All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.2.0 (2020-11-20)
- attributerow: update from divs to table. update tests with use of tbody as render container (cfc34e3)
- ideasgrid: fix up styling and add background gradient (766e173)
1.1.0 (2020-11-17)
- actionbar: reformat generate button. add styling for alignment (a6c655c)
- app: rename buttons. add default attribute generator (3913e4a)
- color: add color to IdeasGrid (331844d)
- defaultgenerator: update text from derived state for deselect all (c6c4781)
- ideasgrid: add color and ideastable (658b3d7)
- ideasgrid: change description. update use of state for refreshing selection on ideas (5ca38ae)
- ideasgrid: fix up styling for buttons. create refresh selection. update test (1725d49)
- ideasgrid: randomize colors on the list (e21a9d3)
- ideasgrid: reformat so ideasgrid is first (6e512ff)
- ideasgrid: text decoration color and disable doulbe tap (1ee1b6e)
1.0.0 (2020-11-09)
- ideasgrid: add emotion config (d489282)
- ideasgrid: add more ideas (2a4ee71)
- ideasgrid: set up tabs (9fa5d1e)
- ideasgrid: tab handling and styles (83b3c2c)
- tabs: add css modules and tab setup (4b27975)
- tabs: children handling with props (c16ecc9)
- tabs: handle alignment and styling (9ae3b8c)
- tabs: setting active tab with click handler (5ae5040)
0.0.0 (2020-11-09)
- ideasgrid: add emotion config (d489282)
- ideasgrid: add more ideas (2a4ee71)
- ideasgrid: set up tabs (9fa5d1e)
- ideasgrid: tab handling and styles (83b3c2c)
- tabs: add css modules and tab setup (4b27975)
- tabs: children handling with props (c16ecc9)
- tabs: handle alignment and styling (9ae3b8c)
- tabs: setting active tab with click handler (5ae5040)
- attributes: added Facial expression and Action (be3f566)
- AttributeSelector: converting class component to functional and use with hooks (bbead0b)
- AttributeSelector: update so does not mutate checked state (e8d4342)
- css: create hover color for reach attribute row (e9bb090)
- name-generator: install fakerator and test log (f6a0bb7)
- name-generator: set up male and female name checks based on gender (086258b)
- plugins: add value plugin for weight range calculation (435d9c0)
- attributeselector: fixes bug from mutating state and reordering attributes (6590d18)
- AttributeSelector: row click handler reordering (c91b7e3)
- attributeselectorrow: update how rows get updated with select all checking (b7ea564)
- charactergeneratorheader: fix h4 reference to the test and update (6dd9626)
- circleci: adds yarn install for circleci setup (e6a9c90)
- circleci: fix config for required test needed (5bdcffb)
- circleci: fix config formatting (b69157b)
- circleci: fix reference to image path (a2051c6)
- coverage: show badge by not ignoring file: (7c8d55e)
- packages: auto fix npm vulnerabilities around packages (34da154)
- remove package-lock error (8763056)