RTSD: Russian Traffic Sign Images Dataset is a dataset for an object detection task. It is used in the automotive industry.
The dataset consists of 13450 images with 19805 labeled objects belonging to 106 different classes including 5_19_1, 2_1, 5_16, and other: 3_27, 4_1_1, 1_23, 3_20, 3_24_n40, 5_15_3, 5_15_2, 5_20, 5_15_1, 5_15_2_2, 5_15_5, 4_2_3, 7_3, 1_17, 3_1, 4_2_1, 2_3_2, 1_25, 6_4, 4_1_4, 1_22, 5_5, 6_6, 3_24_n20, 2_3_3, and 78 more.
Images in the RTSD: Russian Traffic Sign Images Dataset dataset have bounding box annotations. There are 2844 (21% of the total) unlabeled images (i.e. without annotations). There are 2 splits in the dataset: train (10367 images) and test (3083 images). Alternatively, the dataset could be split into 6 sign types: blue rect (8949 instances), prohibitory (2822 instances), danger (2466 instances), main road (2138 instances), mandatory (1721 instances), and blue border (1709 instances). The dataset was released in 2019 by the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia and NRU Higher School of Economics, Russia.