diff --git a/lib/dl_api_lib/dl_api_lib_tests/unit/test_error_handling.py b/lib/dl_api_lib/dl_api_lib_tests/unit/test_error_handling.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f002965d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dl_api_lib/dl_api_lib_tests/unit/test_error_handling.py
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+from dl_api_lib.error_handling import (
+    BIError,
+    PublicAPIErrorSchema,
+    RegularAPIErrorSchema,
+from dl_constants.exc import (
+    DLBaseException,
+def test_status_code_mapping():
+    class MyCustomValueError(ValueError):
+        pass
+    exc_to_status = {
+        Exception: 500,
+        ValueError: 400,
+    }
+    assert 400 == BIError.get_default_error_code(MyCustomValueError(), exc_code_mapping=exc_to_status)
+    assert 400 == BIError.get_default_error_code(ValueError(), exc_code_mapping=exc_to_status)
+    assert 500 == BIError.get_default_error_code(KeyError(), exc_code_mapping=exc_to_status)
+def test_bi_error_default_message():
+    exc_to_status = {}
+    e = Exception("Private exception info")
+    bi_error = BIError.from_exception(e, default_message="Some default message", exc_code_mapping=exc_to_status)
+    assert (
+        BIError(
+            message="Some default message",
+            http_code=None,
+            application_code_stack=(),
+            debug={},
+            details={},
+        )
+        == bi_error
+    )
+def test_regular_bi_error_building():
+    class ExcA(DLBaseException):
+        err_code = DLBaseException.err_code + ["EXC_A"]
+        _message = "ExcA message"
+    class NonDLExc(Exception):
+        pass
+    class NonDLExc2(Exception):
+        message = "Some message"
+        details = {"some": "detail"}
+        debug_info = {"some": "debug_info"}
+    exc_to_status = {
+        ExcA: 400,
+    }
+    exc_a = ExcA()
+    assert BIError(
+        http_code=400,
+        application_code_stack=tuple(ExcA.err_code),
+        message=exc_a.message,
+        details=exc_a.details,
+        debug=exc_a.debug_info,
+    ) == BIError.from_exception(exc_a, exc_code_mapping=exc_to_status)
+    for exc_unk in (NonDLExc(), NonDLExc2):
+        assert BIError(
+            http_code=None,
+            application_code_stack=(),
+            message=BIError.DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGE,
+            details={},
+            debug={},
+        ) == BIError.from_exception(exc_unk, exc_code_mapping=exc_to_status)
+def test_regular_schema():
+    bi_error = BIError(
+        message="Some message",
+        http_code=None,
+        application_code_stack=("A", "B"),
+        debug=dict(a="b"),
+        details=dict(a="b"),
+    )
+    # Ensure all fields passed to output
+    assert (
+        {"code": "ERR.SOME_API.A.B", "debug": dict(a="b"), "details": dict(a="b"), "message": "Some message"}
+    ) == RegularAPIErrorSchema(context=dict(api_prefix="SOME_API")).dump(bi_error)
+    # Ensure default prefix
+    assert (
+        {
+            "debug": dict(a="b"),
+            "details": dict(a="b"),
+            "message": "Some message",
+        }
+    ) == RegularAPIErrorSchema().dump(bi_error)
+def test_public_schema():
+    bi_error = BIError(
+        message="Very user-private message",
+        http_code=None,
+        application_code_stack=("A", "B"),
+        debug=dict(stackrace=["1", "2"]),
+        details=dict(private_code="Some private value"),
+    )
+    assert (
+        {
+            "code": PublicAPIErrorSchema.Meta.PUBLIC_DEFAULT_ERR_CODE,
+            "debug": {},
+            "details": {},
+            "message": PublicAPIErrorSchema.Meta.PUBLIC_DEFAULT_MESSAGE,
+        }
+    ) == PublicAPIErrorSchema().dump(bi_error)
+    assert (
+        len(PublicAPIErrorSchema.Meta.PUBLIC_FORWARDED_ERROR_CODES) > 0
+    ), "Can not perform full public schema test without public whitelisted error codes"
+    for err_code_stack in PublicAPIErrorSchema.Meta.PUBLIC_FORWARDED_ERROR_CODES:
+        public_whitelisted_bi_error = BIError(
+            message="Non user-private message",
+            http_code=None,
+            application_code_stack=err_code_stack,
+            debug=dict(stackrace=["1", "2"]),
+            details=dict(private_code="Some private value"),
+        )
+        # Ensure that message and error code are passed to output for whitelisted errors
+        assert (
+            {
+                "code": ".".join([GLOBAL_ERR_PREFIX, DEFAULT_ERR_CODE_API_PREFIX] + list(err_code_stack)),
+                "debug": {},
+                "details": {},
+                "message": public_whitelisted_bi_error.message,
+            }
+        ) == PublicAPIErrorSchema().dump(public_whitelisted_bi_error)