diff --git a/docs/reference/dapi-endpoints-platform-endpoints.md b/docs/reference/dapi-endpoints-platform-endpoints.md
index 858ee59a3..2260e19d0 100644
--- a/docs/reference/dapi-endpoints-platform-endpoints.md
+++ b/docs/reference/dapi-endpoints-platform-endpoints.md
@@ -349,6 +349,79 @@ Retrieves the state of a vote for a specific contested resource.
+### getCurrentQuorumsInfo
+Retrieves current quorum details, including validator sets and metadata for each quorum.
+**Returns**: Information about current quorums, including quorum hashes, validator sets, and
+cryptographic proof.
+| Name | Type | Required | Description |
+| ------------- | ------ | -------- | ----------- |
+| `version` | Object | No | Version object containing request parameters |
+**Example Request and Response**
+:::{tab-item} gRPCurl
+grpcurl -proto protos/platform/v0/platform.proto \
+ -d '{
+ "v0": {}
+ }' \
+ seed-1.testnet.networks.dash.org:1443 \
+ org.dash.platform.dapi.v0.Platform/getCurrentQuorumsInfo
+:::{tab-item} Response (gRPCurl)
+ "v0": {
+ "quorumHashes": [
+ "AAABC9mcu+F3eC33hC9wyZAP20QQNHz4kYnfFQPwa5A="
+ ],
+ "currentQuorumHash": "AAABP7yY5DKt8UlLUR/QJlH8BI108xugKSEIOrR6iAA=",
+ "validatorSets": [
+ {
+ "quorumHash": "AAABC9mcu+F3eC33hC9wyZAP20QQNHz4kYnfFQPwa5A=",
+ "coreHeight": 1131096,
+ "members": [
+ {
+ "proTxHash": "BbaHl4NE+iQzsqqZ1B9kPi2FgaeJzcIwhIic7KUkTqg=",
+ "nodeIp": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "proTxHash": "iCUb1LEk7+uHU33qvuxU9sj1dfTfgfEM9ejuoHMJK28=",
+ "nodeIp": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "proTxHash": "FD3Namt2hP3gHoihDl1l3popJExezVhtFKNCZXAl8RM=",
+ "nodeIp": ""
+ }
+ ],
+ "thresholdPublicKey": "ixciXjkgFnI/cQNXS51yBi4MYgdPZWjRGxsubEsfzItgvTlABUxow9S1eCE7w9+f"
+ }
+ ],
+ "lastBlockProposer": "iCUb1LEk7+uHU33qvuxU9sj1dfTfgfEM9ejuoHMJK28=",
+ "metadata": {
+ "height": "43865",
+ "coreChainLockedHeight": 1131112,
+ "epoch": 2483,
+ "timeMs": "1730295469308",
+ "protocolVersion": 4,
+ "chainId": "dash-testnet-51"
+ }
+ }
### getEvonodesProposedEpochBlocksByIds
Retrieves the number of blocks proposed by the specified evonodes in a certain epoch, based on their IDs.
diff --git a/docs/reference/dapi-endpoints.md b/docs/reference/dapi-endpoints.md
index 64362789e..ffe5a9e3a 100644
--- a/docs/reference/dapi-endpoints.md
+++ b/docs/reference/dapi-endpoints.md
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ data returned is valid and complete. The endpoints are versioned so updates can
| 2 | [`getContestedResourceIdentityVotes`](../reference/dapi-endpoints-platform-endpoints.md#getcontestedresourceidentityvotes) | *Added in Dash Platform v1.0.0*
Retrieves the voting record of a specific identity. |
| 2 | [`getContestedResourceVotersForIdentity`](../reference/dapi-endpoints-platform-endpoints.md#getcontestedresourcevotersforidentity) | *Added in Dash Platform v1.0.0*
Retrieves the voters for a specific identity associated with a contested resource. |
| 2 | [`getContestedResourceVoteState`](../reference/dapi-endpoints-platform-endpoints.md#getcontestedresourcevotestate) | *Added in Dash Platform v1.0.0*
Retrieves the state of a vote for a specific contested resource. |
+| 2 | [`getCurrentQuorumsInfo`](../reference/dapi-endpoints-platform-endpoints.md#getcurrentquorumsinfo) | **Added in Dash Platform v1.4.0**
Retrieves current quorum details, including validator sets and metadata for each quorum. |
| 2 | [`getEvonodesProposedEpochBlocksByIds`](../reference/dapi-endpoints-platform-endpoints.md#getevonodesproposedepochblocksbyids) | **Added in Dash Platform v1.3.0**
Retrieves the number of blocks proposed by the specified evonodes in a certain epoch, based on their IDs |
| 2 | [`getEvonodesProposedEpochBlocksByRange`](../reference/dapi-endpoints-platform-endpoints.md#getevonodesproposedepochblocksbyrange) | **Added in Dash Platform v1.3.0**
Retrieves the number of blocks proposed by evonodes for a specified epoch |
| 2 | [`getIdentity`](../reference/dapi-endpoints-platform-endpoints.md#getidentity) | Returns the requested identity |