status | flip | authors | sponsor | updated |
accepted |
45 |
Greg Santos ([email protected]) |
Justin Barry ([email protected]) |
2023-05-31 |
This FLIP proposes a v1.0 specification for FCL Wallet Providers and dApps to trustlessly interact for the purposes of authentication and producing signatures on Flow. It aims to provide a comprehensive description of the communication protocol and the required features and functionality expected to perform these functions.
The goal of this FLIP is to solidify existing implementation patterns and data definitions in a generalized way. Additionally it should open discussion to potential improvements for future versions of the spec in order to evolve the Flow dApp and wallet ecosystem.
In short, this spec describes the data dApps and wallets should send and expect, and how they should communicate in order to interoperate with each other.
The problem now is that prospective wallet and SDK developers have only a Draft Specification and several Flow and community maintained implementations to refer to. Formalizing an FCL Specification will make it easier and safer to code libraries in any language, build dApps and wallets, and release on more environments and platforms (mobile, Unity, .NET, etc.).
Developers will benefit from the assurances of a formalized specification and users from improved experiences and greater choice of wallets and platforms.
Formalizing a specification for FCL will improve developer and user experience, support creation of applications and sdks, and help broaden support for Flow by more service providers across more platforms.
Existing SDKs and example implementations of the FCL Specification
- FLIP 45: Flow Client Library (FCL) Specification
- Objective
- Motivation
- User Benefit
- Design Proposal
- Abstract
- Background / Overview
- Specification
- Definitions
- Data Types
- Data Structures
- Supported Services and Methods
- Service Methods
- Service Method Plugins
- Service Types
- Service
- Integrating with FCL Discovery
- Dependencies
- Engineering Impact
- Best Practices
- Tutorials and Examples
- Compatibility
- User Impact
- Related Issues
- Prior Art
- Questions and Discussion Topics
This specification proposes a standard protocol and schema definition that applications, wallets, libraries, and SDKs can use to interact with the Flow blockchain. It defines a standard, language-agnostic interface for dApps and wallets to communicate with each other. This specification is intended to be a living document, and will be updated as needed to keep up with changes in the Flow protocol and ecosystem. This document describes the data types, data structures, and methods that an FCL compatible wallet must implement in order to be compatible with the Flow Client Library.
An FCL compatible wallet uses and conforms to the Flow Client Library (FCL) Specification.
Flow Client Library (FCL) enables applications to easily integrate with all FCL-compatible wallets and other services (e.g. profiles, private information, notifications). This offers developers a strong foundation to compose their apps with existing building blocks.
A Wallet Provider handles Authentications and Authorizations. They play a very important role of being the place the users control their information and approve transactions.
One of FCLs core ideals is for the user to be in control of their data, a wallet provider is where many users will do just that.
Flow Client Library (FCL) approaches the idea of blockchain wallets on Flow in a different way than how wallets may be supported on other blockchains. For example, with FCL, a wallet is not necessarily limited to being a browser extension or even a native application on a users device. FCL offers wallet developers the flexibility and freedom to build many different types of applications. Since wallet applications can take on many forms, we needed to create a way for these varying applications to be able to communicate and work together.
FCL acts in many ways as a protocol to facilitate communication and configuration between the different parties involved in a blockchain application. An Application can use FCL to authenticate users, and request authorizations for transactions, as well as mutate and query the Blockchain. An application using FCL offers its Users a way to connect and select any number of Wallet Providers and their Wallet Services. A selected Wallet provides an Application's instance of FCL with configuration information about itself and it's Wallet Services, allowing the User and Application to interact with them.
This section provides a basic overview of the major components of the FCL Specification, it's core architecture, data model, and representation.
All field names in the specification are case sensitive.
This document is written with the perspective that you who are reading this right now are an FCL Wallet Developer. All references to you in this doc are done with this perspective in mind.
FCL Primitive data types are based on the types supported by the JSON Schema Specification Wright Draft 00.
Note that integer
as a type is also supported and is defined as a JSON number without a fraction or exponent part.
In the following description, if a field is not explicitly REQUIRED or described with a MUST or SHALL, it can be considered OPTIONAL.
In this section we define the schema of objects used in the protocol. While they are JavaScript objects, only features supported by JSON should be used. (Meaning that conversion of an object to and from JSON should not result in any loss.)
For the schema definition language we choose TypeScript, so that the schema closely resembles the actual type definitions one would use when making an FCL implementation.
Note that currently there are no official type definitions available for FCL. If you are using TypeScript, you will have to create your own type definitions (possibly based on the schema definitions presented in this document).
In this section we introduce some common definitions that the individual object definitions will be deriving from and define the FCL objects with each ObjectType
First, let us define the kinds of FCL objects available:
type ObjectType =
| "Service"
| "PollingResponse"
| "Identity"
| "ServiceProvider"
| "AuthnResponse"
| "Signable"
| "CompositeSignature"
| "OpenID"
The fields common to all FCL objects then can be defined as follows:
interface ObjectBase<Version = "1.0.0"> {
f_vsn: Version
f_type: ObjectType
The f_vsn
field is usually 1.0.0
for this specification, but some exceptions will be defined by passing a different Version
type parameter to ObjectBase
All FCL objects carry an f_type
field so that their types can be identified at runtime.
We also define the union of them to mean any FCL object:
type FclObject =
| Service
| PollingResponse
| Identity
| ServiceProvider
| AuthnResponse
| Signable
| CompositeSignature
| OpenID
type ServiceType =
| "authn"
| "authz"
| "user-signature"
| "pre-authz"
| "open-id"
| "back-channel-rpc"
| "authn-refresh"
| "account-proof"
type ServiceMethod =
| "DATA"
interface Service extends ObjectBase {
f_type: "Service"
type: ServiceType
method: ServiceMethod
uid: string
endpoint: string
id: string
identity: Identity
provider?: ServiceProvider
data?: FclObject
The meaning of the fields is as follows.
: The type of this service.method
: The service method this service uses.DATA
means that the purpose of this service is just to provide the information in thisService
object, and no active communication services are provided.uid
: A unique identifier for the service. A common scheme for deriving this is to use'wallet-name#${type}'
, where${type}
refers to the type of this service.endpoint
: Defines where to communicate with the service.- When
, this can be an arbitrary unique string, and the extension will need to use it to identify its own services. A common scheme for deriving theendpoint
is to use'ext:${address}'
, where${address}
refers to the wallet's address. (SeeServiceProvider
for more information.)
- When
: The wallet's internal identifier for the user. If no other identifier is used, simply the user's flow account address can be used here.identity
: Information about the identity of the user.provider
: Information about the
: Additional information used with a service of typeopen-id
"f_type": "Service"
"type": "ServiceType"
"method": "ServiceMethod"
"uid": "string"
"endpoint": "string"
"id": "string"
"identity": "Identity"
"provider": "ServiceProvider"
"data": "FclObject"
See also:
interface PollingResponse extends ObjectBase {
f_type: "PollingResponse"
reason: string | null
data?: FclObject
updates?: FclObject
local?: FclObject
Each response back to FCL must be "wrapped" in a PollingResponse
. The status
field determines the meaning of the response:
- An
status means that the request has been approved. Thedata
field should be present. - A
status means that the request has been declined. Thereason
field should contain a human readable reason for the refusal. - A
status means that the request is being processed. MorePENDING
responses may follow, but eventually a non-pending status should be returned. Theupdates
fields may be present. - The
status is reserved, and should not be used by wallet services.
In summary, zero or more PENDING
responses should be followed by a non-pending response. It is entirely acceptable for your service to immediately return an APPROVED
Polling Response, skipping a PENDING
See also PollingResponse.
Here are some examples of valid PollingResponse
f_type: "PollingResponse",
f_vsn: "1.0.0",
status: "APPROVED",
data: ___, // what the service needs to send to FCL
// Declined
f_type: "PollingResponse",
f_vsn: "1.0.0",
status: "DECLINED",
reason: "Declined by user."
// Pending - Simple
f_type: "PollingResponse",
f_vsn: "1.0.0",
status: "PENDING",
updates: {
f_type: "Service",
f_vsn: "1.0.0",
type: "back-channel-rpc",
endpoint: "https://____", // where post request will be sent
method: "HTTP/POST",
data: {}, // will be included in the request's body
params: {}, // will be included in the request's url
// Pending - First Time with Local
f_type: "PollingResponse",
f_vsn: "1.0.0",
status: "PENDING",
updates: {
f_type: "Service",
f_vsn: "1.0.0",
type: "back-channel-rpc",
endpoint: "https://____", // where post request will be sent
method: "HTTP/POST",
data: {}, // included in body of request
params: {}, // included as query params on endpoint
local: {
f_type: "Service",
f_vsn: "1.0.0",
endpoint: "https://____", // the iframe that will be rendered,
method: "VIEW/IFRAME",
data: {}, // sent to frame when ready
params: {}, // included as query params on endpoint
A PollingResponse
can alternatively be constructed using WalletUtils
when sending "APPROVED"
import {WalletUtils} from "@onflow/fcl"
// Approving a PollingResponse
// Example using an AuthnResponse as the PollingResponse data
f_type: "AuthnResponse",
f_vsn: "1.0.0"
// Rejecting a PollingResponse
// Supplies a reason for declining
const reason = "User declined to authenticate."
This object is used to define the identity of the user.
interface Identity extends ObjectBase {
f_type: "Identity"
address: string
keyId?: number
Note: The 'keyId' is required when returning a proposer identity.
The meaning of the fields is as follows.
: The flow account address of the user.keyId
: The id of the key associated with this account that will be used for signing.
This object is used to communicate information about a wallet.
interface ServiceProvider extends ObjectBase {
f_type: "ServiceProvider"
address: string
name?: string
description?: string
icon?: string
website?: string
supportUrl?: string
supportEmail?: string
The meaning of the fields is as follows.
: A flow account address owned by the wallet. It is unspecified what this will be used
: The name of the wallet.description
: A short description for the wallet.icon
: An image URL for the wallet's
: The wallet's website.supportUrl
: A URL the user can use to get support with the wallet.supportEmail
: An e-mail address the user can use to get support with the wallet.
This object is used to inform FCL about the services a wallet provides.
interface AuthnResponse extends ObjectBase {
f_type: "AuthnResponse"
addr: string
services: Service[]
The meaning of the fields is as follows.
: The flow account address of the
: The list of services provided by the wallet.
interface Signable extends ObjectBase<"1.0.1"> {
f_type: "Signable"
addr: string
keyId: number
voucher: {
cadence: string
refBlock: string
computeLimit: number
arguments: {
type: string
value: unknown
proposalKey: {
address: string
keyId: number
sequenceNum: number
payer: string
authorizers: string[]
The WalletUtils.encodeMessageFromSignable
function can be used to calculate the message that needs to be signed.
interface CompositeSignature extends ObjectBase {
f_type: "CompositeSignature"
addr: string
keyId: number
signature: string
See also CompositeSignature.
interface PreSignable extends ObjectBase<"1.0.1"> {
f_type: "PreSignable"
roles: {
proposer: boolean
authorizer: boolean
payer: boolean
param: boolean
voucher: {
cadence: string
refBlock: string
computeLimit: number
arguments: {
type: string
value: unknown
proposalKey: {
address: string
keyId: number
sequenceNum: number
payer: string
authorizers: string[]
interface ErrorResponse {
id: number
error: {
code: number
message: string
type MessageType =
type Message = {
type: MessageType
A message that indicates the status of the protocol invocation.
This type is sometimes used as part of an intersection type. For example, the type Message & PollingResponse
means a PollingResponse
extended with the type
field from Message
type ExtensionServiceInitiationMessage = {
service: Service
This object is used to invoke a service when the EXT/RPC
service method is used.
TODO frame
TODO local-view
FCL Services are your way as a Wallet Provider of configuring FCL with information about what your wallet can do. FCL uses what it calls Service Methods
to perform your supported FCL services. Service Methods are the ways FCL can talk to your wallet. Your wallet gets to decide which of these service methods each of your supported services use to communicate with you.
Sometimes services just configure FCL and that's it. An example of this can be seen with the Authentication Service
and the OpenID Service
With those two services you are simply telling FCL "here is a bunch of info about the current user". (You will see that those two services both have a method: "DATA"
field in them.
Currently these are the only two cases that can be a data service.)
Other services can be a little more complex. For example, they might require a back and forth communication between FCL and the Service in question.
Ultimately we want to do this back and forth via a secure back-channel (https requests to servers), but in some situations that isn't a viable option, so there is also a front-channel option.
Where possible, you should aim to provide a back-channel support for services, and only fall back to a front-channel if absolutely necessary.
Back-channel communications use method: "HTTP/POST"
, while front-channel communications use method: "IFRAME/RPC"
, method: "POP/RPC"
, method: "TAB/RPC
and method: "EXT/RPC"
Service Method | Front | Back |
HTTP/POST | ⛔ | ✅ |
IFRAME/RPC | ✅ | ⛔ |
POP/RPC | ✅ | ⛔ |
TAB/RPC | ✅ | ⛔ |
EXT/RPC | ✅ | ⛔ |
It's important to note that regardless of the method of communication, the data that is sent back and forth between the parties involved is the same.
is the easiest to explain, so we will start with it:
- An iframe is rendered (comes from the
in the service). - The rendered iframe adds a listener and sends the
message. This can be simplifiedWalletUtils.ready(callback)
- FCL will send the data to be dealt with:
- Where
is the stuff you care about,params
are additional information you can provide in the service object.
- Where
- The wallet sends back an
post message. (It will be af_type: "PollingResponse"
, which we will get to in a bit). This can be simplified usingWalletUtils.approve
- If it's approved, the polling response's data field will need to be what FCL is expecting.
- If it's declined, the polling response's reason field should say why it was declined.
export const WalletUtils.approve = data => {
f_type: "PollingResponse",
f_vsn: "1.0.0",
status: "APPROVED",
reason: null,
data: data,
export const WalletUtils.decline = reason => {
f_type: "PollingResponse",
f_vsn: "1.0.0",
status: "DECLINED",
reason: reason,
data: null,
work in an almost entirely similar way to IFRAME/RPC
, except instead of rendering the method
in an iframe, we render it in a popup or new tab. The same communication protocol between the rendered view and FCL applies.
initially sends a post request to the endpoint
specified in the service, which should immediately return a f_type: "PollingResponse"
, our goal is to eventually get an APPROVED
polling response, and technically this endpoint could return one of those immediately.
But more than likely that isn't the case and it will be in a PENDING
state (PENDING
is not available to IFRAME/RPC
When the polling response is PENDING
it requires an updates
field that includes a service, BackChannelRpc
, that FCL can use to request an updated PollingResponse
FCL will use that BackChannelRpc
to request a new PollingResponse
which itself can be APPROVED
FCL will return, otherwise if it is DECLINED
FCL will error. However, if it is PENDING
, it will use the BackChannelRpc
supplied in the new PollingResponse
updates field. It will repeat this cycle until it is either APPROVED
There is an additional optional feature that HTTP/POST
enables in the first PollingResponse
that is returned.
This optional feature is the ability for FCL to render an iframe, popup or new tab, and it can be triggered by supplying a service type: "VIEW/IFRAME"
, type: "VIEW/POP"
or type: "VIEW/TAB"
and the endpoint
that the wallet wishes to render in the local
field of the PollingResponse
. This is a great way for a wallet provider to switch to a webpage if displaying a UI is necessary for the service it is performing.
is used to enable and communicate between FCL and an installed web browser extension. (Though this specification is geared towards Chromium based browsers, it should be implementable in any browser with similar extension APIs available. From now on we will be using the word Chrome to refer to Chromium based browsers.)
An implementation of EXT/RPC
needs to somehow enable communication between the application and the extension context. Implementing this is a bit more complex and usually relies on 3 key scripts to allow message passing between an installed extension and FCL. The separation of contexts enforced by Chrome and the availability of different Chrome APIs within those contexts require these scripts to be set up in a particular sequence so that the communication channels needed by FCL's EXT/RPC
service method will work.
The following is an overview of these scripts and the functionality they need to support FCL:
: Used to launch the extension popup
if selected by the user from Discovery or set directly viafcl.config.discovery.wallet
: Used to proxy messages between the application to the extension viachrome.runtime.sendMessage
: Injected bycontent.js
into the application's HTML page. It appends the extension authn service to thewindow.fcl_extensions
array on page load. This allows FCL to confirm installation and send extension details to Discovery or launch your wallet as the default wallet.
An example and guide showing how to build an FCL compatible wallet extension on Flow can be found here.
Once the extension is enabled (for example when the user selects it through the discovery service), the following communication protocol applies. (The term send should specifically refer to using window.postMessage
in the application context, as this is the only interface between the application and the extension. Note that since window.postMessage
broadcasts messages to all message event handlers, care should be taken by each party to filter only the messages targeted at them.)
- An
object is sent by FCL. It is the extension's responsibility to inspect theendpoint
field of the service, and only activate itself (e.g. by opening a popup) if it is the provider of this service. - The extension should respond by sending a
. (Usually this message will originate from the extension popup, and be relayed to the application context.) - FCL will send a
. Additional fields specific to the service (such asbody
) are usually present. See the section on the specific service for a description of these fields. - The wallet sends back a
Message & PollingResponse
with either anAPPROVED
status.- If it's approved, the polling response's data field will need to be what FCL is expecting.
- If it's declined, the polling response's reason field should say why it was declined.
The extension can send a Message
with type FCL:VIEW:CLOSE
at any point during this protocol to indicate an interruption. This will halt FCL's current routine. On the other hand, once a PollingResponse
with either an APPROVED
status was sent, the protocol is considered finished, and the extension should not send any further messages as part of this exchange.
Conversely, when FCL sends a new ExtensionServiceInitiationMessage
, the previous routine is interrupted. (This is the case even when the new service invocation is targeted at a different extension.)
Note that as a consequence of the above restrictions, only single service invocation can be in progress at a time.
Here is a code example for how an extension popup might send its response:
chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tabs[0].id, {
f_type: "PollingResponse",
f_vsn: "1.0.0",
status: "APPROVED",
reason: null,
data: {
f_type: "AuthnResponse",
f_vsn: "1.0.0",
addr: address,
services: services,
Here we explore ways in which you can integrate with FCL by providing implementations of various FCL services.
The following services will be covered:
Service | type |
Authentication Service | authn |
Pre-Authz Service | pre-authz |
Authorization Service | authz |
User Signature Service | user-signature |
Authentication Refresh Service | authn-refresh |
Authentication Proof Service | account-proof |
In the following examples, we'll walk you through the process of building an authentication service.
In FCL, wallets are configured by passing in a wallet provider's authentication URL or extension endpoint as the discovery.wallet
config variable.
You will need to make and expose a webpage or API hosted at an authentication endpoint that FCL will use.
// configuring fcl to point at a wallet looks like this
import { config } from "@onflow/fcl"
"discovery.wallet": "url-or-endpoint-fcl-will-use-for-authentication", // FCL Discovery endpoint, wallet provider's authentication URL or extension endpoint
"discovery.wallet.method": "IFRAME/RPC", // Optional. Available methods are "IFRAME/RPC", "POP/RPC", "TAB/RPC", "EXT/RPC" or "HTTP/POST", defaults to "IFRAME/RPC".
If the method specified is IFRAME/RPC
, then the URL specified as discovery.wallet
will be rendered as a webpage. If the configured method is EXT/RPC
, discovery.wallet
should be set to the extension's authn
. Otherwise, if the method specified is HTTP/POST
, then the authentication process will happen over HTTP requests. (While authentication can be accomplished using any of those service methods, this example will use the IFRAME/RPC
service method.)
Once the Authentication webpage is rendered, the extension popup is enabled, or the API is ready, you then need to tell FCL that it is ready. You will do this by sending a message to FCL, and FCL will send back a message with some additional information that you can use about the application requesting authentication on behalf of the user.
The following example is using the IFRAME/RPC
method. Your authentication webpage will likely resemble the following code:
import {WalletUtils} from "@onflow/fcl"
function callback(data) {
if (typeof data != "object") return
if (data.type !== "FCL:VIEW:READY:RESPONSE") return
... // Do authentication things ...
// Send back AuthnResponse
WalletUtils.sendMsgToFCL("FCL:VIEW:RESPONSE", {
f_type: "PollingResponse",
f_vsn: "1.0.0",
status: "APPROVED",
data: {
f_type: "AuthnResponse",
f_vsn: "1.0.0"
// Alternatively be sent using WalletUtils.approve (or WalletUtils.decline)
// which will wrap AuthnResponse in a PollingResponse
f_type: "AuthnResponse",
f_vsn: "1.0.0"
// add event listener first
WalletUtils.onMsgFromFCL("FCL:VIEW:READY:RESPONSE", callback)
// tell fcl the wallet is ready
// alternatively adds "FCL:VIEW:READY:RESPONSE" listener and sends "FCL:VIEW:READY"
During authentication, the application has a chance to request to you what they would like you to send back to them. These requests are included in the FCL:VIEW:READY:RESPONSE
message sent to the wallet from FCL.
An example of such a request is the OpenID service. The application can request for example that you to send them the email address of the current user. The application requesting this information does not mean you need to send it. It's entirely optional for you to do so. However, some applications may depend on you sending the requested information back, and should you decline to do so it may cause the application to not work.
In the config they can also tell you a variety of things about them, such as the name of their application or a url for an icon of their application. You can use these pieces of information to customize your wallet's user experience should you desire to do so.
Your wallet having a visual distinction from the application, but still a seamless and connected experience is our goal here.
Whether your authentication process happens using a webpage with the IFRAME/RPC
methods, via an enabled extension using the EXT/RPC
method, or using a backchannel to an API with the HTTP/POST
method, the handshake is the same. The same messages are sent in all methods, however the transport mechanism changes. For IFRAME/RPC
methods, the transport is window.postMessage()
, with the HTTP/POST
method, the transport is HTTP post messages.
As always, you must never trust anything you receive from an application. Always do your due-diligence and be alert as you are the user's first line of defense against potentially malicious applications.
It's important that you are confident that the user is who the user claims to be.
Have them provide enough proof to you that you are okay with passing their details back to FCL. Using Blocto as an example, an authentication code is sent to the email a user enters at login. This code can be used as validation and is everything Blocto needs to be confident in the user's identity.
Once you're confident in the user's identity, we can complete the authentication process.
The authentication process is complete once FCL receives back a response that configures FCL with FCL Services for the current user. This response is extremely important to FCL. At its core it tells FCL who the user is, and then via the included services it tells FCL how the user authenticated, how to request transaction signatures, how to get a personal message signed and the user's email and other details if requested. In the future it may also include many more things!
You can kind of think of FCL as a plugin system. But since those plugins exist elsewhere outside of FCL, FCL needs to be configured with information on how to communicate with them.
What you are sending back to FCL is everything that it needs to communicate with the plugins that you are supplying. Your wallet is like a plugin to FCL, and these details tell FCL how to use you as a plugin.
Here is an example of an authentication response:
import {WalletUtils} from "@onflow/fcl"
f_type: "AuthnResponse",
f_vsn: "1.0.0",
addr: "0xUSER", // The user's flow address
services: [ // All the stuff that configures FCL
// Authentication Service - REQUIRED
f_type: "Service", // It's a service!
f_vsn: "1.0.0", // Follows the v1.0.0 spec for the service
type: "authn", // the type of service it is
method: "DATA", // It's data!
uid: "amazing-wallet#authn", // A unique identifier for the service
endpoint: "your-url-that-fcl-will-use-for-authentication", // should be the same as was passed into the config
id: "0xUSER", // the wallet's internal id for the user, use flow address if you don't have one
// The User's Info
identity: {
f_type: "Identity", // It's an Identity!
f_vsn: "1.0.0", // Follows the v1.0.0 spec for an identity
address: "0xUSER", // The user's address
keyId: 0, // OPTIONAL - The User's KeyId they will use
// The Wallet's Info
provider: {
f_type: "ServiceProvider", // It's a Service Provider
f_vsn: "1.0.0", // Follows the v1.0.0 spec for service providers
address: "0xWallet", // A flow address owned by the wallet
name: "Amazing Wallet", // OPTIONAL - The name of your wallet. ie: "Dapper Wallet" or "Blocto Wallet"
description: "The best wallet", // OPTIONAL - A short description for your wallet
icon: "https://___", // OPTIONAL - Image url for your wallet's icon
website: "https://___", // OPTIONAL - Your wallet's website
supportUrl: "https://___", // OPTIONAL - An url the user can use to get support from you
supportEmail: "[email protected]", // OPTIONAL - An email the user can use to get support from you
// Authorization Service
f_type: "Service",
f_vsn: "1.0.0",
type: "authz",
uid: "amazing-wallet#authz",
// We will cover this at length in the authorization section of this guide
// User Signature Service
f_type: "Service",
f_vsn: "1.0.0",
type: "user-signature",
uid: "amazing-wallet#user-signature",
// We will cover this at length in the user signature section of this guide
// OpenID Service
f_type: "Service",
f_vsn: "1.0.0",
type: "open-id",
uid: "amazing-wallet#open-id",
method: "DATA",
data: { // only include data that was request, ideally only if the user approves the sharing of data, everything is optional
f_type: "OpenID",
f_vsn: "1.0.0",
profile: {
name: "Jeff",
family_name: "D", // icky underscored names because of OpenID Connect spec
given_name: "Jeffrey",
middle_name: "FakeMiddleName",
nickname: "JeffJeff",
preferred_username: "Jeff",
profile: "https://www.jeff.jeff/",
picture: "",
website: "https://www.jeff.jeff/",
gender: "male",
birthday: "1900-01-01", // can use 0000 for year if year is not known
zoneinfo: "America/Vancouver",
locale: "en",
updated_at: "1625588304427"
email: {
email: "[email protected]",
email_verified: false,
From any frame, you can send a FCL:VIEW:CLOSE
post message to FCL, which will halt FCL's current routine and close the frame.
import { WalletUtils } from "@onflow/fcl"
Authorization services are depicted with with a type: "authz"
, and a method
of either HTTP/POST
They are expected to eventually return a f_type: "CompositeSignature"
An authorization service is expected to know the Account and the Key that will be used to sign the transaction at the time the service is sent to FCL (during authentication).
f_type: "Service",
f_vsn: "1.0.0",
type: "authz", // say it's an authorization service
uid: "amazing-wallet#authz", // standard service uid
method: "HTTP/POST", // can also be `IFRAME/RPC` or `POP/RPC`
endpoint: "https://____", // where to talk to the service
identity: {
f_type: "Identity",
f_vsn: "1.0.0",
address: "0xUser", // the address that the signature will be for
keyId: 0, // the key for the address that the signature will be for
data: {},
params: {},
FCL will use the method
provided to request an array of composite signature from authorization service (Wrapped in a PollingResponse
The authorization service will be sent a Signable
The service is expected to construct an encoded message to sign from Signable.voucher
It then needs to hash the encoded message, and prepend a required transaction domain tag.
Finally it signs the payload with the user/s keys, producing a signature.
This signature, as a HEX string, is sent back to FCL as part of the CompositeSignature
which includes the user address and keyID in the data property of a PollingResponse
signature =
|> encode
|> hash
|> tag
|> sign
|> convert_to_hex
The eventual response back from the authorization service should resolve to something like this:
f_type: "PollingResponse",
f_vsn: "1.0.0",
status: "APPROVED",
data: {
f_type: "CompositeSignature",
f_vsn: "1.0.0",
addr: "0xUSER",
keyId: 0,
signature: "signature as hex value"
A CompositeSignature
can alternatively be constructed using WalletUtils
import {WalletUtils} from "@onflow/fcl"
WalletUtils.CompositeSignature(addr: String, keyId: Number, signature: Hex)
User Signature services are depicted with a type: "user-signature"
and a method
of either HTTP/POST
They are expected to eventually return an array of f_type: "CompositeSignature"
The User Signature service is a stock/standard service.
f_type: "Service",
f_vsn: "1.0.0",
type: "user-signature", // say it's an user-signature service
uid: "amazing-wallet#user-signature", // standard service uid
method: "HTTP/POST", // can also be `IFRAME/RPC`
endpoint: "https://___", // where to talk to the service
data: {},
params: {},
FCL will use the method
provided to request an array of composite signatures from the user signature service (Wrapped in a PollingResponse
The user signature service will be sent a Signable
The service is expected to tag the Signable.message
and then sign it with enough keys to produce a full weight.
The signatures need to be sent back to FCL as HEX strings in an array of CompositeSignatures
// Pseudocode:
// For every required signature
import { WalletUtils } from "@onflow/fcl"
const encoded = WalletUtils.encodeMessageFromSignable(signable, signerAddress)
const taggedMessage = tagMessage(encoded) // Tag the message to sign
const signature = signMessage(taggedMessage) // Sign the message
const hexSignature = signatureToHex(signature) // Convert the signature to hex, if required.
return hexSignature
The eventual response back from the user signature service should resolve to something like this:
f_type: "PollingResponse",
f_vsn: "1.0.0",
status: "APPROVED",
data: [
f_type: "CompositeSignature",
f_vsn: "1.0.0",
addr: "0xUSER",
keyId: 0,
signature: "signature as hex value"
f_type: "CompositeSignature",
f_vsn: "1.0.0",
addr: "0xUSER",
keyId: 1,
signature: "signature as hex value"
This is a strange one, but extremely powerful. This service should be used when a wallet is responsible for an account that's signing as multiple roles of a transaction, and wants the ability to change the accounts on a per role basis.
Pre Authz Services are depicted with a type: "pre-authz"
and a method
of either HTTP/POST
They are expected to eventually return a f_type: "PreAuthzResponse"
The Pre Authz Service is a stock/standard service.
f_type: "Service",
f_vsn: "1.0.0",
type: "pre-authz", // say it's a pre-authz service
uid: "amazing-wallet#pre-authz", // standard service uid
method: "HTTP/POST", // can also be IFRAME/RPC, POP/RPC, TAB/RPC
endpoint: "https://___", // where to talk to the service
data: {},
params: {},
FCL will use the method
provided to request a PreAuthzReponse
(Wrapped in a PollingResponse
The Authorizations service will be sent a PreSignable
The pre-authz service is expected to look at the PreSignable
and determine the breakdown of accounts to be used.
The pre-authz service is expected to return Authz
services for each role it is responsible for.
A pre-authz service can only supply roles it is responsible for.
If a pre-authz service is responsible for multiple roles, but it wants the same account to be responsible for all the roles, it will need to supply an Authz service per role.
The eventual response back from the pre-authz service should resolve to something like this:
f_type: "PollingResponse",
f_vsn: "1.0.0",
status: "APPROVED",
data: {
f_type: "PreAuthzResponse",
f_vsn: "1.0.0",
proposer: { // A single Authz Service
f_type: "Service",
f_vsn: "1.0.0",
type: "authz",
payer: [ // An array of Authz Services
f_type: "Service",
f_vsn: "1.0.0",
type: "authz",
authorization: [ // An array of Authz Services (it's singular because it only represents a singular authorization)
f_type: "Service",
f_vsn: "1.0.0",
type: "authz",
Since synchronization of a user's session is important to provide a seamless user experience when using an app and transacting with the Flow Blockchain, a way to confirm, extend, and refresh a user session can be provided by the wallet.
Authentication Refresh Services should include a type: "authn-refresh"
, endpoint
, and supported method
, or EXT/RPC
FCL will use the endpoint
and service method
provided to request updated authentication data.
The authn-refresh
service should refresh the user's session if necessary and return updated authentication configuration and user session data.
The service is expected to return a PollingResponse
with a new AuthnResponse
as data. If user input is required, a PENDING
can be returned with a local
view for approval/re-submission of user details.
The Authentication Refresh Service is a stock/standard service.
"f_type": "Service",
"f_vsn": "1.0.0",
"type": "authn-refresh",
"uid": "uniqueDedupeKey",
"endpoint": "https://rawr",
"id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // wallet's internal id for the user
"data": {}, // included in body of request
"params": {}, // included as query params on endpoint url
The provided data
and params
should include all the wallet needs to identify and re-authenticate the user if necessary.
The eventual response back from the authn-refresh
service should resolve to an AuthnResponse
and look something like this:
f_type: "PollingResponse",
f_vsn: "1.0.0",
status: "APPROVED",
data: {
f_type: "AuthnResponse",
f_vsn: "1.0.0",
addr: "0xUSER",
services: [
// Authentication Service - REQUIRED
f_type: "Service",
f_vsn: "1.0.0",
type: "authn",
// Authorization Service
f_type: "Service",
f_vsn: "1.0.0",
type: "authz",
// Authentication Refresh Service
f_type: "Service",
f_vsn: "1.0.0",
type: "authn-refresh",
// Additional Services
An application may wish to prove that their current user controls the account authenticated with. To do so, the application can supply a app identifier (string), and a nonce (hex string), which can be used by the wallet to return an optional account-proof
service as part of user authentication. The application can use this service to verify that the current user is in control of the account they authenticated with.
f_type: "Service", // Its a service!
f_vsn: "1.0.0", // Follows the v1.0.0 spec for the service
type: "account-proof", // the type of service it is
method: "DATA", // Its data!
uid: "awesome-wallet#account-proof", // A unique identifier for the service
data: {
f_type: "account-proof",
f_vsn: "1.0.0"
// The user's address (8 bytes, i.e 16 hex characters)
address: "0xf8d6e0586b0a20c7",
// Nonce signed by the current account-proof (minimum 32 bytes in total, i.e 64 hex characters)
nonce: "75f8587e5bd5f9dcc9909d0dae1f0ac5814458b2ae129620502cb936fde7120a",
signatures: [CompositeSignature],
- FCL allows wallet to act as identity provider
- Sign message as identity token
- provide verifiable user claims
and params
are information that the wallet can provide in the service config that FCL will pass back to the service.
will be added onto theendpoint
as query
will be included in the body of theHTTP/POST
request or in theFCL:VIEW:READY:RESPONSE
When building an dApp on Flow using @onflow/fcl
, Discovery eliminates the need for dApp developers to write code to integrate their user's preferred wallet into their application. Instead, @onflow/fcl
and this repo uses a secure discovery protocol that wallets can implement to connect to @onflow/fcl
. The end result is dApp using @onflow/fcl
automatically integrate all compatible wallets without their developers needing to write any custom code!
To read more about consuming/using this repo via FCL, visit the Discovery docs.
This proposal adds no new dependencies to Flow and is backwards compatible with existing implementations.