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Empresas que usam React no Brasil

📱Versão mobile, para versão desktop💻 acesse aqui.

OBS: Antes de realizar sua contribuição dê uma olhada nas regras

Accenture São Paulo, SP - Recife, PE Redux, React Native

ACERTA! Crédito Fácil Santo Cristo, RS Typescript, Context API, Hooks, Atomic Design, Styled Components, Reach Router, Formik, Testing Library, Cypress, ESLint, Husky, Prettier, Redux

AFYA São Paulo, SP Next.js, Node.js, Webpack, MongoDB, AWS

Agenda Edu Fortaleza, CE Typescript, Redux, Redux Saga, Hooks, React Native, Styled Components, Formik, Testing Library, Jest, Cypress, Enzyme, Storybook, ESLint, Husky, Prettier

Agfa HealthCare Brasil Recife, PE Redux, React Native, Redux Form

Agilize Contabilidade Online Salvador, BA Redux, Redux Saga, Redux-Thunk, Redux Form, Jest, Styled Components, Router, Enzyme, Webpack, Storybook, Reselect

Agrotis Curitiba, PR Redux, Redux-Thunk, Styled Components, Storybook, Material-UI

Agrotools São José dos Campos, SP React, React Native

allya São Paulo, SP Redux, React Native

Alumy Sorocaba, SP Redux, Redux Form, React Native

AMARO São Paulo, SP Redux, RxJS

Americanas São Paulo, SP

ANTIDOTO DESIGN E TECNOLOGIA São Paulo, SP React-Native, Redux, Feathersjs, Mongodb, Gunjs, Meteor

Ao Cubo São Paulo, SP React Native, Redux, Next, GraphQL

App Masters Juiz de Fora, MG React Native, Redux, Sagas, Firebase, Jest, Flow, Material-UI

Appmoove Campo Mourão, PR React Native, Redux

AQUARELA Salvador, BA Redux, Jest, React Native, Reactotron, GraphQL, Redux Saga, Webpack, Next.js

Arizona Marketing Flow São Paulo, SP Redux, RxJS

Arquivei São Carlos, SP Redux, ImmutableJS, Redux Thunk, Styled Components, Jest, Webpack, Next.js

Astrocoders Sorocaba, SP GraphQL, Apollo, Relay, Recompose, Styled Components, Redux, Sagas, Redux Logics, React Native, Next, Jest, Meteor

Audora Gerencial Maceió, AL Redux

Autopass São Paulo, SP React Native, Redux, Jest, Styled Components, Recompose, Redux Thunk, Firebase, Reselect, Redux Form

B2W Rio de Janeiro, RJ - São Paulo, SP React Native, Redux, Jest, Immutable

BeeTech São Paulo, SP Jest, Redux, Functional Programming, Styled Components

Beleza Na Web São Paulo, SP Redux, React Native, Styled Components, Jest

Bem Care São Paulo, SP Redux, React Native, Router, Hooks, Mongo DB

BH Servers Belo Horizonte, MG React Native, Redux

BIMachine Lajeado, RS React Native, Redux, Router, Hooks, Typescript

Bionexo São Paulo, SP Redux, Router, Hooks, Jest, Enzyme 🏠🏢

BitX Software House Belém, PA React Native, Router, Hooks, Context API

Brasal Brasília, DF - Uberlândia, MG React Native, Redux, React VR

BovControl São Paulo, SP Redux, Saga, MobX

Boticário Redux, Apollo, Graphql

Bowe Uberlândia, MG Context API, Material UI, Webpack, Enzyme

BuildBox Campinas - SP Typescript, Redux , Styled Components.

Buscapé São Paulo, SP Redux, Redux-Thunk, Router, Enzyme, Webpack, Mongo DB, Mocha

Caju Benefícios São Paulo, SP React Native, Redux, Sagas, Relay, GraphQL, Cypress, Styled-components, React Testing Library, Hooks

Cappta São Paulo, SP React Native, Redux

CARGOBR Barueri, SP McFly

Catho Barueri, SP CSS Modules, Jest, Redux, Storybook, Webpack

Cedro Technologies São Paulo, SP - Uberlândia, MG React-Native, Redux

CESAR Recife, PE React-Native

CITi Recife, PE Redux, Mongo, Firebase

Cheesecake Labs Florianópolis, SC Redux, React Native, Next, Webpack, Storybook, PostCSS, React Router, Hooks, Context API

Climatempo São Paulo, SP React Native, Redux

Codengage Dois Vizinhos, PR React Native, GraphQL, Jest, styled-components, react-testing-library, Cypress, recompose, hooks, ramda, Docz, Material-ui

Coderockr Joinville, SC React Native, Redux, Next, ImmutableJS, CSS Modules, Storybook, Firebase

Compila São Paulo, SP

Conductor João Pessoa, PB - Barueri, SP - Porto Alegre, RS Redux, Router, Saga, ReduxForm, Jest, Enzyme

Conpass Florianópolis, SC Redux, Saga, Mocha

Contraktor Curitiba, PR Redux, Saga, Ducks, Webpack

ConvergenceWorks São Paulo — SP, Salvador — BA React Native, Redux, Sagas, Ignite

Corebiz Barueri, SP Redux

Crave Food Systems Ribeirão Preto, SP Redux, Webpack

Creditas Porto Alegre, RS - Recife, PE - São Paulo, SP Typescript, Formik, CRA, Gatsby, Emotion, RTL, Jest, SWR, Redux, Lerna, single-spa

Croct São Paulo, SP Typescript, CRA, Emotion, GraphQL, Relay, Jest, Cypress, React Testing Library, Hooks

Cubos Salvador, BA Mobx, Redux, Jest

Cuidas São Paulo, SP RN, Typescript, GraphQL, Apollo, Jest, Redux, Styled Components, Lerna, Storybook 🏢

Curso Ênfase São Carlos, SP - Rio de Janeiro, RJ GraphQL, Relay, Redux, Ducks, Material-ui, Webpack

CWI Software São Paulo, SP - Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Porto Alegre, RS - Passo Fundo, RS - Gravataí, RS - São Leopoldo, RS Redux, React Native, Styled Components, Recompose

C6 Bank São Paulo, SP Material UI, JSS, Redux, Gatsby, Storybook, React-Router, RTL, Jest, Formik

Daksa Marketing & Tecnologia Jaboticabal, SP React Native, React Native Cache Store, Redux, NativeBase

Dalla Soluções São Paulo, SP Redux, Jest, Saga, Material-ui, CSS Modules Florianópolis, SC Redux, Ducks, Reselect, Styled Components, Mocha, Storybook

DeepX Porto Alegre, RS Redux, Redux-Thunk, Reselect, Jest, Webpack, Firebase, Lodash, Storybook

Desbravador Software Florianópolis, SC - Chapecó, SC Redux, Jest, Enzyme

Descomplica Rio de Janeiro, RJ Redux, Next.js

DevGrid Caxias do Sul, RS - Florianópolis, SC Redux, React Native, Router, Material UI, GraphQL, Next.js, MobX, Jest, Enzyme, Cypress

DEX São Paulo, SP Cornélio Procópio, PR Redux, Context API, React Native, Jest, Enzyme, Styled Component

Dextra São Paulo, SP - Campinas, SP Flux, Jest, MobX, React Native, Redux

Diebold Nixdorf Indaiatuba, SP

Digibee São Paulo, SP React-Native, Rematch, Redux, GraphQL, Styled Components

Digital Pages São Paulo, SP

Digital Innovation One Araraquara, SP React Native, Redux, Firebase, Styled Components, Jest

Diin São Paulo, SP - São Carlos, SP React Native, Redux, Jest

Belo Horizonte, MG React Native, Redux, Jest

DokeHost Uberlândia, MG NextJs, Redux, ReduxForm, Styled Components, React Native

e-Core Porto Alegre, RS - São Paulo, SP Redux, Webpack

Easynvest São Paulo, SP Jest, Redux, ReduxForm, Ducks, Styled Components

Easy Carros São Paulo, SP React-Native, Redux, Saga, GraphQL

EBANX Curitiba, PR Redux, React Native

EcompJr Feira de Santana, BA

EcoStage São Paulo, SP Redux

Sanar Salvador, BA React Native, Apollo, NextJS, Gatsby, Styled Components, Jest, Testing Library, Detox, Storybook

EloMilhas Recife, PE Redux

eMasters São Paulo, SP NextJs, Redux, ReduxForm, Styled Components, React Native

eNe Soluções Uberlândia, MG GraphQL, Jest, Next.js, React Native, Redux, Reselect

Energisa João Pessoa, PB React Native, Styled Components, Redux, Detox

Entria São Paulo, SP GraphQL, Relay, Styled Components, Jest, Formik, Webpack, Material-UI, React Native

Escalaí - Startup Rio de Janeiro, RJ React Native

Escavador Salvador, BA React Native, Redux, Redux-Thunk, Normalizr, Jest, Flow, Webpack

Escolha Tecnologia Presidente Prudente, SP Flux, Redux, Redux-Thunk, React-Router, Material-UI, React Native, React Navigation

Eskolare São Paulo, SP Enzyme, Immutable, Jest, Redux, Reselect, Router, Saga, Styled Components

Eventials Blumenau, SC Redux, Jest, Styled Components, Docz, Material-ui

Evino São Paulo, SP Redux, Jest, CSS Modules

Evolux Natal, RN Redux, Jest, MobX, WebRTC

Eyemoile Florianópolis, SC Redux, Hooks, Storybook, Formik, Jest

Fábrica de Software IFRS Bento Gonçalves, RS Sequelize, Express, Apollo, GraphQL, Node

Face Digital Joinville, SC Redux, React Native, Redux Thunk, Next.js

Faicon Rio de Janeiro, SP MobX, JSS, Jest, Webpack, Storybook

Feedback House São Paulo, SP GraphQL, Relay, Styled Components, Jest, Formik, Webpack, Material-UI, React Native

Fortbrasil Fortaleza, CE Redux, React Native, Styled Components

Fortes Tecnologia em Sistemas Fortaleza, CE Redux, Router

Fractal Tecnologia João Pessoa, PB Redux, Redux-Thunk, Redux-Saga, Redux-form, Emotion, Jest

Fred São Paulo, SP Redux, Redux Thunk

Fundação CERTI Florianópolis, SC Redux, Apollo, Relay, Jest

FW7 Blumenau, SC Redux, React Native, Styled Components, GraphQl, Apollo, Ducks, Jest, Enzyme, Hooks, Ramda, ESLint(Standard), Final Form, Parcel, ImmutableJS

Gamers Club Sorocaba, SP Redux, Router, Jest, Enzyme, Saga, Typescript, Storybook

Geekie São Paulo, SP React Native

GeekHunter Florianópolis, SC Router, CSS Modules, Jest, Enzyme, ESLint(Airbnb)

Gen São Paulo, SP React Native, Redux, Apollo, GraphQl, Jets

Gerenciagram Feira de Santana, BA React Native, Redux, Sagas

Geru São Paulo, SP Webpack, Redux, ReduxForm, Redux Thunk, Redux Saga, Router, Recompose, Reselect, Gatsby, Styled Components, Docz, Flow, GraphQL, Apollo, ImmutableJS, Jest, Enzyme

GETTY/IO São Paulo, SP React Native, Redux, Apollo/GraphQL, Jest, Relay, Styled Components, Next.js

Geru São Paulo, SP Webpack, Redux, ReduxForm, Redux Thunk, Redux Saga, Router, Recompose, Reselect, Gatsby, Styled Components, Docz, Flow, GraphQL, Apollo, ImmutableJS, Jest, Enzyme

Getup Cloud São Paulo, SP Redux, Jest, Webpack, Storybook, Patternfly-React

GetNet Porto Alegre, RS Redux, Node Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Porto Alegre — RS React Native

Goomer Sorocaba, SP CSS Modules, Jest, Redux, Storybook, Webpack

GoBacklog Governador Valadares, MG Gatsby, Jest, Storybook, Reach Router, Styled Components, Parcel

Go-K São Paulo, SP React Native, Gatsby, Next, Redux, Redux, Thunk Ducks, Firebase, Styled Components, Jest, GraphQL, Apollo, Storybook, TypeScript

GreenMile Fortaleza, CE Redux, Redux Saga, Enzyme, Jest, ImmutableJS, Reselect, Storybook

Grifo Porto Alegre, RS Jest, Redux, React Native

Gupy São Paulo, SP Redux, Redux-Saga, Jest, Enzyme, Storybook/Docz, Webpack, Material UI

Gympass São Paulo, SP

Hi Platform São Paulo, SP Jest, Redux, Sagas, Styled Components, Immutable, Material-UI, Reselect

HBSIS Campinas, SP - Sorocaba, SP - Blumenau, SC GraphQL, Jest, Enzyme, Styled Components, Router, Webpack, Storybook, TypeScript

Helpay Sorocaba, SP Redux, Redux Thunk, Router, Styled Components, Typescript, Ant UI

Home Team Redux

HostGator Florianópolis, SC Redux, Redux-Thunk, Router

Hotmart São Paulo, SP - Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Belo Horizonte, BH MobX, Next.js, React Native, Redux, Styled Components, CSS Modules

Horizon Salvador, BA Redux, React Native, Electron

Icarus Tech Florianópolis, SC Redux

ICA CARD Salvador, BA Redux, React Native, Next.js

iClinic Ribeirão Preto, SP React Native, Flux, Redux, Saga, Jest

iFood São Paulo, SP - Campinas, SP - Salvador, BA Redux, Recompose, Ducks, Saga, Jest, Enzyme, actionz

Ilegra São Paulo, SP - Porto Alegre, RS Redux, Saga, Styled Components

In Loco Recife, PE React Native, Redux, GraphQL, Apollo, Jest, Enzyme,, Mapbox, Leaflet, Semantic-UI, Storybook, Webpack

Incentive-me Rio de Janeiro, RJ MobX, JSS, Jest, Webpack, Storybook

inDecks Piracicaba, SP Redux, Material-UI, Webpack, Redux-Thunk, Jest, GraphQL

Infracommerce São Paulo, SP Flux/Redux, Redux Saga, Redux Form, Webpack, Storybook

inGaia Campinas, SP Redux, Redux Saga, Redux Form, Styled Components, Storybook, Jest

Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazônia React Native, Redux, Redux-thunk, React-Router, Immutable.js, create-react-app, Material-UI

Intelie São Paulo, SP - Rio de Janeiro, RJ Redux, Redux Thunk,Styled Components, MobX, Jest, Enzyme, Flux

Intuitech Redux, React Native

Invillia Araraquara, SP React Native, Redux, Redux Thunk, Styled Components

ioasys Belo Horizonte, MG - São Paulo, SP - Lavras, MG - Aracaju, SE React Native, Redux, Redux Thunk, Styled Components, Jest

Irriga Global Santa Maria, RS React Native, Redux

Isobar Brasil São Paulo, SP

JetSoft São Paulo, SP React Native, Redux 🏢

JP7 São Paulo, SP React Native, Redux, GraphQL

Junto Seguros Curitiba, PR Styled Components, MobX, Jest, Storybook

Juntos Somos Mais São Paulo, SP React Native, Jest, Enzyme, Styled Components, Storybook

Jusbrasil São Paulo, SP - Salvador, BA GraphQL, Relay, Recompose, React Native, Jest, Storybook, create-react-app, Webpack, Material-UI

KeepClear São Paulo, SP Hooks, Router, GraphQL, Apollo, TypeScript, Styled Components,, Jest, Enzyme

Krush Rio de Janeiro, RJ React Native/Redux/Flux

kunst Gatsby, Styled Components, Redux, GraphQL, Next.js, Apollo, React Native

Kovi São Paulo, SP Hooks, GraphQL, Apollo, Typescript, Styled Components, Jest

Labfy Leme, SP Redux, Material-UI, Webpack, Redux-Thunk, Jest, GraphQL, MongoDB, Relay

Laborit São Paulo, SP, Ribeirão Preto — SP Redux

Labcodes Recife, PE Redux, Styled Components, Storybook, Jest, GraphQL, Enzyme, Webpack, Firebase, Apollo, Recompose, React-Router, Cypress

LaPag São Paulo, SP Redux, Styled Components, Jest, Storybook, React Native

Lambda3 São Paulo, SP Redux, Styled Components, Jest, Storybook, React Native, Enzyme, Webpack, Redux-Thunk, Redux-Saga

LEAD Fortaleza, CE React Native, Redux, Redux Thunk, Ducks, Saga

Leroy Merlin Brasil São Paulo, SP React Native, Styled Components, Jest, Enzyme, Firebase, Razzle, Webpack, Rollup

Letrus São Paulo, SP Redux, ImmutableJS, Styleguidist, Webpack, Jest, Enzyme

Liferay Recife, PE Formik, Jest, GraphQL, Redux, Webpack

Light Up São Paulo, SP Webpack, Styled Components

Liv Up São Paulo, SP Next.js, Redux, Styled Components, GraphQL, React-Router, Webpack, Storybook, Cypress, React Native

Loggi São Paulo, SP - Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Belo Horizonte, MG React Native, React Native Web, CSS Modules, Styled Components, React-Router, GraphQL, Relay, Redux, Redux-Thunk, Redux-forms, Enzyme, Jest, Storybook (Web/Native), Webpack, NightwatchJS, MS appcenter (code-push)

Logicalis Redux, Redux-Thunk, Jest, Enzyme, create-react-app

Loldesign São Paulo, SP

Luby São Paulo, SP React Native 🏠🏢

LuizaLabs Franca, SP Mobx, Jest, Styled Components, Semantic-UI, create-react-app, Webpack, Typescript, React Native, Mocha, Nock

Lunes Cajamar, SP Redux, Redux Saga

M4U Rio de Janeiro, RJ Redux, Saga, GraphQL, Jest, Enzyme

MAiS Resultados Rio de Janeiro, RJ Redux, Redux Form, Jest, Enzyme

Magapay Rio do Sul, SC React Admin, React Router, Redux, Material-UI

Magazine Luiza São Paulo, SP Redux, Jest, Enzyme

Magazord Rio do Sul, SC React Router, Material-UI

Magnetis São Paulo, SP React Native, Redux, Redux Loop, Jest, Enzyme, Styled Components, Typescript 🏠🏢

Magrathea Laboratories Joinville, SC Redux, React Native

Mapfry São Paulo, SP React-Router, Redux, Styled Components, Typescript, Mapbox, Hooks, Storybook

Matera Campinas, SP Redux, Flux, Enzyme, Redux-Thunk, Mocha, Router

MaxMilhas Belo Horizonte, MG Redux, React Native

Menthor Vitória, ES Redux, Mongo DB, elasticsearch

Méliuz Belo Horizonte, MG - Manaus, AM React Native, Redux, Next.js, Styled Components, Jest

Mercado Livre São Paulo, SP GraphQL, Redux

Meu Despachante Sorocaba, SP Redux, Redux Thunk, Router, Styled Components, Typescript, Ant UI

Meus Pedidos Joinville, SC Redux

Ministério Público do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro, RJ GeoServer, Leaflet, Chart.js, Intro.js

MixBR Games Redux, Styled Components

Mobills Fortaleza, CE Redux, React Router, Material-UI, Redux Form

Mobly São Paulo, SP React Native, GraphQL, Node.js, MongoDB, Docker

Monkey Exchange São Paulo, SP Redux, MobX

Mooven Consulting São Paulo, SP Redux

Mout'S Blumenau, SC React Native, Redux, Saga, Styled Components, Hooks, Router, Jest, Formik 🏠🏢

Mudi Saúde São Paulo, SP React Native, Redux, Saga

Multiware Tecnologia Sinop, MT React Native, Redux

Napp Solutions Leme, SP React-Native, Native Base, Redux, GraphQL, MongoDB, Relay

Nexo Jornal São Paulo, SP SSR Node, Isomorphic, GraphQL, Hooks, Styled Components, Router, Jest, React Testing Library, Cypress, Storybook, Webpack, ESLint(Airbnb), Prettier, Formik, Docusaurus 🏢

NG Informática Joinville, SC Redux, Ramda, GraphQL, Apollo, Flow, TypeScript, Material-UI, Flipper-UI, React Native, Expo, Styled Components, Docz, Gatsby, Cypress

Nodo Pelotas, RS Next.js, React Native, Atomic Design, Hooks, Prettier, ESLint(Airbnb), Styled Components, Webpack, Typescript 🏠 e 🏢

Novatics Brasília, DF Cypress, Expo, Flow, Gatsby, GraphQL, Jest, Prettier, React Native, Redux, Styled Components, TypeScript, Webpack 🏢

NSC Comunicação Florianópolis, SC React Native, Next.js, Redux, Apollo, GraphQL, Ramda, Recompose, Functional Programming

NTConsult Porto Alegre, RS React Native, Typescript, Jest

Nubank São Paulo, SP - Campinas, SP - Rio de Janeiro — RJ React Native, GraphQL

Nuvem Shop São Paulo, SP - Belo Horizonte — MG React Native, Redux, Next.js, Docz

Objective São Paulo, SP - Curitiba, PR - Maringá, PR Typescript, Redux, React Native, Styled Components, Jest, Cypress, ESLint

Ochain Florianópolis, SC Styled Components, Material UI, Apollo, GraphQL, Prisma

OLX São Paulo, SP - Belo Horizonte, MG - Rio de Janeiro, RJ Redux, Saga 🏠🏢

OneMarket São Paulo, SP GraphQL, Apollo, Saga, Glamorous

Oi São Paulo, SP - Belo Horizonte, MG - Rio de Janeiro, RJ Redux, Reflux, Storybook

Origin Financial São Paulo, SP Styled Components, Redux, Storybook, Custom Hooks, TypeScript, Formik 🏠🏢

OSBR São Paulo, SP GraphQL, MongoDb, Redux, React Native São Paulo, SP Redux, CSS Modules, Storybook

PagSeguro São Paulo, SP Redux, Observable, Inferno

Pague Menos Redux, Saga

Parnity Belo Horizonte, MG - São Paulo, SP Next.js, React Testing Library 🏠🏢

Paytrack Blumenau, SC TypeScript, RxJS, Ant UI, Prettier

PICSIZE Belo Horizonte, MG Router, Webpack, Lodash

Pier São Paulo, SP React Native, MobX, Jest, Lodash

Pipefy São Paulo, SP - Curitiba, PR GraphQL, React Native

Pismo São Paulo, SP Redux, MobX, RxJS, Jest

PLING Porto Alegre, RS Next.js

Popcode Mobile Solutions Aracaju, SE React Native, Redux, Sagas, Firebase, Jest, Flow Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Printi São Paulo, SP Redux, RxJS

Ponto GO Fortaleza, CE React Native, Redux, Redux Saga, Firebase, Material-UI, Styled Components 🏢

Poupachef São Paulo, SP React Native, Redux 🏠 🏢

ProFUSION Campinas, SP React Native, Redux, Redux Saga, GraphQL, Material-UI, Styled Components, Flow, TypeScript

PWI São paulo, SP React Native, redux, typescript, Enzyme

Qualyteam Balneário Camboriú, SC Redux, Saga, Jest, Enzyme

QUANTO São Paulo, SP React Native, GraphQL, Relay, Redux, Jest, Styled Components

QuintoAndar São Paulo, SP Redux, Jest, Styled Components

Quóro Santa Terezinha de Itaipu, PR Typescript, Next.js, Relay, GraphQL, Context API, Hooks, react-hook-form, Recoil, TailwindCss, Styled Components, Jest, Playwright

Raise Sistemas Rio de Janeiro, RJ React Native

RankMyAPP São Paulo, SP Redux, Redux Thunk, Ducks, Hooks, Material-UI, Styled Components, Jest, Immutable.js, TypeScript 🏠 🏢

RD Station Florianópolis, SC Redux, Hooks, Styled Components, Jest, Cypress, Enzyme, RTL, Webpack, Storybook 🏠 🏢

Requisittus Lajeado, RS Redux, Router

Riachuelo São Paulo, SP Redux, Redux Thunk, Ducks, Next.js, Material-UI, Jest, Enzyme, TypeScript 🏠 🏢

Rivendel São Paulo, SP Redux, Saga, Material-UI, Immutable.js, Jest, Relay/GraphQL, React-Leaflet, Redux-Immutable.

[Rocketseat] ( Rio do Sul, SC NodeJS, ReactJS e React Native.

RPC (Afiliada Globo) Curitiba, PR React Native, Redux, Redux-Thunk, Redux-Forms, MobX, Rematch, Router

Rumo Soluções Belo Horizonte, MG React Native, Redux, Saga, TypeScript, SASS 🏠 🏢

Salvus Recife, PE Redux, Redux Thunk, React Native

Samba Tech Belo Horizonte, MG

Sciensa São Paulo, SP Redux, Router, Ramda, Jest e Form.

Seasoned Porto Alegre, RS Material-UI, Lodash, Jest, React Testing Library, Hooks, Jest, Croods 🏠

Secretaria Municipal da Educação da Prefeitura de Fortaleza Fortaleza, CE React Native, Redux, Saga, ImmutableJS, Lodash

Secrel Fortaleza, CE Hooks, React Native, Redux, Saga, Styled Components, Router, Jest, Enzyme, React Testing Library, Cypress, Storybook, Material-UI

Seeds Vitória, ES Redux, Saga, Mobx, Lodash, Observable, Router, Ramda, Webpack, Router, Reselect, Typescript

Segware Florianópolis, SC React Native, Styled Components, RxJS

ServiceNet João Pessoa, PB React Native, Redux, Styled-Components

Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Comecial - SENAC/SE Aracaju, SE NodeJS, Redux, Saga, Styled Components, Unform

Seo Zé Vinhedo, SP Redux, Styled Components, Unform

Serasa Consumidor Blumenau, SC Redux, Saga, Next, CSS Modules, Jest, Enzyme, Hooks, Ramda, ESLint(Airbnb), Monorepo

Shawee São Paulo, SP Redux, Apollo/GraphQL

Sigalei São Carlos, SP Redux, Relay, GraphQL, Material-UI

Simplifica CI São José do Rio Preto, SP Redux, Redux Thunk, Styled Components

Softbox/LuizaLabs Uberlândia, MG Redux, Firebase, Jest, Styled Components, Material-UI, create-react-app, Immutable

Softcon João Pessoa, PB React Native

SoftExpert Software Joinville, SC React Native, Redux

Softplan Florianópolis, SC Redux, ReactNative

Softin Sistemas Joinville, SC Redux

Som Livre Rio de Janeiro, RJ React Native

SOMAR Meteorologia São Paulo, SP Redux, Styled Components, Webpack, Storybook, Jest, Router, Monorepo

Sotero Tech Lauro de Freitas, BA Redux, React Native

Startaê Gatsby, Recompose, Styled Components, React Router, Redux, GraphQL, Apollo

StartSe São Paulo, SP
Palo Alto, CA Redux, React Native, Graphql

STQ Digital São Paulo, SP React-Native, GraphQL, Redux, Relay, Immutable, Styled Components

Studio Sol Belo Horizonte, MG Redux, GraphQL, Relay

Submarino São Paulo, SP

SumUp São Paulo, SP GraphQL, Apollo, Jest, Enzyme, React Testing Library, Styled Components

Suntech/Verint Florianópolis, SC Hooks, Ant UI

Superlógica Campinas, SP React Native, Redux

Superplayer São Paulo, SP - Porto Alegre, RS Redux, GraphQL

Sky.One São Paulo, SP TypeScript, Redux, Redux-Saga, Material-UI, Cypress, Router

Taller Redux, Redux Boot, Jest, Enzyme, GraphQL, Apollo, CSS Modules, Styled Components, Recompose, Ramda, Storybook

Taqtile São Paulo, SP React Native, MobX, GraphQL, Storybook, Styled Components, Jest

Teclógica Blumenau, SC Redux, Redux-Thunk, Router, Webpack, Material-UI, create-react-app

Tegra Sorocaba, SP - São Paulo, SP React Native, Typescript, Jest, Enzyme, Recompose, Rxjs, Docz

Teknisa Belo Horizonte, MG React Native, Redux, Jest

Teravoz São Paulo, SP Redux, TypeScript, Jest, AVA, SASS, Material-UI, Hooks

Timcoo Belo Horizonte, MG Redux, Redux Thunk

TOTVS São Paulo, SP

Trackmob Curitiba, PR Redux, Router, React-Native

TradersClub São Paulo, SP ReactNative, Redux Thunk, Router, Webpack

Trilogo Fortaleza, CE Redux, Jest, Saga

UAUBox Jundiaí - SP Next.js, Redux, Material-UI, create-react-app, Redux Saga, Gitlab, Nodejs

Unbanked Pagamentos Paulínia, SP Redux, React Native, Router, Firebase, NativeBase

UPX Technologies Campinas, SP Redux, Router, Jest, Gatsby

Unimed Fortaleza Fortaleza, CE Redux, Saga, Redux Thunk, Hooks, Router, Webpack, create-react-app, React Admin, Ant UI 🏢

Vagalume São Paulo, SP Redux, React Native, Jest São Paulo, SP Redux, Redux-Thunk, Redux Form, Redux Final Form, Jest, Styled Components, Router, React Testing Library, Webpack, Docz, Micro Frontends / Serveless, GraphQL/Relay, Next.js, Husk Ribeirão Preto, SP React Native, Redux, Redux-Saga

Venturi X Soluções em TI São Paulo, SP React Native, Redux, Redux-Thunk, Redux Form, Jest, Webpack, Next.js, Docz, GraphQL, Apollo, Flow, TypeScript, Ant-UI, Material-UI, Flipper-UI, Styled Components, Gatsby, Cypress

Vérios Investimentos São Paulo, SP

Vialaser Tubarão, SC Redux, Context API, Material-UI, Jest, Styled Components, React Native

Vindi São Paulo, SP Redux, Saga

Vinta Software Recife, PE ESLint, Enzyme, Formik, ImmutableJS, Jest, Next.js, Normalizr, Prettier, React Router, Redux, Redux Form, Redux Saga, Redux Thunk, Styled Components, Webpack

Vizir Software Studio São Paulo, SP React Native, Redux, Apollo/GraphQL, Jest, Detox(e2e), Styled Components

VML Brasil São Paulo, SP - Rio de Janeiro, RJ Redux, Isomorphic, SSR, Saga, Jest, Ramda, ARc

Volanty Rio de Janeiro, RJ - São paulo, SP - Redux, Apollo/GraphQL, Next.JS, Jest, Ramda, Styled Components, Material-UI, Prettier, Formik, Storybook, MongoDB, Firebase

Voltbras Florianópolis, SC React Native, Redux, Apollo/GraphQL, Styled Components, NodeJS, Golang, Prisma

VTEX São Paulo, SP - Rio de Janeiro, RJ Redux, Apollo GraphQL, Jest, React Native

WA Project São Paulo, SP Redux, Context API, Hooks, TypeScript, React Native, Material UI, Formik

Wealth Systems Cascavel, PR Immutable

Webedia Rio de Janeiro, RJ Redux, Jest, GraphQL

WebJump São Paulo, SP GraphQL, Redux, Hooks, Styled Components, Router, Apollo, Jest, React Native, Enzyme


Wevo São Paulo, SP - Florianópolis, SC RxJS Vitória, ES React Native, Redux, Redux Thunk, Immutable

Wizard São Paulo, SP React Native, Redux, Sagas, Router

XP Investimentos São Paulo, SP Redux, Jest, React-Native

Yube São Paulo, SP JSS, Apollo/GraphQL, Jest, Enzyme

Zaal Tecnologia Três Rios, RJ React-Native, Redux Persist, Saga, Reactotron, ESLint(Airbnb), Styled Components, Hooks, Prettier, Formik, Ducks, Ant UI, Jest

Zap Imóveis São Paulo, SP Redux, Jest, GraphQL

ZeroSoft Ribeirão Preto, SP Redux, Styled Components, Router, Material-UI, Webpack, Router, React Native, Monorepo

Zimp São Paulo, SP

Zup IT Innovation São Paulo, SP - Uberlândia, MG Redux, Saga, MobX, Jest, Enzyme, GraphQL, Apollo, Styled Components, Immutable

ZX Ventures React-Native, Redux, GraphQL, Apollo/Relay

12min React Native, Redux, React Navigation, Saga, Cycle, Flow, Reactotron, ESLint(Airbnb)