To see the table of contents for this document, click the list icon at the top of the document. For more details, see here.
This is a quick visual reference guide for players for Foundry Virtual Tabletop, the software we're using to playing Dungeons & Dragons remotely.
Note: we are using some modules for Foundry which alter the default user interface & experience.
Protip: when uncertain of which tabs are which, hover over the icon to bring up its label.
- π¨οΈ Chat Messages - player messaging, dice roll results
- βοΈ Combat Encounters - initiative tracker during combat only
- π€ Actors - players, NPCs, & creatures you have access to
- πΌ Items
- π Journal - DM-shared documents, campaign notes
- ποΈ Rollable Tables - Most likely not using this
- π Card Stacks - Most likely not using this
- π΅ Playlists - global & individual playlist volume controls
- π Compendium Packs - quick in-game reference
You can right click your token to bring up its controls. This is different than the token controls menu at the top left of the UI.
- π₯ Toggle Torch - light or extinguish your torches
- β Token Elevation - height in feet of the token above ground level
- βοΈ Token Settings - settings to modify token display name, image, and top or bottom resource bars
- π― Target - used for targeted abilities; we most likely won't be using this
- π€ Assign Status Effects - allows assigning conditions to your token; the DM can handle this, and you should use the token action HUD instead of this button if assigning conditions yourself.
- βοΈ Toggle Combat Status - the DM will handle this
- π©Έ Player Hitpoints - see Taking damage & healing
- π Token Action HUD - see section on token action HUD
- Map Controls - each of the left-most menus have their own submenus, which include the functionalities below:
- π€ Token Controls - select, target, and measure distance between tokens
- π Measurement Controls - place, select, and delete spell templates of various shapes
- To select, click the template. To delete, press the
key on your keyboard.
- To select, click the template. To delete, press the
- βοΈ Drawing Tools - draw various shapes or freeform; select & delete your drawings.
- π·οΈ Journal Notes - toggle time & map notes display. create note linked to journal entries / notes
- π₯ In-game Time Indicator - shows rough in-game time
- π₯ Macro & Action Hotbar - contains macros & actions for easy access. If we're to use macros, they'll be provided by the DM, so no need to worry about them.
The character sheet is where you keep your character's stats, roll actions & checks, and track character progress.
There are two ways to access your character sheet:
You can customize the theme & appearance of your character sheet. Our default character sheet theme, the Tidy 5e sheet, includes a favorites system not present in other character sheets, so it's recommended to keep it.
The token action HUD (heads-up display) is a quick way to access most aspects about your character without having to open the character sheet. Your token needs to be present in the current map for the HUD to be visible.
To have the HUD always display even when your token isn't selected, claim a character through your user configuration. You only need to do this once.
You may need to adjust the HUD to expand downwards prior to first use. You only need to do this once.
See Social Contract > Safety Tools for details about when this should be used.
The canvas is the main playable area.
You will need to move your token(s) during combat. You may not do this while the game is paused. There are three ways to move your character's token:
You can roll all things with advantage or disadvantage using the controls below.
You can use the chat functionality to roll arbitrary dice.
Protip: the chat functionality can also do math problems! This is great for splitting up gold.
DEMO: Using token action HUD
If using token action HUD, the weapon must be equipped before it'll show up.
DEMO: Using token action HUD
If using token action HUD, the spell must be prepared before it'll show up.
Passive abilities don't need activation, so we don't need to worry about them. Active abilities need to be activated, with two ways:
This needs to be done from the character sheet.
Favoriting will make an item, spell, or feature appear in the first tab of the character sheet. This needs to be done from the character sheet. It's also only a feature of the Tidy 5e sheet module we're using.
This needs to be done from the character sheet. It's recommended to create an item directly into your character sheet instead of the Items
menu tab, so you own the item from the start.
This needs to be done from the character sheet. Plutonium is our main module for importing content. Often times, items you've bought or found do not need to be created from scratch because they already exist in Plutonoum, so importing them is the quickest way.
Protip: you can import all the things, not just items. This includes but isn't limited to: spells, classes, and pets. Please don't import things you're not supposed to have -- importing & creating your own items is a privilege, and we are operating on a system of trust.
Popping out an in-game window puts it into a separate browser window.