From cc665190ca803d0352d370cc1b06935363813841 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Parker Lougheed <>
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2024 11:53:52 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 1/4] Begin adding pub glossary terms to shared glossary

 src/_data/glossary.yml | 285 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 285 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/_data/glossary.yml b/src/_data/glossary.yml
index 56dcd9bedc..ce3d7ee4f4 100644
--- a/src/_data/glossary.yml
+++ b/src/_data/glossary.yml
@@ -626,3 +626,288 @@
     - "covariant"
     - "contravariance"
     - "contravariant"
+- term: "Version constraint"
+  short_description: |-
+    TODO
+  long_description: |-
+    A constraint placed on each [dependency][] of a package that specifies which
+    versions of that dependency the package is expected to work with. 
+    This can be a single version (`0.3.0`) or a range of versions (`^1.2.1`).
+    While `any` is also allowed,
+    for performance reasons the Dart team doesn't recommend it.
+    [Packages][] should always specify version constraints
+    for all of their dependencies.
+    [Application packages][], on the other hand, should usually
+    allow any version of their dependencies, since they use
+    the [lockfile][] to manage their dependency versions.
+    [dependency]: #dependency
+    [Packages]: #package
+    [Application packages]: #application-package
+    [lockfile]: #lockfile
+  related_links:
+    - text: "Dart package version constraints"
+      link: "/tools/pub/dependencies#version-constraints"
+    - text: "Pub versioning philosophy"
+      link: "/tools/pub/versioning"
+  category: "packages"
+  labels:
+    - "versioning"
+    - "dependencies"
+    - "pubspec"
+  alternate:
+    - "dependency constraint"
+- term: "Verified publisher"
+  short_description: |-
+    TODO
+  long_description: |-
+    One or more users who own a set of packages.
+    Each verified publisher is identified by a verified domain name,
+    such as ****.
+  related_links:
+    - text: "Verified publishers"
+      link: "/tools/pub/verified-publishers"
+    - text: "Creating a verified publisher"
+      link: "/tools/pub/publishing#verified-publisher"
+    - text: "List of verified publishers"
+      link: "TODO"
+  category: "packages"
+  labels:
+    - "publishing"
+    - ""
+- term: "Uploader"
+  short_description: |-
+    TODO
+  long_description: |-
+    Someone who has administrative permissions for a package.
+    A package uploader can upload new versions of the package, 
+    and they can also [add and remove other uploaders][] for that package. 
+    If a package has a verified publisher,
+    then all members of the publisher can upload the package.
+    [add and remove other uploaders]: /tools/pub/publishing#uploaders
+  related_links:
+    - text: "Verified publishers"
+      link: "/tools/pub/verified-publishers"
+    - text: "Package publishing"
+      link: "TODO"
+  category: "packages"
+  labels:
+    - "publishing"
+    - ""
+- term: "Transitive dependency"
+  short_description: |-
+    TODO
+  long_description: |-
+    A dependency that your package indirectly uses because
+    one of its dependencies requires it.
+    If your package depends on A, which in turn depends on B which
+    depends on C, then A is an [immediate dependency][] while
+    B and C are transitive ones.
+    [immediate dependency]: #immediate-dependency
+  related_links:
+    - text: "Types of dependencies"
+      link: "TODO"
+  category: "packages"
+  labels:
+    - "versioning"
+    - "dependencies"
+- term: "Pub system cache"
+  short_description: |-
+    TODO
+  long_description: |-
+    TODO
+  related_links:
+    - text: "TODO"
+      link: "TODO"
+  category: "packages"
+  labels:
+    - "package config"
+    - "cache"
+  alternate:
+   - "system cache"
+- term: "Source"
+  short_description: |-
+    TODO
+  long_description: |-
+    TODO
+  related_links:
+    - text: "TODO"
+      link: "TODO"
+  category: "packages"
+  labels:
+    - "pubspec"
+    - "dependencies"
+    - "versioning"
+  alternate:
+    - "pub source"
+- term: "SDK constraint"
+  short_description: |-
+    TODO
+  long_description: |-
+    TODO
+  related_links:
+    - text: "TODO"
+      link: "TODO"
+  category: "packages"
+  labels:
+    - "pubspec"
+    - "sdk"
+    - "versioning"
+  alternate:
+    - "dart constraint"
+    - "flutter version constraint"
+- term: "Package"
+  short_description: |-
+    TODO
+  long_description: |-
+    TODO
+  related_links:
+    - text: "TODO"
+      link: "TODO"
+  category: "packages"
+  labels:
+    - "libraries"
+    - "dependencies"
+  alternate:
+    - "library package"
+- term: "Lockfile"
+  short_description: |-
+    TODO
+  long_description: |-
+    TODO
+  related_links:
+    - text: "TODO"
+      link: "TODO"
+  category: "packages"
+  labels:
+    - "libraries"
+    - "dependencies"
+    - "pubspec"
+  alternate:
+    - "pubspec.lock"
+    - "pub lock"
+    - "lock file"
+- term: "Library"
+  short_description: |-
+    TODO
+  long_description: |-
+    TODO
+  related_links:
+    - text: "TODO"
+      link: "TODO"
+  category: "language"
+  labels:
+    # TODO(parlough): Perhaps labels and categories should just be combined.
+    # This fits in the "language" and "packages" categories
+    - "packages"
+    - "imports"
+  alternate:
+    - "libraries"
+- term: "Immediate dependency"
+  short_description: |-
+    TODO
+  long_description: |-
+    TODO
+  related_links:
+    - text: "Types of dependencies"
+      link: "TODO"
+  category: "packages"
+  labels:
+    - "versioning"
+    - "dependencies"
+  alternate:
+    - "direct dependency"
+- term: "Entrypoint directory"
+  short_description: |-
+    TODO
+  long_description: |-
+    TODO
+  related_links:
+    - text: "TODO"
+      link: "TODO"
+  category: "tools"
+  labels:
+    - "packages"
+    - "bin"
+  alternate:
+    - "direct dependency"
+- term: "Entrypoint"
+  short_description: |-
+    TODO
+  long_description: |-
+    TODO
+  related_links:
+    - text: "TODO"
+      link: "TODO"
+  category: "tools"
+  labels:
+    - "packages"
+    - "bin"
+  alternate:
+    - "Entrypoint package"
+    - "Root package"
+    - "Runnable library"
+- term: "Dependency"
+  short_description: |-
+    TODO
+  long_description: |-
+    TODO
+  related_links:
+    - text: "TODO"
+      link: "TODO"
+  category: "packages"
+  labels:
+    - "dependencies"
+    - "package dependency"
+    - "libraries"
+- term: "Content hash"
+  short_description: |-
+    TODO
+  long_description: |-
+    TODO
+  related_links:
+    - text: "TODO"
+      link: "TODO"
+  category: "packages"
+  labels:
+    - "pubspec"
+    - "pubspec.lock"
+    - "dependencies"
+  alternate:
+    - "pub hash"
+    - "checksum"
+- term: "Application package"
+  short_description: |-
+    TODO
+  long_description: |-
+    TODO
+  related_links:
+    - text: "TODO"
+      link: "TODO"
+  category: "packages"
+  labels:
+    - "apps"
+    - "pubspec.lock"
+  alternate:
+    - "app package"
+    - "app"
\ No newline at end of file

From 58c34c80563bee8af46596ef876771b7b41a2266 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Parker Lougheed <>
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 18:44:56 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 2/4] Remove use of categories

 src/_data/glossary.yml | 34 ++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/_data/glossary.yml b/src/_data/glossary.yml
index ce3d7ee4f4..131a15e2a3 100644
--- a/src/_data/glossary.yml
+++ b/src/_data/glossary.yml
@@ -652,8 +652,8 @@
       link: "/tools/pub/dependencies#version-constraints"
     - text: "Pub versioning philosophy"
       link: "/tools/pub/versioning"
-  category: "packages"
+    - "packages"
     - "versioning"
     - "dependencies"
     - "pubspec"
@@ -674,8 +674,8 @@
       link: "/tools/pub/publishing#verified-publisher"
     - text: "List of verified publishers"
       link: "TODO"
-  category: "packages"
+    - "packages"
     - "publishing"
     - ""
@@ -696,8 +696,8 @@
       link: "/tools/pub/verified-publishers"
     - text: "Package publishing"
       link: "TODO"
-  category: "packages"
+    - "packages"
     - "publishing"
     - ""
@@ -715,8 +715,8 @@
     - text: "Types of dependencies"
       link: "TODO"
-  category: "packages"
+    - "packages"
     - "versioning"
     - "dependencies"
@@ -728,8 +728,8 @@
     - text: "TODO"
       link: "TODO"
-  category: "packages"
+    - "packages"
     - "package config"
     - "cache"
@@ -743,8 +743,8 @@
     - text: "TODO"
       link: "TODO"
-  category: "packages"
+    - "packages"
     - "pubspec"
     - "dependencies"
     - "versioning"
@@ -759,8 +759,8 @@
     - text: "TODO"
       link: "TODO"
-  category: "packages"
+    - "packages"
     - "pubspec"
     - "sdk"
     - "versioning"
@@ -776,8 +776,8 @@
     - text: "TODO"
       link: "TODO"
-  category: "packages"
+    - "packages"
     - "libraries"
     - "dependencies"
@@ -791,8 +791,8 @@
     - text: "TODO"
       link: "TODO"
-  category: "packages"
+    - "packages"
     - "libraries"
     - "dependencies"
     - "pubspec"
@@ -809,10 +809,8 @@
     - text: "TODO"
       link: "TODO"
-  category: "language"
-    # TODO(parlough): Perhaps labels and categories should just be combined.
-    # This fits in the "language" and "packages" categories
+    - "language"
     - "packages"
     - "imports"
@@ -826,8 +824,8 @@
     - text: "Types of dependencies"
       link: "TODO"
-  category: "packages"
+    - "packages"
     - "versioning"
     - "dependencies"
@@ -841,9 +839,9 @@
     - text: "TODO"
       link: "TODO"
-  category: "tools"
     - "packages"
+    - "tools"
     - "bin"
     - "direct dependency"
@@ -856,9 +854,9 @@
     - text: "TODO"
       link: "TODO"
-  category: "tools"
     - "packages"
+    - "tools"
     - "bin"
     - "Entrypoint package"
@@ -873,8 +871,8 @@
     - text: "TODO"
       link: "TODO"
-  category: "packages"
+    - "packages"
     - "dependencies"
     - "package dependency"
     - "libraries"
@@ -887,8 +885,8 @@
     - text: "TODO"
       link: "TODO"
-  category: "packages"
+    - "packages"
     - "pubspec"
     - "pubspec.lock"
     - "dependencies"
@@ -904,8 +902,8 @@
     - text: "TODO"
       link: "TODO"
-  category: "packages"
+    - "packages"
     - "apps"
     - "pubspec.lock"

From b571a7f5f5c718d78fadcbd6014d502f8cfa9233 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Parker Lougheed <>
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 19:00:23 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 3/4] Move pub glossary terms to shared glossary

 src/_data/glossary.yml | 356 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 278 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/_data/glossary.yml b/src/_data/glossary.yml
index 131a15e2a3..812d6e6218 100644
--- a/src/_data/glossary.yml
+++ b/src/_data/glossary.yml
@@ -628,8 +628,8 @@
     - "contravariant"
 - term: "Version constraint"
-  short_description: |-
-    TODO
+#  short_description: |-
+#    TODO
   long_description: |-
     A constraint placed on each [dependency][] of a package that specifies which
     versions of that dependency the package is expected to work with. 
@@ -662,8 +662,6 @@
 - term: "Verified publisher"
   short_description: |-
-    TODO
-  long_description: |-
     One or more users who own a set of packages.
     Each verified publisher is identified by a verified domain name,
     such as ****.
@@ -672,16 +670,16 @@
       link: "/tools/pub/verified-publishers"
     - text: "Creating a verified publisher"
       link: "/tools/pub/publishing#verified-publisher"
-    - text: "List of verified publishers"
-      link: "TODO"
+    - text: "Dart team publishers"
+      link: "/resources/dart-team-packages"
     - "packages"
     - "publishing"
     - ""
 - term: "Uploader"
-  short_description: |-
-    TODO
+#  short_description: |-
+#    TODO
   long_description: |-
     Someone who has administrative permissions for a package.
     A package uploader can upload new versions of the package, 
@@ -695,15 +693,15 @@
     - text: "Verified publishers"
       link: "/tools/pub/verified-publishers"
     - text: "Package publishing"
-      link: "TODO"
+      link: "/tools/pub/publishing"
     - "packages"
     - "publishing"
     - ""
 - term: "Transitive dependency"
-  short_description: |-
-    TODO
+#  short_description: |-
+#    TODO
   long_description: |-
     A dependency that your package indirectly uses because
     one of its dependencies requires it.
@@ -713,52 +711,85 @@
     [immediate dependency]: #immediate-dependency
-    - text: "Types of dependencies"
-      link: "TODO"
+    - text: "Package dependencies"
+      link: "/tools/pub/dependencies"
     - "packages"
     - "versioning"
     - "dependencies"
 - term: "Pub system cache"
-  short_description: |-
-    TODO
+#  short_description: |-
+#    TODO
   long_description: |-
-    TODO
+    When pub gets a remote package,
+    it downloads it into a single _system cache_ directory maintained by
+    pub. On Mac and Linux, this directory defaults to `~/.pub-cache`.
+    On Windows, the directory defaults to `%LOCALAPPDATA%\Pub\Cache`,
+    though its exact location may vary depending on the Windows version.
+    You can specify a different location using the
+    [`PUB_CACHE`][] environment variable.
+    Once packages are in the system cache,
+    pub creates a `package_config.json` file that maps each package
+    used by your application to the corresponding package in the cache.
+    You only have to download a given version of a package once
+    and can then reuse it in as many packages as you would like.
+    If you specify the `--offline` flag to use cached packages,
+    you can delete and regenerate your `package_config.json`
+    files without having to access the network.
+    [`PUB_CACHE`]: /tools/pub/environment-variables
-    - text: "TODO"
-      link: "TODO"
+    - text: "The system package cache"
+      link: "/tools/pub/cmd/pub-get#the-system-package-cache"
     - "packages"
     - "package config"
     - "cache"
-   - "system cache"
+   - "system package cache"
-- term: "Source"
-  short_description: |-
-    TODO
+- term: "Dependency source"
+#  short_description: |-
+#    TODO
   long_description: |-
-    TODO
+    A kind of place that pub can get packages from. A source isn't
+    a specific place like the site or some specific Git URL.
+    Each source describes a general procedure for
+    accessing a package in some way.
+    For example, _git_ is one source.
+    The git source knows how to download packages given a Git URL.
+    Several different [supported sources][] are available.
+    [supported sources]: /tools/pub/dependencies#dependency-sources
-    - text: "TODO"
-      link: "TODO"
+    - text: "Pub dependency source reference"
+      link: "/tools/pub/dependencies#dependency-sources"
     - "packages"
     - "pubspec"
     - "dependencies"
     - "versioning"
+    - "package source"
+    - "dependency source"
     - "pub source"
 - term: "SDK constraint"
-  short_description: |-
-    TODO
+#  short_description: |-
+#    TODO
   long_description: |-
-    TODO
+    The declared versions of the Dart SDK itself that
+    a package declares that it supports. An SDK constraint is specified using
+    normal [version constraint](#version-constraint) syntax, but in a
+    special _environment_ section [in the pubspec][environment constraints].
+    [environment constraints]: /tools/pub/pubspec#sdk-constraints
-    - text: "TODO"
-      link: "TODO"
+    - text: "Pubspec SDK constraints"
+      link: "/tools/pub/pubspec#sdk-constraints"
     - "packages"
     - "pubspec"
@@ -769,13 +800,50 @@
     - "flutter version constraint"
 - term: "Package"
-  short_description: |-
-    TODO
+#  short_description: |-
+#    TODO
   long_description: |-
-    TODO
+    A collection of [libraries] under a directory,
+    with a [pubspec.yaml] in the root of that directory. 
+    Packages can have [dependencies](#dependency) on other packages
+    *and* can be dependencies themselves.
+    A package's `/lib` directory contains the
+    [public libraries][] that other packages can import and use.
+    They can also include scripts to be run directly.
+    A package that is not intended to be depended on by other packages is an
+    [application package][].
+    Shared packages are [published][] to,
+    but you can also have non-published packages.
+    Don't check the [lockfile][] of a package into source
+    control, since libraries should support a range of dependency versions.
+    The [version constraints][] of a package's
+    [immediate dependencies][] should be as wide as possible while still
+    ensuring that the dependencies will be compatible with the versions that
+    were tested against.
+    Since [semantic versioning][] requires that libraries increment their
+    major version numbers for any backwards incompatible changes,
+    packages will usually require their dependencies' versions to be
+    greater than or equal to the versions that were tested and
+    less than the next major version. So if your library
+    depended on the (fictional) `transmogrify` package and you tested it at
+    version 1.2.1, your version constraint would be [`^1.2.1`][].
+    [libraries]: #library
+    [pubspec.yaml]: /tools/pub/pubspec
+    [public libraries]: /tools/pub/package-layout#public-libraries
+    [application package]: #application-package
+    [published]: /tools/pub/publishing
+    [lockfile]: #lockfile
+    [version constraints]: #version-constraint
+    [immediate dependencies]: #immediate-dependency
+    [semantic versioning]:
+    [`^1.2.1`]: /tools/pub/dependencies#caret-syntax
-    - text: "TODO"
-      link: "TODO"
+    - text: "How to use packages"
+      link: "/guides/packages"
     - "packages"
     - "libraries"
@@ -784,13 +852,31 @@
     - "library package"
 - term: "Lockfile"
-  short_description: |-
-    TODO
+#  short_description: |-
+#    TODO
   long_description: |-
-    TODO
-  related_links:
-    - text: "TODO"
-      link: "TODO"
+    A file named `pubspec.lock` that specifies the concrete versions and
+    other identifying information for every immediate and transitive dependency
+    a package relies on.
+    Unlike the pubspec, which only lists immediate dependencies and
+    allows version ranges, the lockfile comprehensively pins down
+    the entire dependency graph to specific versions of packages.
+    A lockfile ensures that you can recreate the
+    exact configuration of packages used by an application.
+    The lockfile is generated automatically for you by pub when you run
+    [`pub get`](/tools/pub/cmd/pub-get),
+    [`pub upgrade`](/tools/pub/cmd/pub-upgrade),
+    or [`pub downgrade`](/tools/pub/cmd/pub-downgrade).
+    Pub includes a [content hash][] for each package
+    to check against during future resolutions.
+    If your package is an [application package][], you will
+    typically check this into source control.
+    For regular packages, you usually won't.
+    [content hash]: #content-hashes
     - "packages"
     - "libraries"
@@ -803,12 +889,15 @@
 - term: "Library"
   short_description: |-
-    TODO
-  long_description: |-
-    TODO
+    A library is a single compilation unit, made up of a single primary file and
+    any optional number of [parts][]. Libraries have their own private scope.
+    [parts]: /resources/glossary#part-file
+#  long_description: |-
+#    TODO
-    - text: "TODO"
-      link: "TODO"
+    - text: "Libraries & imports"
+      link: "/language/libraries"
     - "language"
     - "packages"
@@ -818,12 +907,13 @@
 - term: "Immediate dependency"
   short_description: |-
-    TODO
-  long_description: |-
-    TODO
+    A [dependency](#dependency) that your package directly uses itself.
+    The dependencies you list in your pubspec are
+    your package's immediate dependencies. All other dependencies are
+    [transitive dependencies](#transitive-dependency).
-    - text: "Types of dependencies"
-      link: "TODO"
+    - text: "Package dependencies"
+      link: "/tools/pub/dependencies"
     - "packages"
     - "versioning"
@@ -833,12 +923,16 @@
 - term: "Entrypoint directory"
   short_description: |-
-    TODO
+    A directory inside your package that is allowed to contain Dart entrypoints.
   long_description: |-
-    TODO
-  related_links:
-    - text: "TODO"
-      link: "TODO"
+    A directory inside your package that is allowed to contain
+    [Dart entrypoints](#entrypoint).
+    Pub has a list of these directories: `benchmark`, `bin`, `example`,
+    `test`, `tool`, and `web` (and `lib`, for [Flutter apps][]).
+    Any subdirectories of those (except `bin`) may also contain entrypoints.
+    [Flutter apps]:
     - "packages"
     - "tools"
@@ -847,13 +941,25 @@
     - "direct dependency"
 - term: "Entrypoint"
-  short_description: |-
-    TODO
+#  short_description: |-
+#    TODO
   long_description: |-
-    TODO
-  related_links:
-    - text: "TODO"
-      link: "TODO"
+    In the general context of Dart, an _entrypoint_ is
+    a Dart library that is directly invoked by a Dart implementation.
+    When you reference a Dart library in a `<script>` tag or
+    pass it as a command-line argument to the standalone Dart VM,
+    that library is the entrypoint.
+    In other words, it's usually the `.dart` file that contains `main()`.
+    In the context of pub, an _entrypoint package_ or _root package_ is
+    the root of a dependency graph. It will usually be an application.
+    When you run your app, it's the entrypoint package.
+    Every other package it depends on will not be an entrypoint in that context.
+    A package can be an entrypoint in some contexts and not in others. Say your
+    app uses a package `A`. When you run your app, `A` is not the entrypoint
+    package. However, if you go over to `A` and execute its tests, in that
+    context, it *is* the entrypoint since your app isn't involved.
     - "packages"
     - "tools"
@@ -864,13 +970,23 @@
     - "Runnable library"
 - term: "Dependency"
-  short_description: |-
-    TODO
+#  short_description: |-
+#    TODO
   long_description: |-
-    TODO
+    Another package that your package relies on.
+    If your package wants to import code from some other package,
+    that package must be a dependency.
+    Dependencies are specified in your package's [pubspec][] and
+    described in [Package dependencies][].
+    To see the dependencies used by a package, use [`pub deps`][].
+    [pubspec]: /tools/pub/pubspec
+    [Package dependencies]: /tools/pub/dependencies
+    [`pub deps`]: /tools/pub/cmd/pub-deps
-    - text: "TODO"
-      link: "TODO"
+    - text: "Package dependencies"
+      link: "/tools/pub/dependencies"
     - "packages"
     - "dependencies"
@@ -878,13 +994,83 @@
     - "libraries"
 - term: "Content hash"
-  short_description: |-
-    TODO
+#  short_description: |-
+#    TODO
   long_description: |-
-    TODO
+    The repository maintains a sha256 hash of
+    each package version it hosts.
+    Pub clients can use this hash to
+    validate the integrity of downloaded packages,
+    and protect against changes on the repository. 
+    When `dart pub get` downloads a package,
+    it computes the hash of the downloaded archive.
+    The hash of each hosted dependency is stored with the
+    [resolution][] in the [lockfile][].
+    The pub client uses this content hash
+    to verify that running `dart pub get` again using the same lockfile,
+    potentially on a different computer, uses exactly the same packages.
+    If the locked hash doesn't match what's currently in the pub cache,
+    pub redownloads the archive. If it still doesn't match, the lockfile
+    updates and a warning is printed. For example:
+    ```plaintext
+    $ dart pub get
+    Resolving dependencies...
+    [!Cached version of foo-1.0.0 has wrong hash - redownloading.!]
+     ~ foo 1.0.0 (was 1.0.0)
+    [!The existing content-hash from pubspec.lock doesn't match contents for:!]
+     * foo-1.0.0 from ""
+    This indicates one of:
+     * The content has changed on the server since you created the pubspec.lock.
+     * The pubspec.lock has been corrupted.
+    [!The content-hashes in pubspec.lock has been updated.!]
+    For more information see:
+    Changed 1 dependency!
+    ```
+    The updated content hash will show up in your version control diff,
+    and should make you suspicious.
+    To make a discrepancy become an error instead of a warning, use
+    [`dart pub get --enforce-lockfile`][].
+    The `--enforce-lockfile` option causes resolution to fail if
+    pub can't find package archives with the same hashes,
+    without updating the lockfile.
+    ```plaintext
+    $ dart pub get [!--enforce-lockfile!]
+    Resolving dependencies...
+    Cached version of foo-1.0.0 has wrong hash - redownloading.
+    ~ foo 1.0.0 (was 1.0.0)
+    The existing content-hash from pubspec.lock doesn't match contents for:
+     * foo-1.0.0 from ""
+    This indicates one of:
+     * The content has changed on the server since you created the pubspec.lock.
+     * The pubspec.lock has been corrupted.
+    For more information see:
+    [!Would change 1 dependency.!]
+    [!Unable to satisfy `pubspec.yaml` using `pubspec.lock`.!]
+    To update `pubspec.lock` run `dart pub get` without
+    `--enforce-lockfile`.
+    ```
+    [resolution]: /tools/pub/cmd/pub-get
+    [lockfile]: #lockfile
+    [`dart pub get --enforce-lockfile`]: /tools/pub/cmd/pub-get#enforce-lockfile
-    - text: "TODO"
-      link: "TODO"
+    - text: "Enforce lockfile option"
+      link: "/tools/pub/cmd/pub-get#enforce-lockfile"
     - "packages"
     - "pubspec"
@@ -895,13 +1081,27 @@
     - "checksum"
 - term: "Application package"
-  short_description: |-
-    TODO
+#  short_description: |-
+#    TODO
   long_description: |-
-    TODO
-  related_links:
-    - text: "TODO"
-      link: "TODO"
+    A package that contains a program or app, with a [main entrypoint][]. 
+    Meant to be run directly, either on the command line or in a browser.
+    Application packages may have [dependencies][] on other packages,
+    but are never depended on themselves.
+    Unlike regular [packages][], they are not intended to be shared.
+    Application packages should check their [lockfiles][] into source
+    control, so that everyone working on the application and every location the
+    application is deployed has a consistent set of dependencies. Because their
+    dependencies are constrained by the lockfile, application packages usually
+    specify `any` for their dependencies' [version constraints][].
+    [main entrypoint]: #entrypoint
+    [dependencies]: #dependency
+    [packages]: #package
+    [lockfiles]: #lockfile
+    [version constraints]: #version-constraint
     - "packages"
     - "apps"

From 7d5ed3a07c8fac04c42054e21036e626dc4029ae Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Parker Lougheed <>
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 19:02:48 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 4/4] Fix content hashes link

 src/_data/glossary.yml | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/_data/glossary.yml b/src/_data/glossary.yml
index 812d6e6218..3f84895ee7 100644
--- a/src/_data/glossary.yml
+++ b/src/_data/glossary.yml
@@ -876,7 +876,7 @@
     typically check this into source control.
     For regular packages, you usually won't.
-    [content hash]: #content-hashes
+    [content hash]: #content-hash
     - "packages"
     - "libraries"