All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.10.6 (2021-12-06)
- chat: populate added at getMessages also. #1td8cvz (e63630c), closes #1td8
- database: drop collection of custom schemas #1u9r11e (3944e77), closes #1u9r11
- security: secret migration not using the proper regex (c05843d7)
- grpc-sdk: chat not exporting send message (7a80040)
- authentication: searching with id now is supported (c03fe4c)
- auth: was searching by wrong field. (512259a)
- build-errors: fixed 3 build errors (7cb467f)
- change layout label prop signature to only accept objects (4613fac)
- chat: constant rename (0425019)
- chat: folderName handling (f52d674)
- chatimplementation-of-select: fixed to properly work with the new way of receiving details (8e4357b)
- chat: invalid value of totalCount while using search variable #1tjtwht (cbd60c8)
- chat: missing comment (213e194)
- chat: reset chat panel data when navigating (c84d2b3)
- ChatRoomTabs: removed redundant return statement (287b430)
- chat: search (827b763)
- chat: sonar cloud fixes (fbecb11)
- chat: tab styling (d5d80d9)
- cms: prettier (521c6a8)
- codeSmell: fixed requested codeSmell (0e27641)
- config-hook-form: added layout (d882716)
- config: await was missing when a setConfig function was being called. (15f3ef6)
- conflicts: & Merge branch 'master' of into drawer-wrapper-refactor (3d7edd4)
- core: package naming to match other packages (1daf102)
- create&editform: correct regexp to dissallow spaces on form name (16c710e)
- customerForm: display user email/name instead of _id (970283a)
- customerForm: implementation of singleSelect on customerForm (1f55ed5)
- data-table-sorting: no labels when sorting === false && fixed sorting (7a5f922)
- database: bump mongoose to 5.13.13 to fix package vulnerabilities (04fb96b)
- database: deleteSchema() converted to async (913c148)
- database: schema also deleted from declaredSchemas (483baa9)
- dataTable: remove useState (c449a6c)
- dataTableSize: default to denser tables (d19c1cc)
- dataTable: unused imports and self closing table cell (61ef4e3)
- dockerfiles: build process for core and admin (955f8ef)
- drawer-buttons: placed correctly (4442a20)
- drawers: add a persistent title for consistency (86dfa66)
- editForm: fixes sonarclound duplicate import (4d7c549)
- email: Dockerfile (7d67c59)
- emails: compose email variables, proper tabs, external template body on editor (a8221cc)
- email: searching with id now is supported (db58053)
- emailsettings: proper name (2b103f2)
- email: totalCount return value fixed. (b12b3a2)
- endpointNames: proper enpoint names without hyphen (fdd8cc1)
- FormInputText: redundant boolean (136e067)
- github: builds running on PRs (c5b6f16)
- github: remove document action from build ymls (678765a)
- httpModels: made a new folder and moved typically used types for requests (841b62b)
- imports: some unused imports (b18cb58)
- indeterminate&layout: indeterminate deselected after deletion and better names on the layout (13a910a)
- inner layout router function (33995dd)
- layout styling (4e9d0af)
- makefile: missing space (9dbd3ac)
- makefile: storage and email builds (4630d48)
- nextJsImporterror: used eslint rule to avoid unwanted behaviour (dd779ef)
- notificationSettings&send: Proper configuration (a0ff02f)
- notificationSettings: now we properly get the settings data (46c991e)
- notificationSettings: types where needed (b3b112d)
- notifications: fix requested types (d18b0dd)
- payment-settings&swagger: proper edit and link (228562d)
- paymentforms: fix code smells (676f2c3)
- paymentForms: fix merge conflicts & Merge branch 'master' of into rhf-payments (037cf92)
- paymentForms: fix requested changes, types (9bb536e)
- push-notifications: missing comment (1f0b451)
- react-hook-form: Added rhf to storage settings (24a52b3)
- remove-log: removed console log (daf181e)
- requests-config: removed unnecessary check (246f257)
- reset table data when navigating (8d2a543)
- rhfForms: required changes (872511d)
- sanitization: moved sanitize on request interceptors (54e8e7c)
- sanitizeParams: param sanitization on most tables & added types for common cases like pagination (c45be26)
- sanitize: proper types for pagination (d8fec7e)
- schemas-table: proper way to handle visible-data (f663178)
- schemas: multiple selection works properly (e121944)
- schemas: null check to visible schemas (1cc7884)
- selectable-elements-table: we can now retrieve every value the table has, not only the _id (3a6f4d9)
- selected-elements: now we show any kind of info we want like name, email etc (4e9d4ef)
- sendEmailForm: fixed an empty expression (39a580c)
- sendEmailForm: fixed sonarcloud issue (20c9110)
- showDrawerData: remove __v and format dates (69dc250)
- single-selection: added prop for single selection (093b178)
- sonar-cloud-bug: turned while iteration to if (e2958eb)
- sonar-cloud-smells: unused imports (9173274)
- storage settings switch: added state to the switch to change accordingly (a17c2cc)
- storage-settings: proper handling of the config (7afd455)
- storage-settings: removed not needed file (7eaea17)
- storage-settings: requested changes (f42cb7d)
- storage-settings: styling fixes (53454e7)
- storage: "/" character not clickable on path (d3275ca)
- storage: current container no longer empty as default value (66dc142)
- storage: get folder param name fix (ca4e77c)
- storage: handle folder name when creating new one (aa29899)
- storage: regex fixed for finding child folders at getFolders() (b42b5a9)
- storage: remove redundant return (487a8d9)
- storage: update data when deleting container/folder/file (67a8729)
- swaggerlink: swagger redirects to forms now (af86b39)
- swagger: proper notifications swagger (2ce7907)
- table-density: option to change density & clearer imports on dataTable (1f5738c)
- tablesSearch: properly reset page when searching/filtering (76287dd)
0.10.5 (2021-11-16)
- client secrets are now encrypted in the DB
- cms: implement deleteManySchemas(), toggleMany() (904aa38)
- database: findByIdAndUpdate() populate param (f383997)
- database: populate support at sequalizeSchema at findByIdAndUpdate (b3a1574)
authentication: getUsers search variable (32c04d1)
authentication: minor fix (b621afd)
authentication: package.json update (6604057)
chat: logs (54d2ce3)
chat: ret value changed at delete operations (45e106b)
database: minor fix (2074352)
database: populate type (74bdd05)
database: populate variable checking (ab59d0a)
forms: createForm() and editFormById() not accepting Date and Number fields, triple-stash html data values in FormSubmissionTemplate (8c0ee28)
github: missing email provider dependency in email module action (904442e)
pushNotifications: delete logs (5a32571)
pushNotifications: name of module changed (8b74967)
pushNotifications: name of module changed (ab054ff)
pushNotifications: name of module changed (34156bc)
storage: checking for '/' existance #1p68x6j (119325b), closes #1p68x6
storage: checking for '/' existance in deleteFolder(),getFiles() #1p68x6j (5024ce5), closes #1p68x6
refactor!(security): encrypt client secrets (a00e9e5)