diff --git a/client/src/pages/organizations/[id]/index.tsx b/client/src/pages/organizations/[id]/index.tsx
index 65ba126a..85d3490c 100644
--- a/client/src/pages/organizations/[id]/index.tsx
+++ b/client/src/pages/organizations/[id]/index.tsx
@@ -1,62 +1,75 @@
-import { useParams } from "react-router-dom";
-import { useQuery } from "@tanstack/react-query";
import {
- Breadcrumb,
- Container,
- Link,
- Notice,
- useDSFRConfig,
+ Breadcrumb,
+ Container,
+ Link,
+ Notice,
+ useDSFRConfig,
} from "@dataesr/dsfr-plus";
-import PageSkeleton from "../../../components/skeleton/page-skeleton";
-import OrganizationPresentation from "./components/organization";
+import { useQuery } from "@tanstack/react-query";
+import { RawIntlProvider, createIntl } from "react-intl";
+import { useParams } from "react-router-dom";
import { getOrganizationById } from "../../../api/organizations/[id]";
+import PageSkeleton from "../../../components/skeleton/page-skeleton";
import getLangFieldValue from "../../../utils/lang";
-import { RawIntlProvider, createIntl } from "react-intl";
+import OrganizationPresentation from "./components/organization";
const modules = import.meta.glob("./locales/*.json", {
- eager: true,
- import: "default",
+ eager: true,
+ import: "default",
const messages = Object.keys(modules).reduce((acc, key) => {
- const locale = key.match(/\.\/locales\/(.+)\.json$/)?.[1];
- if (locale) {
- return { ...acc, [locale]: modules[key] };
- }
- return acc;
+ const locale = key.match(/\.\/locales\/(.+)\.json$/)?.[1];
+ if (locale) {
+ return { ...acc, [locale]: modules[key] };
+ }
+ return acc;
}, {});
export default function Organization() {
- const { locale } = useDSFRConfig();
- const intl = createIntl({ locale, messages: messages[locale] });
- const { id } = useParams();
- const { data, isLoading } = useQuery({
- queryKey: ["organizations", id],
- queryFn: () => getOrganizationById(id),
- throwOnError: true,
- });
+ const { locale } = useDSFRConfig();
+ const intl = createIntl({ locale, messages: messages[locale] });
+ const { id } = useParams();
+ const { data, isLoading } = useQuery({
+ queryKey: ["organizations", id],
+ queryFn: () => getOrganizationById(id),
+ throwOnError: true,
+ });
+ // if Date.parse fails, it returns NaN and NaN compares false to everything
+ // it then defaults to false if data?.endDate is undefined, null or invalid
+ // it returns true only if data?.endDate is a valid date in the past
+ const isClosed = Date.parse(data?.endDate) < Date.now();
+ const isForeign = data?.isFrench === false;
+ const breadcrumbLabel = getLangFieldValue(locale)(data?.label);
- return (
- {data && !data?.isFrench && (
- {intl.formatMessage({ id: "organizations.notice.not-french" })}
- )}
- {data?.endDate && (
- {intl.formatMessage({ id: "organizations.notice.closed" })} {data.endDate.slice(0, 4)}.
- )}
- {intl.formatMessage({ id: "organizations.breadcrumb.home" })}
- {intl.formatMessage({ id: "organizations.breadcrumb.search" })}
- {getLangFieldValue(locale)(data?.label)}
- {(isLoading || !data?.id) && }
- {data?.id && }
- )
+ return (
+ {isForeign && (
+ {intl.formatMessage({ id: "organizations.notice.not-french" })}
+ )}
+ {isClosed && (
+ {intl.formatMessage({ id: "organizations.notice.closed" })}{" "}
+ {new Date(data.endDate).toLocaleDateString()}.
+ )}
+ {intl.formatMessage({ id: "organizations.breadcrumb.home" })}
+ {intl.formatMessage({ id: "organizations.breadcrumb.search" })}
+ {breadcrumbLabel}
+ {(isLoading || !data?.id) && }
+ {data?.id && }
+ );
diff --git a/client/src/types/organization.ts b/client/src/types/organization.ts
index 4f15c6a3..607f93e2 100644
--- a/client/src/types/organization.ts
+++ b/client/src/types/organization.ts
@@ -1,157 +1,161 @@
-import { Aggregation, Address, LangField, ExternalIdsData } from "./commons";
-import { Network } from "./network";
+import type {
+ Aggregation,
+ Address,
+ LangField,
+ ExternalIdsData,
+} from "./commons";
+import type { Network } from "./network";
export type OrganizationPublicationsData = {
- byYear: Aggregation[];
- byPublicationType: Aggregation[];
- byAuthors: Aggregation[];
- byWiki: Aggregation[];
- bySource: Aggregation[];
- publicationsCount: number;
+ byYear: Aggregation[];
+ byPublicationType: Aggregation[];
+ byAuthors: Aggregation[];
+ byWiki: Aggregation[];
+ bySource: Aggregation[];
+ publicationsCount: number;
export type OrganizationProjectsData = {
- byYear: Aggregation[];
- byType: Aggregation[];
- byKeywords: Aggregation[];
- projectsCount: number;
+ byYear: Aggregation[];
+ byType: Aggregation[];
+ byKeywords: Aggregation[];
+ projectsCount: number;
export type OrganizationPatentsData = {
- nature: any;
- level: any;
- kind: any;
- byYear: Aggregation[];
- patentsCount: number;
+ nature: any;
+ level: any;
+ kind: any;
+ byYear: Aggregation[];
+ patentsCount: number;
type BaseLink = {
- type?: string;
- url?: string;
- language?: string;
+ type?: string;
+ url?: string;
+ language?: string;
type BaseSocialMedia = BaseLink & { account?: string };
export type OrganizationLinksData = BaseLink[];
export type OrganizationSocialMediasData = BaseSocialMedia[];
export type RelatedOrganizationData = {
- structure: string;
- relationType?: string;
- type?: string;
- fromDate: string;
- label: string;
- denormalized: {
- id: string;
- label: LangField;
- address?: Address[];
- };
+ structure: string;
+ relationType?: string;
+ type?: string;
+ fromDate: string;
+ label: string;
+ denormalized: {
+ id: string;
+ label: LangField;
+ address?: Address[];
+ };
export type OrganizationLeaderData = {
- person?: string;
- role?: string;
- fromDate?: string;
- firstName?: string;
- lastName?: string;
+ person?: string;
+ role?: string;
+ fromDate?: string;
+ firstName?: string;
+ lastName?: string;
export type OrganizationBadgesData = {
- code: string;
- label: LangField;
+ code: string;
+ label: LangField;
export type OrganizationAwardsData = {
- label: string,
- year: number,
- domain?: {
- id: string,
- label: string
- }
+ label: string;
+ year: number;
+ domain?: {
+ id: string;
+ label: string;
+ };
export type OrganizationAgreementsData = {
- type: string,
- start: number,
- end: number,
- years: number[],
- label: string,
+ type: string;
+ start: number;
+ end: number;
+ years: number[];
+ label: string;
export type OrganizationIaDescription = {
- creation_date: string,
- model: string,
- description: LangField
+ creation_date: string;
+ model: string;
+ description: LangField;
export type Organization = {
- _id: string;
- acronym: LangField;
- address?: Address[];
- agreements: OrganizationAgreementsData[];
- ai_description?: OrganizationIaDescription;
- awards: OrganizationAwardsData[];
- badges?: OrganizationBadgesData[];
- creationYear?: number;
- description: LangField;
- endDate: string;
- externalIds: ExternalIdsData[];
- id: string;
- institutionOf?: RelatedOrganizationData[];
- institutions?: RelatedOrganizationData[];
- isFrench: boolean;
- kind: string[];
- label: LangField;
- leaders?: OrganizationLeaderData[];
- level?: string;
- links: OrganizationLinksData;
- nature?: string;
- parentOf?: RelatedOrganizationData[];
- parents?: RelatedOrganizationData[];
- patents: OrganizationPatentsData;
- projects: OrganizationProjectsData;
- publications: OrganizationPublicationsData;
- relationOf?: RelatedOrganizationData[];
- relations?: RelatedOrganizationData[];
- socialMedias: OrganizationSocialMediasData;
- network?: Network
+ _id: string;
+ acronym: LangField;
+ address?: Address[];
+ agreements: OrganizationAgreementsData[];
+ ai_description?: OrganizationIaDescription;
+ awards: OrganizationAwardsData[];
+ badges?: OrganizationBadgesData[];
+ creationYear?: number;
+ description: LangField;
+ endDate?: string;
+ externalIds: ExternalIdsData[];
+ id: string;
+ institutionOf?: RelatedOrganizationData[];
+ institutions?: RelatedOrganizationData[];
+ isFrench: boolean;
+ kind: string[];
+ label: LangField;
+ leaders?: OrganizationLeaderData[];
+ level?: string;
+ links: OrganizationLinksData;
+ nature?: string;
+ parentOf?: RelatedOrganizationData[];
+ parents?: RelatedOrganizationData[];
+ patents: OrganizationPatentsData;
+ projects: OrganizationProjectsData;
+ publications: OrganizationPublicationsData;
+ relationOf?: RelatedOrganizationData[];
+ relations?: RelatedOrganizationData[];
+ socialMedias: OrganizationSocialMediasData;
+ network?: Network;
export type OrganizationAggregations = {
- byNature: Aggregation[];
- byKind: Aggregation[];
- byLocalization: Aggregation[];
- byLevel: Aggregation[];
- byFundings: Aggregation[];
- byTags: Aggregation[];
- byAwards: Aggregation[];
- byAgreements: Aggregation[];
+ byNature: Aggregation[];
+ byKind: Aggregation[];
+ byLocalization: Aggregation[];
+ byLevel: Aggregation[];
+ byFundings: Aggregation[];
+ byTags: Aggregation[];
+ byAwards: Aggregation[];
+ byAgreements: Aggregation[];
export type LightOrganization = {
- label: LangField;
- acronym: LangField;
- address: {
- main: boolean;
- city?: string;
- }[];
- kind: string[];
- level: string;
- nature: string;
- id: string;
- creationYear: string;
- isFrench: string;
- active: string;
- publicationsCount: number;
- projectsCount: number;
+ label: LangField;
+ acronym: LangField;
+ address: {
+ main: boolean;
+ city?: string;
+ }[];
+ kind: string[];
+ level: string;
+ nature: string;
+ id: string;
+ creationYear: string;
+ isFrench: string;
+ active: string;
+ publicationsCount: number;
+ projectsCount: number;
export type ExportOrganization = {
- label: LangField;
- acronym: LangField;
- address: {
- postcode: string;
- main: boolean;
- city?: string;
- }[];
- links: OrganizationLinksData;
- kind: string[];
- nature: string;
- id: string;
+ label: LangField;
+ acronym: LangField;
+ address: {
+ postcode: string;
+ main: boolean;
+ city?: string;
+ }[];
+ links: OrganizationLinksData;
+ kind: string[];
+ nature: string;
+ id: string;