If you've found a bug, please report it to the issue tracker and
- describe the bug you encountered and what the expected behavior should be,
- provide a mcve if possible, and
- be as explicit about your environment as possible, e.g. provide a
pip freeze
/conda list
To get started, set up a a new environment using pixi and install all requirements:
pixi run pre-commit-install
pixi run postinstall
pixi run test
We're using pytest as a testing framework and make heavy use of
and parametrization
To run the tests simply run
pixi run test
For performance critical code paths we have asv benchmarks in place in the subfolder asv_bench
To run the benchmarks a single time and receive immediate feedback run
pixi run -e benchmark postinstall
pixi run -e benchmark asv run --python=same --show-stderr --config ./asv_bench/asv.conf.json
pixi run -e docs postinstall
pixi run docs
To ensure a consistent code style across the code base we're using prettier
and ruff
for formatting and linting.
We have pre-commit hooks for all of these tools which take care of formatting and checking the code.
If you prefer to perform manual formatting and linting, you can run the necessary toolchain like this
pixi run pre-commit-run