layout | title | description | permalink |
basic |
People |
Meet the UBC DAIS Lab team. Our research group is working on machine learning, data analytics and process control research. |
/people/ |
{% assign y_end = site.time | date: '%Y' %} {% assign y_start = 2002 %}
{% assign active_members = site.profiles | where_exp:"member", "member.status != 'alumni'" %} {% assign degrees = "Postdoc|PhD|MASc|MEng|Undergraduate" | split: "|" %}
- [Dr. {{ }}]({{ site.baseurl }}/about/), Principal Investigator
- Link to Department Page
- Link to Office of the Provost
{% for degree in degrees %}
{% assign members = active_members | where_exp:"member", " == degree" | sort: 'year_start' | reverse %}
{% if members.size != 0 %}
{% if member.img %} {% else %} {% endif %}
{% if member.visitor %} (Visiting) {% endif %} {{ member.project }}
{% endfor %}
Former students, researchers and visitors in the DAIS Lab
Name | Degree | Position After Leaving/Now At | |
{{y}} | |||
{% for profile in site.profiles %}
{% if profile.title == %}
{{ }}
{% if alum.url %} {{ }} {% else %} {{ }} {% endif %} {% if alum.linkedin %} {% endif %} | {{ }} {% if alum.note %} [{{ alum.note }}] {% endif %} | {{ alum.position }} |
Missing Names? Submit a pull request on GitHub to add your information - alumni.yml.
*My collaborators formally supervised these students but I played a significant role in guiding the research of the respective students.
{% include awards.html %}