diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 702a868..fe760f5 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,12 +1,35 @@
+## Notice
+This is the README for `main` branch, which is for pre `0.2.0` release.
-### Experimental - non official, use at your own risk
-Elixir SDK for **[Inngest](https://www.inngest.com)**
+ A durable event-driven workflow engine SDK for Elixir.
+ Read the documentation and get started in minutes.
+# [Inngest](https://www.inngest.com) Elixir SDK
+Inngest's Elixir SDK allows you to create event-driven, durable workflows in your
+existing API — without new infrastructure.
+It's useful if you want to build reliable software without worrying about queues,
+events, subscribers, workers, or other complex primitives such as concurrency,
+parallelism, event batching, or distributed debounce. These are all built in.
## Installation
@@ -17,7 +40,7 @@ to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`
# mix.exs
def deps do
- {:inngest, "~> 0.1"}
+ {:inngest, git: "https://github.com/inngest/ex_inngest.git", branch: "main"}
@@ -31,71 +54,74 @@ macro.
``` elixir
defmodule MyApp.AwesomeFunction do
- use Inngest.Function,
- name: "awesome function", # The name of the function
- event: "func/awesome" # The event this function will react to
+ use Inngest.Function
+ alias Inngest.{FnOpts, Trigger}
+ @func %FnOpts{id: "awesome-fn", name: "Awesome Function"} # The id and name of the function
+ @trigger %Trigger{event: "func/awesome"} # The event this function will react to
+ @impl true
+ def exec(_ctx, _input) do
+ IO.inspect("Do something")
- # Declare a "run" macro that runs contains the business logic
- run "hello world" do
- {:ok, %{result: "hello world"}}
+ {:ok, "hello world"}
-The Elixir SDK follows `ExUnit`'s pattern of accumulative macros, where each block
-is a self contained piece of logic.
-You can declare multiple blocks of `run` or other available macros, and the function
-will execute the code in the order it is declared.
+And just like that, you have an Inngest function that will react to an event called `func/awesome`.
+`Inngest.Function.exec/2` will then be called by the SDK to run and execute the logic.
#### Advanced
-Here's a slightly more complicated version, which should provide you an idea what is
-capable with Inngest.
+The above example will be no different from other background processing libraries, so let's take a
+look at a more complicated version. Which should provide you an idea what is capable with Inngest.
``` elixir
defmodule MyApp.AwesomeFunction do
- use Inngest.Function,
- name: "awesome function", # The name of the function
- event: "func/awesome" # The event this function will react to
- # An Inngest function will automatically retry when it fails
- # "run" is a normal unit execution. It is not memorized and will be
- # executed every time the function gets re-invoked.
- #
- # The return "data" from each execution block will be accumulated
- # and passed on to the next execution
- run "1st run" do
- {:ok, %{run: "do something"}}
- end
- # "step" is a unit execution where the return value will be memorized.
- # An already executed "step" will not be executed again when re-invoked
- # and will use the previously returned value
- #
- # e.g. The previous `%{run: "do something"}` can be extracted out via
- # pattern matching, just like how you do it in `ExUnit`
- step "1st step", %{data: %{run: output}} do
- {:ok, %{hey: output}}
- end
- # "sleep" will pause the execution for the declared amount of duration.
- sleep "2s"
- step "2nd step" do
- {:ok, %{yo: "lo"}}
- end
- # "sleep" can also sleep until a valid datetime string
- sleep "until July 31 2023 - 8pm", do: "2023-07-18T07:31:00Z"
- # "wait_for_event" will pause the function execution until the declared
- # event is received
- wait_for_event "test/wait", do: [timeout: "1d", match: "data.yo"]
- step "result", %{data: data} do
- {:ok, %{result: data}}
+ use Inngest.Function
+ alias Inngest.{FnOpts, Trigger}
+ @func %FnOpts{id: "awesome-fn", name: "Awesome Function"} # The id and name of the function
+ @trigger %Trigger{event: "func/awesome"} # The event this function will react to
+ @impl true
+ def exec(ctx, %{step: step} = input) do
+ IO.inspect("Starting function...")
+ %{greet: greet} =
+ # A return value wrapped in a `step` are memorized, meaning
+ # it's guaranteed to be idempotent.
+ # if it fails, it'll be retried.
+ step.run(ctx, "step1", fn ->
+ %{greet: "hello"}
+ end)
+ # Sleeping will pause the execution from running, and function
+ # will be reinvoked when time is up.
+ step.sleep(ctx, "wait-a-little", "10s")
+ %{name: name} =
+ step.run(ctx, "retrieve-user", fn ->
+ # retrieve user from here
+ %{name: user_name}
+ end)
+ # There are times you want to wait for something to happen before
+ # continue on the workflow. `wait_for_event` allows exactly that.
+ evt = step.wait_for_event("wait-for-registration-complete", %{
+ event: "user/register.completed",
+ timeout: "1h"
+ })
+ # You might want to trigger some other workflow, sending an event
+ # will trigger the functions that are registered against the `event`.
+ step.send_event("completed-work", %{
+ name: "func/awesome.completed",
+ data: %{name: name}
+ })
+ {:ok, %{greetings: "#{greet} #{name}", registered: is_nil(evt)}}
diff --git a/mix.exs b/mix.exs
index e45adab..c5a839a 100644
--- a/mix.exs
+++ b/mix.exs
@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ defmodule Inngest.MixProject do
# Docs
name: "Inngest",
- source_url: "https://github.com/darwin67/ex_inngest",
+ source_url: "https://github.com/inngest/ex_inngest",
description: "Elixir SDK for Inngest",
homepage_url: "https://inngest.com",
docs: [
main: "Inngest",
- authors: ["Darwin Wu"],
+ authors: ["Inngest Engineering"],
# source_ref: "v#{@version}",
assets: "docs/assets",
logo: "docs/assets/logo.png",
@@ -72,9 +72,9 @@ defmodule Inngest.MixProject do
defp package do
- maintainers: ["Darwin Wu"],
+ maintainers: ["Inngest Engineering"],
licenses: ["GPL-3.0-or-later"],
- links: %{github: "https://github.com/darwin67/ex_inngest"},
+ links: %{github: "https://github.com/inngest/ex_inngest"},
files: ~w(lib mix.exs README.md LICENSE VERSION CHANGELOG.md)