This SDK is intended to:
- Read molecules from SDF, Smiles, Mol, CML files, etc
- Index them into Elasticsearch
- Have ability to search molecules efficiently with different similarity metrics (Tanimoto, Tversky, Euclid)
- Filter additionally based on text or number fields attached to the records
We are supporting 7.15.x Elasticsearch and most major distributions available (AWS, Elastic, OpenDistro, etc)
TBD test against other 7.x versions
Add dependency to your Maven POM file like this:
compile group: 'com.epam.indigo', name: 'bingo-elastic', version: 'VERSION'
it will work the same for other major dependency managers
You could use any favourite Elasticsearch distribution:
- Open Distro Elasticsearch
- Elasticsearch
- OpenSearch
- many many more available on premise and as cloud products & services
Something simple could be done as following:
docker run -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -e "discovery.type=single-node"
ElasticRepositoryBuilder<IndigoRecord> builder = new ElasticRepositoryBuilder<>();
repository = builder
Other customisations like SSL, custom number of shards/replicas, refresh interval, and many more are supported
List<IndigoRecord> records = Helpers.loadFromCmlFile("/tmp/file.cml");
CAVEAT: Elasticsearch doesn't have strict notion of commit, so records might appear in the index later on
Read more about it here -
List<IndigoRecord> similarRecords =
.filter(new SimilarityMatch<>(target))
In this case we requested top-20 most similar molecules compared to target
based on Tanimoto similarity metric
List<IndigoRecord> exactRecords =
.filter(new ExactMatch<>(target))
.filter(ExactMatch.exactMatchAfterChecker(target, indigo))
In this case we requested top-20 candidate molecules with exact same fingerprint to target
. After that we used ExactMatch.exactMatchAfterChecker
which double checked exact match based on actual molecule
List<IndigoRecord> substructureMatchRecords =
.filter(new SubstructureMatch<>(target))
.filter(SubstructureMatch.substructureMatchAfterChecker(target, indigo))
In this case we requested top-20 candidate molecules with exact same fingerprint to target
. After that we used SubstructureMatch.substructureMatchAfterChecker
which double checked substructure match based on actual molecule and it's graph representation
Indexing records with custom text tag
List<IndigoRecord> indigoRecordList = Helpers.loadFromSdf("src/test/resources/rand_queries_small.sdf");
IndigoRecord indigoRecord = indigoRecordList.get(0);
indigoRecord.addCustomObject("tag", "test");
Searching similar molecules to the target and filtering only those that have value of the tag
equals to test
List<IndigoRecord> similarRecords =
.filter(new TanimotoSimilarityMatch<>(target))
.filter(new KeywordQuery<>("tag", "test"))
you could also use similarly wildcard and range queries