- New method to get the latest returned data getData()
- New method to check if there were errors hasError()
- getWorkspaceTypeahead method added.
- getUsers now accepts array of options
- Added method createTag to create a tag in a workspace or organization.
- getWorkspaces now accepts an array of options.
- New method for getting projects in a team.
- Added support for working with sections.
- Now you can pass options when adding a project to a task so section, insert_before, or insert_after can be specified.
- Updated the links in the documentation to point to the right ones.
- The standard PHP PSR-2-code applied.
- Fix error when debugging the response.
- Fix typo in add attachment function.
- Improved debug output.
- Added a method for getting attachment information.
- Added a method for getting all the attachments from a task.
- Fix json header was not being sent properly.
- Constant definitions are now outside of the class constructor.
- Added a method for creating a subtask.
- Added a method to change the parent of a task.
- Now addTask accepts options.
- Added a method to retrieve the tags from a task getTaskTags.
- Bugfix release.
- Added support for attaching files prior to PHP 5.5.
- Added extra debugging information.
- Added autoload to composer file.
- Added a method to add attachments to a task.
- Added a method to delete a task.
- Added a method to delete a project.
- Added a method to move tasks inside the project moveTaskWithinProject.
- Added teams functions. createTeam and getTeamsInOrganization.
- Added OAuth support with AsanaAuth class.
- Improved class readability.
- Improved performance.
- Added options to getTasksByFilter.
- Initial release.