Running Geth Node
geth --cache 2048
geth attach
From within geth console
Run script from geth console to continuously update the time remaining on sync
var lastPercentage = 0;var lastBlocksToGo = 0;var timeInterval = 10000;
var percentage = eth.syncing.currentBlock/eth.syncing.highestBlock*100;
var percentagePerTime = percentage - lastPercentage;
var blocksToGo = eth.syncing.highestBlock - eth.syncing.currentBlock;
var bps = (lastBlocksToGo - blocksToGo) / (timeInterval / 1000)
var etas = 100 / percentagePerTime * (timeInterval / 1000)
var etaM = parseInt(etas/60,10);
console.log(parseInt(percentage,10)+'% ETA: '+etaM+' minutes @ '+bps+'bps');
lastPercentage = percentage;lastBlocksToGo = blocksToGo;
npm i -g hardhat-shorthand
forge inspect CONTRACT abi > abi.json
cast interface abi.json > IFace.sol