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+.. tutorials-withdraw-identity-balance:
+# Withdraw credits
+The purpose of this tutorial is to walk through the steps necessary to withdraw credits back to a Dash address.
+## Overview
+Over time, users may want to convert [Platform credits](../../explanations/identity.md#credits) back to Dash for use on the Core chain.
+## Prerequisites
+- [General prerequisites](../../tutorials/introduction.md#prerequisites) (Node.js / Dash SDK installed)
+- A wallet mnemonic with some funds in it: [Tutorial: Create and Fund a Wallet](../../tutorials/create-and-fund-a-wallet.md)
+- A configured client: [Setup SDK Client](../setup-sdk-client.md)
+- A Dash Platform Identity with a credit balance: [Tutorial: Register an Identity](../../tutorials/identities-and-names/register-an-identity.md)
+- A Core chain address to receive the withdrawn credits as Dash
+## Code
+const setupDashClient = require('../setupDashClient');
+const client = setupDashClient();
+const withdrawCredits = async () => {
+  const identityId = 'an identity ID goes here';
+  const identity = await client.platform.identities.get(identityId);
+  console.log('Identity balance before transfer: ', identity.balance);
+  const toAddress = 'a Dash address goes here';
+  const withdrawalAmount = 190000; // Number of credits to withdraw
+  console.log('Starting credit withdrawal...');
+  // Temporarily force minRelay to have a value so withdrawal succeeds
+  // https://github.com/dashpay/platform/issues/2233
+  client.wallet.storage.getDefaultChainStore().state.fees.minRelay = 1000;
+  const response = await client.platform.identities.withdrawCredits(
+    identity,
+    withdrawalAmount,
+    {
+      toAddress,
+    },
+  );
+  return client.platform.identities.get(identityId);
+  .then((d) => console.log('Identity balance after withdrawal: ', d.balance))
+  .catch((e) => console.error('Something went wrong:\n', e))
+  .finally(() => client.disconnect());
+## What's Happening
+After connecting to the Client, we get an identity and set the withdrawal address and amount. We then call `platform.identities.withdrawCredits` with the identity, withdrawal amount in credits, and the destination address. This creates an unlock transaction and decreases the identity's credit balance by the relevant amount including a fee. The updated identity balance is output to the console. Once the withdrawal is processed, it is broadcast to the Core chain where the unlocked Dash is sent to the provided destination address.
+:class: note
+Since the SDK does not cache wallet information, lengthy re-syncs (5+ minutes) may be required for some Core chain wallet operations. See [Wallet Operations](../setup-sdk-client.md#wallet-operations) for options.