Job: Instance of a job specification.
Job specification: Description of something to be done by a worker.
Source: Somewhere the CI system can fetch the latest version of the source code.
- Trigger job: Start an instance of a job,
Source watcher: Watches for changes in the source code (nominally pushes to a git repo), and emits some type of event when an update is detected.
Trigger: Listens for events in the system, and triggers appropriate actions. Most common (and maybe only) use case: triggering a worker when the source watcher notifies about a repo update. If pipelines are supported, might also listen for job completion events from workers to trigger the next step of the pipeline.
Worker: Runs jobs. As simple and convention-based as possible; anything more than bare-bones basic has to come from inside the repo.
UI: Displays status about various things, e.g. progress and results of builds and tests.