In this step, we will predict protein-coding genes based on the gene structure using three software.
Notes: Gene prediction was based on genome.maked.fa, which was masked repeat sequence.
Training gene sets for P. pungitius following the Augustus mannual:
Split genome.masked.fa into chr.masked.fa
perl genome.masked.fa
Predict genes using Augustus:
augustus --species=pungitius chr.masked.fa > genome.augustus.fa
glimmerhmm_linux_x86_64 chr.masked.fa -d /software/glimmerhmm/GlimmerHMM/trained_dir/zebrafish
genescan HumanIso.smat chr.masked.fa
In this step, we will predict protein coding genes based on the homology sequence from 5 species using GeMoMa.
java -jar /software/gemoma/GeMoMa-1.6.1.jar CLI GeMoMaPipeline threads=20 t=homology/ref.genome.fa s=own a=homology/ref.genomic.gff g=chr.masked.fa outdir=GeMoMa/genome.results AnnotationFinalizer.r=NO tblastn=false
In this step, we will annotate genes based on the transcriptome data of ninespined stickleback.
This step will assemble transcriptome without any reference genome.
Assemble transcriptome without reference:
Trinity --seqType fq --max_memory 70G --left SRR10811715_1.flt.fastq.gz,SRR10811716_1.flt.fastq.gz,SRR10811717_1.flt.fastq.gz,SRR10811718_1.flt.fastq.gz,SRR10811719_1.flt.fastq.gz --right SRR10811715_2.flt.fastq.gz,SRR10811716_2.flt.fastq.gz,SRR10811717_2.flt.fastq.gz,SRR10811718_2.flt.fastq.gz,SRR10811719_2.flt.fastq.gz --trimmomatic --CPU 8
Use PASA to annotate transcriptome.
This step will assemble transcriptome with the reference genome (v7).
Build index:
hisat2-build -p 10 genome.fa idx
Map clean reads to the reference genome:
hisat2 --dta -x idx -p 36 -1 ./$i\_1.fq.gz -2 ./$i\_2.fq.gz |samtools sort -@ 10 > $i.bam &
Combine bam files:
samtools merge -@ 10 merge.bam T01.bam T02.bam T03.bam T04.bam T05.bam
Assemble transcriptome:
stringtie -p 10 -o stringtie_merged.gtf merge.bam
Covert gtf to gff:
perl stringtie_merged.gtf > stringtie_merged.gff
Predict ORF:
TransDecoder.LongOrfs -t transcripts.fasta
Predict coding region:
TransDecoder.Predict -t transcripts.fasta --retain_blastp_hits blastp.result
Generate annotated .gff
file transcripts.fasta.transdecoder.gff3 \
transcripts.gff3 transcripts.fasta > transcripts.fasta.transdecoder.genome.gff3
Split prediction from all software into each chromosome:
/EvmUtils/ --genome chr.masked.fa --gene_predictions gene_predictions.gff3 --transcript_alignments transcript_alignments.gff3 --segmentSize 500000 --overlapSize 10000 --partition_listing partitions_list.out
Generate commands:
/EvmUtils/ --genome chr.masked.fasta --gene_predictions gene_predictions.gff3 --transcript_alignments transcript_alignments.gff3 --weights pwd
/weights.txt --output_file_name evm.out partitions_list.out > commands.list
Run EVM and save log file:
/EvmUtils/ commands.list | tee run.log
Combine .gff
file of each chromosome reaults:
/EvmUtils/ --partitions partitions_list.out --output_file_name evm.out --genome chr.masked.fasta