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On Disk Format

Partha Susarla edited this page Jul 23, 2020 · 1 revision

File format on disk



[Header] => [
    "zeroskip"                    | char[] |  64 bits
    Version number                | uint32 |  32 bits
    UUID of database              | char[] | 128 bits
    start index of database range | uint32 |  32 bits
    end index of database range   | uint32 |  32 bits
    CRC32 (of rest of header)     | uint32 |  32 bits
] (40 bytes total)

[Type] => [
    isKey            | 1 bit
    isValue          | 1 bit
    isCommit         | 1 bit
    is2ndHalfCommit  | 1 bit (set in the second [Type] in a [LongCommit])
    isFinal          | 1 bit (set in the commit after [Pointers])
    hasLongValues    | 1 bit (long commit/long keys)
    isDeleted        | 1 bit
    (Unused)         | 1 bits
] (1 byte total)

[Key] => [
    [Type]                    | Type   | 8 bits
    length(Key)               | uint16 | 16 bits
    PointerToValue            | uint40 | 40 bits (null => Deletion)
    (Extended length(Key))?   | uint64 | 64 bits
    (Extended PointerToValue)?| uint64 | 64 bits
    Key                       | byte[] | *
    Null Padding              | byte[] | make Key 64-bit aligned
] (4n bytes total, 64 + ~32 bits overhead)

[Value] => [
    [Type]                    | Type   | 8 bits
    length(Value)             | uint24 | 24 bits
    (Extended null pad)?      | byte[] | 32 bits
    (Extended length(Value))? | uint64 | 64 bits
    Value                     | byte[] | *
    Null Padding              | byte[] | make Value 64-bit aligned
] (4n bytes total, 32 + ~32 bits overhead)

[Commit] => [ShortCommit|LongCommit]

[ShortCommit] => [
    [Type]           | Type   | 8 bits
    Length(Data)     | uint24 | 24 bits
    CRC32            | uint32 | 32 bits (over Data + rest of commit
] (8 bytes total)

[LongCommit] => [
    [Type]           | Type   |  8 bits
    Null padding     | byte[] | 56 bits
    Length(Data)     | uint64 | 64 bits
    [Type]           | Type   |  8 bits
    Null padding     | byte[] | 24 bits
    CRC32            | uint32 | 32 bits (over Data + rest of commit
] (24 bytes total)

[Pointers] => [
    NumPointers        | uint64           | 64 bits
    NumShadowedRecords | uint64           | 64 bits
    NumShadowedBytes   | uint64           | 64 bits
    Pointer            | Key*             | 64 bits
    ... (pointers to all non-shadowed records, sorted by key) ...
] (4n bytes total)
  • All numbers are stored in network byte order.
  • All lengths are number of bytes.
  • The PointerToValue is an offset from the beginning of the [Key].
  • Pointers in [Pointers] are sorted in key order (keys compared byte-by- byte) and are offsets from the beginning of the file.
  • A shadowed record is one where the same key has been written to (or deleted) again later in the same file. NumShadowedRecords is the number of shadowed records within the file. NumShadowedBytes is the number of bytes that these records contain.

In packed files the keys are written first (in order), then the values (in the the same (key) order), and there is only a single commit. So the layout will be:


Alternative structure with less overhead but less cache coherency when searching for a key. Combine key/value into single record type:

[KeyValue] => [
    [Type]                    | Type   | 8 bits
    length(Key)               | uint8  | 8 bits
    length(Value)             | uint16 | 16 bits (null => Deletion)
    (Extended null pad)?      | byte[] | 32 bits
    (Extended length(Key))?   | uint64 | 64 bits
    (Extended length(Value))? | uint64 | 64 bits
    Key                       | byte[] | *
    Value                     | byte[] | *
    Null Padding              | byte[] | make Value 64-bit aligned
] (4n bytes total, 32 + ~32 bits overhead)

A database is a directory of files

A database consists of a directory of files. Each file is named either:

  • "zeroskip-$(UUID)-$(index)" (unpacked file) or
  • "zeroskip-$(UUID)-$(startindex)-$(endindex)" (packed file)

The start and end index is also written into the header as well as the file name.

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