Collection of .desktop
files allowing you to finally use web apps the way they were designed to be used.
So you don't need to wait for Arc Browser on Linux to have great looking webapps!
Feel free to contribute and add web apps you find useful in this situation.
Currently this will only work if you have a chromium browser installed. If you're not using google-chrome
make sure to either edit the .desktop
file to point to your executable, or make /usr/bin/google-chrome
an alias to your chromium browser.
Rembember to always have a look at scripts before executing with sudo!
curl -s | sudo bash -s APP_NAME
Get the app list here.
- Clone the repo
- Copy the
file to/usr/share/applications
- Copy the
file to/usr/share/pixmaps
- Eventually you can update the
file to run with another chrome executable
Using swayfx as window manager (corner_radius: 12, blur_radius: 5)