#Contents of the repository
Our repository contains both Java and .NET projects. There are projects for the modelling and code generator tool, and we have also shared a detailed, fully implemendted example project for an AppStore we have introduced in our presentation. We marked the projects of the example with italic font. These projects are not necessary for using the code generator.
Project | Description |
hu.bme.mit.inf.gs.AppStore.CreditManger.working | This project contains the fully implemented, working CreditManager component of the AppStore. |
hu.bme.mit.inf.gs.AppStore.UserManger.working | This project contains the fully implemented, working UserManager component of the AppStore. |
hu.bme.mit.inf.gs.codegen | This contains the sources for the code generator |
hu.bme.mit.inf.gs.dsl | This contains our DSL, and a complex instance of the DSL metamodel |
hu.bme.mit.inf.gs.dsl.edit | EMF generated edit project for DSL |
hu.bme.mit.inf.gs.dsl.editor | EMF generated tree-editor project for DSL |
hu.bme.mit.inf.gs.dsl.validator | EMF-IncQuery constraints for the DSL validation |
hu.bme.mit.inf.gs.sampledatauploader | This project upload sample data to the component's database for testing the AppStore Genius |
hu.bme.mit.inf.gs.uml.activitymodel | Activity model for designing the workflows of the AppStore (Papyrus) |
hu.bme.mit.inf.gs.uml.activitymodel2 | Another activity model for designing the workflows of the example !AppStore (Papyrus) |
hu.bme.mit.inf.gs.uml.usecase | Usecase model for designing our AppStore architecture (Papyrus) |
##.NET projects
Project | Description |
hu.bme.mit.inf.gs.AppStore.AppRepository | This project contains the fully implemented, working AppRepository component of AppStore. |
hu.bme.mit.inf.gs.AppStore.CodeVerifier | This project contains the fully implemented, working CodeVerifier component. |