.\hugo.exe new site quickstart
cd quickstart
git init
git submodule add https://github.com/theNewDynamic/gohugo-theme-ananke.git themes/ananke
git submodule add https://github.com/curtiscde/hugo-theme-dopetrope.git themes/dopetrope
echo theme = "ananke" >> config.toml
theme = "dopetrope"
..\hugo.exe new posts/hello-world.md
..\hugo.exe help
..\hugo.exe env
..\hugo.exe list
..\hugo.exe list all
..\hugo.exe server
..\hugo.exe help
..\hugo.exe -D
..\hugo.exe server
hugo server -D
mv C:\Hugo\Sites\dopetrope\themes\dopetrope\layouts C:\Hugo\Sites\dopetrope\layouts
mv all the example site stuff over into the the main ie. mv C:\Hugo\Sites\dopetrope\themes\dopetrope & C:\Hugo\Sites\dopetrope\themes\dopetrope\ExampleSite TO C:\Hugo\Sites\dopetrope mv over some of the customization from https://github.com/data-and-visualization/blogdown2-rfun