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Users and Players
The Player instance contains information on the individual users within your experience.

When a user joins an experience, Roblox represents them as a Player in the data model. The Class.Player object contains information about the user that's universal across experiences, such as their username, friend list, saved avatar character, and Roblox membership type, as well as properties, methods, and events that affects the user's lifecycle between joining and leaving your experience.

The Class.Players service contains all the Class.Player instances in an experience. Each Class.Player object represents a user in the experience, and it parents four important containers that you can use to customize a user's experience: Class.Backpack, Class.StarterGear, Class.PlayerGui, and Class.PlayerScripts.


Client and server-side scripts can both connect to the Class.Players.PlayerAdded and Class.Players.PlayerRemoved events to perform actions in response to the lifecycle of a Class.Player object. They can also connect to the Class.Player.CharacterAdded, Class.Player.CharacterRemoving, and Class.Humanoid.Died events to perform gameplay-related actions for when the character spawns, despawns, and dies.

Use Scripts to access server-related services, such as a data store to retrieve and save data when a user joins or leaves. Use LocalScripts if the client needs to create and remove gameplay instances tied to the new user, such as a GUI display for the user's stats on a custom leaderboard.

User Joining

When a client connects to an experience, its associated Class.Player object clones to the Class.Players service. The Class.Players.PlayerAdded represents users joining the experience. Some example use-cases include loading user data, assigning teams, and changing a user's character's clothing. The Class.Players.PlayerAdded event passes the Class.Player object of the user who joins, which you can use when calling other functions, such as data store and Class.RemoteEvent objects.

Loading User Data on Join

To load a user's data when they join an experience, use the Class.Players.PlayerAdded event in a Class.Script. The following example Class.Script listens to the event and attempts to retrieve a user's data using their user ID as the datastore key. After successfully retrieving the user data, you can use it to load the user's progress and stats.

local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local playerDataStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("PlayerData")

	local userId = player.UserId

	-- Read data store key
	local getSuccess, currentData = pcall(function()
		return playerDataStore:GetAsync(userId)

	if getSuccess then

	-- Do further actions with currentData
The `Class.Instance.Name` of the `Class.Player` object is the name of the user. If you need a unique reference to a user, such as to save information about them in a [data store](../cloud-services/data-stores/, use their `Class.Player.UserId` instead of their `Class.Player.Name` because users can't change their `UserId` even though they can change their Username and Display Name.

User Leaving

When a client disconnects from an experience, the server destroys its associated Class.Player object from the Class.Players service. The Class.Players.PlayerRemoving event represents users leaving the experience. Some example use-cases include saving user data, removing their stats from a scoreboard, and destroying any of their models, such as their house. The Class.Players.PlayerRemoving event passes the Class.Player object of the user who leaves, which you can use when calling other functions, such as data store and Class.RemoteEvent objects.

Notice that the event is called Class.Player.PlayerRemoving, not Class.Player.PlayerRemoved, because "removed" would imply that the Class.Player object is already removed and is therefore inaccessible to scripts.

Saving User Data on Leave

To save a user's data when they leave an experience, use the Class.Players.PlayerRemoving event in a Class.Script. The following example Class.Script listens to the event and attempts to save a user's data using their user ID as the data store key.

local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local playerDataStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("PlayerData")

	local userId = player.UserId

	-- Get the player's data state in the game
	local currentData = getCurrentData(player)

	-- Save to data store
	local setSuccess, errorMessage = pcall(function()
	    playerDataStore:SetAsync(userId, currentData)

	if not setSuccess then

Character Spawning

A user's Class.Player.Character model represents their avatar. By default, Class.Player.CharacterAutoLoads is true, and a user's character model automatically spawns when they join the experience. If Class.Player.CharacterAutoLoads is false, then you need to call Class.Player:LoadCharacter() to manually spawn the character.

When a user's Class.Player.Character spawns, Scripts and LocalScripts in Class.StarterCharacterScripts clone into the character model and the Class.Player.CharacterAdded event fires. The Class.Player.CharacterAdded event passes the new character model to any event listeners, which you can use to find the character's Class.Humanoid object and modify its behavior. For example, you can use Class.Humanoid:ApplyDescription() to change the outfit of the avatar and Class.Humanoid.WalkSpeed or Class.Humanoid.JumpHeight to modify the avatar's movement.

Character Despawning

When the player's Class.Humanoid dies, its body parts fall to the ground and the Class.Humanoid.Died event fires. The server automatically removes the character model and any scripts inside it after amount of time that the Class.Players.Respawntime property determines. You can use the Class.Player.CharacterRemoving event to reset other objects associated with the character, such as the network ownership of a vehicle they were driving.

Counting Player Deaths

You can use the Class.Humanoid.Died event to handle scoring for a kill or create a custom ragdoll model. The following Class.Script connects to Class.Player.CharacterAdded to retrieve each user's character model, then connects to the character's Class.Humanoid object. When the humanoid's Class.Humanoid.Died event fires, the script increments the number of times the user's humanoid has died and outputs that number.

	local deaths = 0
		local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
			deaths += 1
			print(player.Name .. " death count: " .. deaths)

Banning Users

To ensure civility and fair play in your experiences, you can ban users who violate your experience rules and community guidelines. You can modify ban durations, ban messages, and even extend bans to potential alternate accounts. When using this feature, you must also follow guidelines for banning and messaging.

For implementation and usage instructions, see Class.Players.BanAsync.

Ban Guidelines

When implementing bans in your experience, adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Experience rules must not contradict Roblox's Community Standards and Terms of Use.
  • Creators must clearly state their experience rules somewhere accessible to all users.
  • Creators must apply their experience rules fairly and not arbitrarily target certain users.
  • Users can appeal to creators directly if they believe their ban was incorrect.
    • Roblox will not mediate these appeals, unless the user believes the creator's experience rules or enforcement of their rules violate the Community Standards.
  • Roblox can moderate an experience if there is reason to believe that a creator's experience rules or enforcement of their rules violate the Community Standards.

Message Guidelines

When a user is banned, they receive an error modal displaying information such as the ban length and reason. In the text-filtered message, you can include additional information such as appeal or contact information as long as you meet Roblox's Community Standards.

For example, in your ban messages, you are allowed to reference brand names and platforms:

  • "Visit the Discord in my group/experience page"
  • "Message me on Twitter or X"

Mentions of personal information or direct links are not allowed in this message field. This includes posting a specific username or handle, or providing a direct link to a Discord server or X account.


The Class.Player object stores several important containers:


The Class.Player.Backpack container stores the user's inventory. The Class.Tool objects in a user's Class.Backpack display in their inventory at the bottom of their screen. If a user selects a Class.Tool from the inventory, they equip it, and it moves from the Class.Player.Backpack to the Class.Player.Character.

When a user's Class.Player.Character spawns, the contents of the Class.StarterPack service and their Class.Player.StarterGear clones to their Class.Player.Backpack. When the character dies, the client destroys their Class.Backpack and replaces it with a new one.

The Class.Backpack also stores and runs Class.Script|Scripts and Class.LocalScript|LocalScripts that the client and server can both access.

Roblox provides an interface for a player to access their Class.Backpack and inventory at the bottom of the screen. To disable the default Roblox backpack GUI and replace it with your own, call Class.StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled() in a LocalScript. For more information, see Class.StarterGui.


The Class.StarterGear container clones its contents to the user's Class.Player.Backpack when its character spawns. Additionally, if your place permits gear and a user owns gear, the Class.Tool objects of their gear clone to their Class.Player.StarterGear when they spawn.

Unlike Class.StarterPack, Class.Player.StarterGear isn't a service but rather a child of each Class.Player object, so its contents are user-specific. Each user can have different Class.Tool objects within their Class.Player.StarterGear. To use Class.Player.StarterGear, enable Gear in your experience's settings page under Permissions. On the permissions page, you can enable by gear by its type. To disable gear, deselect its type.

Always test games after adding Gear to them to check that users can't easily abuse them there. Gear includes Class.Script objects and allows the player to perform actions that you might not consider. For example, a navigational gear might allow the player to access a part of the map that you don't want them to. Weapons allow players with gear to damage other players, possibly without retribution or retaliation.


The Class.PlayerGui container stores objects that create the player's GUI. If a ScreenGui is a descendant of a Class.PlayerGui, then any Class.GuiObject inside the ScreenGui displays on the player's screen. Any Class.LocalScript runs when it clones to Class.PlayerGui. When the player's Class.Player.Character spawns for the first time, all of the contents of StarterGui automatically copy into the player's Class.PlayerGui.

If Players.CharacterAutoLoads is set to false, the character doesn't spawn, and Class.StarterGui contents don't copy over until Class.Player:LoadCharacter() is called. If Class.StarterGui.ResetPlayerGuiOnSpawn is set to true, every time the player's character respawns, all of the contents of that player's Class.PlayerGui are cleared and replaced with the contents of Class.StarterGui.


When a user joins the experience, the contents in Class.StarterPlayer.StarterPlayerScripts container clone to Class.PlayerScripts. Any LocalScripts and ModuleScripts run when they clone.

Unlike the Class.Backpack and Class.PlayerGui containers, the Class.PlayerScripts container isn't accessible to the server, and a user's Class.PlayerScripts container doesn't reset when their character dies and respawns. Server-side Class.Script objects also don't run when parented to Class.PlayerScripts. The Class.PlayerScripts container is useful for scripts that aren't tied to a user's character life cycle, such as the general chat system or player input controls.