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Draw Container


A layout text engine for Game Maker Studio 2. Instead of managing ever-changing positions and sizes of the draw_text routines, we manage containers and their layout type. Uses concepts similar to CSS Layout and Relative Layout.

Example Project

The project has a few examples to get us started using the draw_container script. Simply run the game to see them in action. Use the arrow keys to view the available examples. Press ESC to end the game.


This project requires Game Maker Studio 2, which can be downloaded at . Once GMS2 is installed, we can open this project by downloading the latest zip here: . To get this working in our own project, simply follow these steps:

  1. Copy the required scripts, draw_container, draw_container_get_properties, draw_container_calculate, container_get_width, container_get_height, container_get_width_percent, container_get_height_percent, magnitude, draw_reset_font_and_color to our game.
  2. If we have a macros script in our project already, add #macro c_modern_black 789516 to the file. Otherwise, copy macros script over as well.
  3. Copy font_Arial8 to our game.

To use, simply call draw_container(data). A list of the available properties are below.


data - a struct with the following properties:

  • x - defaults to 0. The x position of the container. Note, a child with x property will move itself relative to the left or right. This DOES NOT effect the layout / positioning of other siblings.
  • y - defaults to 0. The y position of the container. Note, a child with y property will move itself relative to the up or down. This DOES NOT effect the layout / positioning of other siblings.
  • grid - required for root container with children. Available options are column or row. If this option is not specified in children containers that have children, and grid is not specified, the grid option will alternate. The option column will layout the children by stacking them. The option row will layout the children by placing the children next to each other.
  • flow - defaults to fill. Available options are fill, split or stack. When a container is set to fill, if no sizes are specified for a child, the child will only compute a size necessary for itself, with the exception of the last child, which will "fill" the remainder width if grid is set to row, or "fill" the remainder height if grid is set to column. The option split will split the children sizes evenly based on the number of children. If grid is set to row, all the widths will be equal in size. If grid is set to column, all the heights will be equal in size. The other option stack will draw each children in the same location, making a "stack" effect. The first child will be on the bottom, while the last child will be on the top. Each child will have the same width and height of the parent.
  • opacity - defaults to 1. This acts as an *_alpha multiplier, that cascades down to its children. Simply put, this property can be used at the root, which can fade in/out all children accordingly. Children opacities will be multiplied by its parent.
  • margin - defaults to 0. The spacing between other siblings. Individual margins can be controlled with marginLeft, marginTop, marginRight, and marginBottom. Setting a margin at the root container will cause an error, since there is no reason for margin at the root.
  • padding - defaults to 0. The spacing between the "content" and the margin. Individual padding can be controlled with paddingLeft, paddingTop, paddingRight, and paddingBottom.
  • width - the width of the "content" (not including marginLeft, marginRight, paddingLeft, paddingRight). If no width is specified, rules of flow will be applied. Widths > 0 and <= 1 will calculate itself based on a percentage of the parent width and marginLeft, marginRight, paddingLeft, paddingRight will be subtracted after width has been computed. If the text content is larger than the width, line wrapping will automatically be applied.
  • height - the height of the "content" (not including marginTop, marginBottom, paddingTop, paddingBottom). If no height is specified, rules of flow will be applied. Heights > 0 and <= 1 will calulcate itself based on a perentage of the parent height and marginTop, marginBottom, paddingTop, paddingBottom will be subtracted after height has been computed. If the text content is larger than the height, the text will overflow.
  • requireFull - defaults to true. When the option is true, the sum of the children's width (when grid is row) or height (when grid is column) must be equal to its parent. When this option is false, it is not necessary for the children's width and height to "match" the parent's width or height.
  • str - defaults to "". The "content", or the actual text we want to draw. Str can contain * characters for inline emphasis. See emphasisColor.
  • typewriterLength - if using a "typewriter" effect (i.e. printing one character at a time), we need to pass the current length of the type writer string (i.e. the substr index) in order for * characters to not throw a Unclosed '*' error.
  • font - defaults to font_Arial8. The font we want to render our str with.
  • lineHeight - defaults to -1. The spacing between lines of the content. See sep argument at
  • hAnchor - defaults to fa_center. Anchors the container on a horizontal side. fa_center won't do anything, where fa_left will anchor content on the left, while fa_right will anchor content on the right.
  • vAnchor - defaults to fa_middle. Anchors the container on a vertical side. fa_middle won't do anything, where fa_top will anchor content to the top, while fa_bottom will anchor content to the bottom.
  • hAlign - defaults to fa_center. Aligns the content horizontally. fa_center will center the text. fa_left will align the text to the left. fa_right will align the text to the right.
  • vAlign - defaults to fa_middle. Aligns the content vertically. fa_middle will center the text. fa_top will align the text to the top. fa_bottom will align the text to the bottom.
  • sprite - defaults to -1 (which means not used). A background sprite to be drawn.
  • imageIndex - defaults to 0. The image index of the background sprite to be drawn at. Ignored if no sprite is specified.
  • imageRotation - defaults to 0. The image angle of the background sprite to be drawn at. Ignored if no sprite is specified.
  • imageColor - defaults to -1 (which means no blending). The image color of the background sprite to be drawn at. Ignored if no sprite is specified.
  • imageAlpha - defaults to 1. The image alpha of the background sprite to be drawn at. Ignored if no sprite is specified.
  • spriteCover - defaults to false. If true, the sprite will cover the entire width / height of the container.
  • imageXscale - defaults to 1. The image xscale of the background sprite to be drawn at. Ignored if no sprite is specified. If spriteCover is set, this property should be ignored, otherwise an error will be thrown.
  • imageYscale - defaults to 1. The image yscale of the background sprite to be drawn at. Ignored if no sprite is specified. If spriteCover is set, this property should be ignored, otherwise an error will be thrown.
  • fillColor - defaults to c_modern_black. The background color of the container to be used.
  • fillAlpha - defaults to 0. The alpha of the background to be used.
  • radius - defaults to 0. The radius of the background color. If -1 is used, the radius will be automatically calculated based on the size of the container.
  • textColor - defaults to c_white. The color to draw the text with.
  • emphasisColor - defaults to c_orange. The color to draw the emphasis text with. Strings that are surrounded by * characters will be ephasized with this color.
  • textAlpha - defaults to 1. The alpha to draw the text color at.
  • shadowColor - defaults to c_black. The shadow color to draw the text with.
  • shadowAlpha - defaults to 1. The alpha to draw the shadow color at.
  • borderColor - defaults to c_white. The color to draw a border with.
  • borderAlpha - defaults to 0. The alpha to draw the borderColor at.
  • children - an array of structs representing the children containers
  • parent - pointer to the parent container.
  • computedOpacity - the multiplier opacity to be used on conjuncture with *_alphas.
  • plainText - a version of str, without the *.
  • cachedString - we store the previous version of str and only recompute container_get_lines when str is different than this value.
  • cachedWidth - we store the previous version of renderWidth (see below) and only recompute container_get_lines when renderWidth is different than this value.
  • cachedTypewriterLength - we store the previous version of typewriterLength and only recompute container_get_lines when typewriterLength is different than this value.
  • lines - contains all of the strings segements / components, broken apart by *, for rendering.
  • widthPercent - the width of the container as a percentage.
  • heightPercent - the height of the container as a percentage.
  • strWidth - See for more details. Used in computing the width of a container.
  • strHeight - Used in computing the height of a container. Takes into account the width of a container.
  • computedWidth - Computes the width of a container based on its children, grid type, marginLeft, marginRight, paddingLeft, paddingRight, strWidth.
  • computedHeight - Computes the height of a container based on its children, grid type, marginTop, marginBottom, paddingTop, paddingBottom, strHeight.
  • renderX - Without overriding the x property, computes the location of where the different pieces will be rendered on the x axis.
  • renderY - Without overriding the y property, computes the location of where the different pieces will be rendered on the y axis.
  • renderWidth - Without overriding the width property, computes the actual width of the container.
  • renderHeight - Without overriding the heieght property, computes the actual height of the container.
Notes and Optimization

data NO LONGER gets automatically cleaned up after the draw_container call by default. This is because using delete on a struct instantiated outside a function does not seem to unallocate memory (whether a bug or intentional). Therefore, the responsbility is on the developer to call delete after draw_container is called. However, if we want to optimize, we should create this struct elsewhere, say the Create event, and only update the properties that need updating in the Draw event. Since parent is an internal property, the function assumes that if parent exists on a struct, that all the properties exist on the struct and its children (therefore, if parent doesn't exist, it will populate all the properties). An an example on how to use this optimization is in the last room.


Thank you for considering contributing to Draw Container! To encourage active collaboration, we encourage pull requests, not just issues.

If you file an issue, the issue should contain a title and a clear description of the issue. You should also include as much relevant information as possible and a code sample that demonstrates the issue. The goal of a issue is to make it easy for yourself - and others - to replicate the bug and develop a fix.


Draw Container is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.