diff --git a/docs/research/ereolengo/unilogin_publizon_models_and_relations.md b/docs/research/ereolengo/unilogin_publizon_models_and_relations.md
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+# Session handling
+ UniloginAccessToken {
+ string accessToken
+ int expires
+ string refreshToken
+ int values__refresh_expires_in
+ int values__id_token
+ }
+# DingUniloginUser
+ DingUniloginUser {
+ string name
+ string authname
+ string wsuser
+ string wspass
+ string_array institutionsIds
+ int_array municipalityIds
+ object_array institutions
+ }
+`name` is the same as the Unilogin username
+# Publizon Libraries (local db table)
+ publizon_libraries {
+ string retailer_id
+ string library_name
+ string unilogin_id
+ string retailer_key_code
+ string subscribed_users
+ string municipality_id
+ }
+# Institutions og municipalities
+ institution {
+ string instnr
+ string instnavn
+ string type
+ string typenavn
+ string adresse
+ string bynavn
+ string postnr
+ string telefonnr
+ string mailadresse
+ string www
+ int kommunenr
+ }
+## institutionIds
+Institution ids are collected via the `DingUniloginWSIbruger` client via `hentBrugersInstitutionsTilknytninger` SOAP service
+## municipalitiesIds
+Municipalities is only represented as id's.
+Municipalities are fetched via the `DingUniloginUser::getInstitutionMunicipalities(institutionIds)` method:
+* Fake municipalities are established via `_ding_unilogin_get_nonstitution_municipalities` that gets its data from: `_ding_unilogin_get_nonstitutions` that gets the institutions from a setting (variable) called: `ding_unilogin_nonstitutions`
+* InstitutionIds are iterated and every institution is fetched by the `DingUniloginWSIinst` client via the `hentInstitution` service
+* If a fake institution exists with current institutionId then use the `kommunenr` from that
+* (side effect) `DingUniloginUser.institutions` are being populated in the iteration with the institution
+* `insititution.kommunenr` is added to the `municipalityIds` array
+* The `municipalityIds` array is set on `DingUniloginUser.municipalityIds`
+* The `municipalityIds` array is being returned
+# Library/libraries
+ PublizonConfiguredLibrary {
+ int retailer_id
+ string library_name
+ string unilogin_id
+ string municipality_id
+ string retailer_key_code
+ string subscribed_users
+ }
+Libraries (`PublizonConfiguredLibrary`) are stored in the db in the table: `publizon_libraries` they are fetched by the function: `publizon_get_libraries()` which keys them by `retailer_id`.
+Afterwards the libraries are being filtered by the municipalities connected to the user.
+## The usage/meaning of a library
+If there is multiple libraries connected to the user, only the first one is being used.
+The unilogin_id from the library is being tied to the Drupal user and is being used in future contexts.
+# Services
+## Unilogin services
+### Base class: DingUniloginServiceBase
+Uses two methods: `call` and `callWithAuth` depending on if the request needs authentication
+`callWithAuth` uses wsuser and wspasswd tied to the `DingUniloginUser` object
+### DingUniloginWSIbruger (Unilogin API)
+#### WSDL Url
+#### Actions
+**hentBrugersInstitutionsTilknytninger**: Finds institutions connected to a user.
+ ---
+### DingUniloginWSIinst (Unilogin API)
+#### WSDL Url
+#### Actions
+**hentInstitution**: Loads a institution given its id.
+## Publizon services
+### Base class: PublizonClient
+Makes sure that following params are used as well:
+* ':languagecode': empty string
+* ':clientid': publizon client id
+* ':retailerid': retailer id tied to user (from library)
+* ':retailerkeycode': retailer id tied to user (from library)
+### PublizonUserClient (Publizon API)
+#### Methods
+##### getSupportId
+**Endpoint**: get_friendly_cardnumber
+**Action**: GetFriendlyCardnumber
+**Params**: `pub:cardnumber` (uniid), `retailer_id` (from library)
+### PublizonLoanClient (Publizon API)
+#### Methods
+##### createLoan
+**Endpoint**: createloan.asmx
+**Action**: CreateLoan
+**Params**: `pub:ebookid` (isbn), `retailer_id` (from library), `pub:cardnumber` (uniid (username)), `pub:pincode` (empty), `pub:institutionid`, `pub:format` (empty string), `pub:mobipocketid` (empty string), `pub:institutionTags` (array of `pub:string` => $institution_tags (often empty))
+##### getLibraryUserOrderList
+**Endpoint**: getlibraryuserorderlist.asmx
+**Action**: GetLibraryUserOrderList
+**Params**: `retailer_id` (from library), `pub:cardnumber` (uniid (username))
+# Login flows
+## Unilogin
+Login flow at Unilogin
+ participant US as Unilogin Services
+ participant EG as Ereolen GO
+ EG->>US: User clicks login at Ereolen GO
+ US->>EG: User authenticated
+ EG-->>US: Get access token *1
+ EG-->>US: Get user info
+ Note over EG: Access token sent as argument
+ Note over US: Most important data her is: uniid
+ EG->>EG: DingUniloginUser instantiated
+ Note over EG: Username = Unilogin uniid
+ EG-->>US: Get institution ids tied to the user
+ EG-->>EG: Get Nonstitution Municipalities
+ Note over EG: Municipalites are stored in a variable called:
ding_unilogin_nonstitutions *2
+ EG-->>EG: An array of municpalities is tied to the user *3
+ EG-->>US: Get Institution
+ Note over EG: For each institution ids tied to the user
+ EG-->>EG: Get library
+ Note over EG: Lookup in local DB table ("publizon_libraries") *4
+ EG-->>EG: Ding User Authenticate
+ Note over EG: library.unilogin_id is connected to the
Ding user object in the extra.attributes.unilogin property
+ EG->>EG: publizon_auth_single_sign_on
+ Note over EG: Retailer id and support id is added to Drupal user.data
+1) It seems like the access token is primarily used to fetch userinfo about user in not in subsequent calls like: getUserLoans performLoan etc.
+2) Only one nonstitution municipality is stored:
+ A04441:
+ institution_id: A04441
+ municipality_kommunenr: '101'
+ municipality_kommune: '101'
+The municipality is represented in the `publizon_libraries` table:
+| retailer_id | library_name | unilogin_id | retailer_key_code | subscribed_users | municipality_id |
+| 810 | København | 101 | xxxxxxxx | 26915 | 101 |
+3) For every institution stored on user there is a `kommunenr` and is collected into a municipality array:
+ $municipalityIds[] = $institution->kommunenr;
+ ```
+ However if an user institution is represented in `ding_unilogin_nonstitutions` the `kommunenr` is used from that.
+4) Get library by looking at the kommunenr of the first institution of the user