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Management tasks

Running tasks:

task <task_name>

Environment (env:)

  • task env:devenv: Create development/testing environment (run it from a package dir)
  • task env:devenv-d: Create development/testing environment in detached mode (run it from a package dir)
  • task env:ensure_venv: Command to create virtual env for the mainrepo tools. It requires presence of .env in the mainrepo/tools.

Generation (gen:)

  • task gen:antlr: (Re-)generate ANTLR code files for formula
  • task gen:i18n-po: Sync/generate .po files for package (run it from a package dir)
  • task gen:i18n-binaries: Generate binary .mo files from .po files for package (run it from a package dir)

Code quality (cq:)

Experimental tasks to check and fix source files.

  • task cq:fix_changed: Apply all auto-fixes
  • task cq:check_changed: Check for any non-conformity in code style/format/lint
  • task cq:fix_dir -- {single dir}: Apply all auto-fixes to the given dir absolute path
  • task cq:check_dir -- {single dir}: Check for any non-conformity in code style/format/lint in the given dir abs path