Image: Overiew of the SPASTC algorithm
Repo Author: Alexander Michels
Paper Authors: Alexander Michels, Jinwoo Park, Jeon-Young Kang, and Shaowen Wang
Paper: Published in IJGIS (doi: 10.1080/13658816.2024.2326445)
Paper Abstract:
We present a Spatial Partitioning Algorithm for Scalable Travel-time Computation (SPASTC). Calculating travel-time catchments over large spatial extents is com- putationally intensive, with previous work limiting their spatial extent to mini- mize computational burden or overcoming the computational burden with advanced cyberinfrastructure. SPASTC is designed for domain decomposition of travel-time catchment calculations with a user-provided memory limit on computation. SPASTC realizes this through spatial partitioning that preserves spatial relationships required to compute travel-time zones and respects a user-provided memory limit. This al- lows users to efficiently calculate travel-time catchments within a given memory limit and represents a significant speed-up over computing each catchment separately. We demonstrate SPASTC by computing spatial accessibility to hospital beds across the conterminous United States. Our case study shows that SPASTC achieves signifi- cant efficiency and scalability making the computation of travel-time catchment up to 51 times faster.
SPASTC is designed as a novel algorithm for paritioning points in space together with the spatial context of the points. It was specifically designed for enabling scalable and memory constrained travel-time catchment calculations for spatial accessibility analysis. This repository contains:
- the necessary data for SPASTC and accessibility calculation. Due to file limits, we do not provide the OSM network data necessary for calculating travel-time. However, we do give pre-compute travel-time catchments for our hospital data set and...scripts
- we provide the necessary scripts for pulling OSM networks with OSMnx for the entire Contiguous United States and calculating the memory usage of each county's road network!notebooks
- notebooks for SPASTC and accessibiilty at various spatial extents.
For more information about the data and scripts, see the READMEs in the respective directories.
- Using SPASTC:
- Illinois: notebooks/SPASTC-Illinois.ipynb
- Midwest US: notebooks/SPASTC-Midwest.ipynb
- Contiguous US: notebooks/SPASTC-Contiguous.ipynb
- Merging results from parallel jobs run with SPASTC to a single shapefile: notebooks/MergingCatchments.ipynb
- Calculating Enhanced Two-Step Floating Catchment Area (E2SFCA):
- Illinois, Midwest, and Contiguous US: notebooks/CalculateAccessibility.ipynb
- Analyzing the runtime of the SPASTC algorithm: notebooks/MergingCatchments.ipynb
Image: Travel-time catchments for our hospital dataset
Image: Accessibility to hospital beds using E2SFCA for the conterminous U.S.