When you wish to delete a site and all its data from the platform
- A lagoon account with your ssh-key associated (created through the Lagoon UI, on the Settings page)
- The site key (its key in sites.yaml)
- A properly authenticated azure CLI (
) that has administrative access to the cluster running the lagoon installation
The procedure consists of the following steps (numbers does not correspond to the numbers in the script below).
- Download and archive relevant backups
- Remove the project from Lagoon
- Delete the project namespace from kubernetes.
- Delete the site from sites.yaml
- Delete the site's environment repository
Your first step should be to secure any backups you think might be relevant to archive. Whether this step is necessary depends on the site. Consult the Retrieve and Restore backups runbook for the operational steps.
You are now ready to perform the actual removal of the site.
# Launch dplsh.
$ cd infrastructure
$ dplsh
# You are assumed to be inside dplsh from now on.
# Set an environment,
# export DPLPLAT_ENV=<platform environment name>
# eg.
$ export DPLPLAT_ENV=dplplat01
# Setup access to ssh-keys so that the lagoon cli can authenticate.
$ eval $(ssh-agent); ssh-add
# Authenticate against lagoon
$ task lagoon:cli:config
# Delete the project from Lagoon
# lagoon delete project --project <site machine-name>
$ lagoon delete project --project core-test1
# Authenticate against kubernetes
$ task cluster:auth
# List the namespaces
# Identify all the project namespace with the syntax <sitename>-<branchname>
# eg "core-test1-main" for the main branch for the "core-test1" site.
$ kubectl get ns
# Delete each site namespace
# kubectl delete ns <namespace>
# eg.
$ kubectl delete ns core-test1-main
# 8. Edit sites.yaml, remove the the entry for the site
$ vi environments/${DPLPLAT_ENV}/sites.yaml
# Then have Terraform delete the sites repository.
$ task env_repos:provision