Algorithm solving assignment problem on an edge-weighted graphs. Finds a maximum matching with a minimal weight in (allegedly) O(n^3) time.
The detailed description of the algorithm and the results of the implementation can be found in the following documents:
- Initial documentation – theoretical description, analysis of correctness and complexity;
- Final documentation – description of the program usage, analysis of the tests performed, conclusions.
Example program call:
./Application.exe -i 2_2.txt
Following options are supported:
(input filename) to specify filename to read problem instance-o
(output filename) to specify filename to save solution to (optional)-n
(n) to specify number of wells (optional, default=2)-k
(k) to specify number of houses to which single well can supply water (optional, default=2)-v
(verbose) whether logs with current state of the program should be displayed (optional, default=false)-s
(show solution) whether found solution should be displayed on the console (optional, default=false)
Order of input arguments does not matter. All flags need to specified separately (for instance -vs is not supported). If either n or k is specified new instance of the problem will be generated and saved with the specified input filename. When generating new instance of the problem and either k or n is not specified default value which is equal to 2 will be used.
Full example program call (with generating new instance of problem - 5 wells, 30 houses, displaying logs, showing solution on console and writing solution to custom file):
./Application.exe -i 5_6_generated.txt -o 5_6_solution -n 5 -k 6 -v -s
If output filename is not specified calculated solution is saved in the same folder and the with the same name as input file but with _output.txt
If file with specified name already exists it will be overriden.