{ name = "Daniel Holth", email = "dholth@fastmail.fm" }]
+authors = [{ name = "Christoph Wiedemann", email = "62332054+cwiede@users.noreply.github.com" }]
classifiers = [
"Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ license = "MIT"
packages = ["enscons"]
readme = "README.rst"
src_root = "."
-url = "https://github.com/dholth/enscons"
+url = "https://github.com/cwiede/enscons"
cli = ["click"]