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Publish Data

This repository contains the alpha-stage data publishing component of


Run on your machine with Postgres and Elastic search (v5)

# Make and active a virtualenv for Python 3
git clone <REPO>
cd publish_data_alpha
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd src
export DATABASE_URL="postgres://username:password@localhost/databasename"
export ES_HOSTS=''
export ES_INDEX='data_discovery'
export FIND_URL=''  # where the dataset pages are

./ migrate
./ loaddata organisations
./ loaddata locations
./ loaddata tasks
./ loaddata stats
./ loaddata datasets
./ loaddata datafiles
./ loaddata inspire
./ runserver


To successfully run the server, you can use a file that is stored in src/publish_data/settings/ The file should have the following contents:

# CKAN specific settings.
ES_INDEX = "dev-index"

Importing test users

In order to put test users to use the service, you can run

./ import_test_users -f users.json

The file should be structured as:

      "username": "username",
      "email" : "email_address",
      "password": "password",
      "apikey": "apikey"

To create a migration

Create your model and then

cd src
./manage makemigrations <optional_app_name>

To run migrations

cd src
./manage migrate


In the src/ directory are the following apps:

* publish_data - The main app repo containing settings and base templates/resources
* userauth - Handle user authentication with pre-set users (and admin)

Static assets (CSS, JS, images)

This application is built using govuk_elements and govuk_template.

Assets from those packages are already included in this repository. Additionally the SCSS in govuk_elements is precompiled and the resulting CSS is also included in the repository.

The reason assets are copied and pre-compiled here is to simplify deployments. That way, we're avoiding retrieving the govuk_ repositories, compiling the SASS (which would require installing nodejs and npm), concatenating and minifying.

As a consequence, if changes are made to the javascript or SCSS files, the developer will have to recompile locally. This will require installing nodejs and npm, and running the following steps:

> npm install
> gulp styles
> gulp javascripts

If a new version of the govuk packages is needed, you will have to copy and compile them again, and add the resulting files in this repository.

Acceptance testing

End-to-end tests can be found in the tests directory. They are run using nightwatch. To install nightwatch, use: npm install -g nightwatch.

The variables at the top of the Makefile should be set to suit your local environment.

Then you can just run make test to run the test suite.