Current extended-click-outside
version: 1.1.1
- Utility
was released.
- Adding .github/workflows directory to automate deployment.
- Adding "@babel/plugin-transform-arrow-functions" dev-dependency.
- Adding "@rollup/plugin-babel" dev-dependency.
- Adding "babel-plugin-transform-imports" dev-dependency.
- Adding "rollup" dev-dependency.
- Adding "rollup-plugin-dts" dev-dependency
- Adding rollup.config.mjs file as build configuration.
- Adding some new keywords in package.json file.
- Adding "dist" directory for current builds of package.
- Сhanging the location of types in package.json file.
- Removal of "/dist" build directory from .gitignore and .npmignore files.
- Adding main and module files location to package.json file.
- Replacing nullish coalescing operators with ternary operators.
- Adding "@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties" dev-dependency.
- Adding "@babel/plugin-transform-classes" dev-dependency.
- Adding new plugins to rollup.config.mjs file.
- Updating dependencies and dev-dependencies.