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The library is organised around a few base entities, which are:

  • BleManager
  • Peripheral
  • Service
  • Characteristic

The basic idea is to create an instance of BleManager, use it to create/release native clients of the underlying libraries, scan for peripherals and then operate on Peripheral.


This entity serves as the library's entry point. It doesn't track any state, so it is safe to create as many of those as you wish. All of the following methods belong to BleManager instance.

Managing native resources

  Future<void> createClient({
    String restoreStateIdentifier,
    RestoreStateAction restoreStateAction,

Creates native adapters for handling BLE. This method has to be called before you can begin using the library. Both parameters are iOS-specific and handle restoration of already bonded devices, eg. after a crash.

Method will return error if an instance of native BleAdapter has already been created.

  Future<void> destroyClient();

Releases native resources. Should be called once there's no further need for BLE capabilities.

Scanning for peripherals

  Stream<ScanResult> startPeripheralScan({
    int scanMode,
    int callbackType,
    List<String> uuids,
    bool allowDuplicates,

scanMode and callbackType are Android-specific. More information in Android documentation allowDuplicates is iOS-specific. More information in iOS documentation uuids is used to filter peripherals to only return those containing services with specified UUIDs.

Returns a stream of objects containing advertisement data of the peripheral and the peripheral itself called ScanResult. The object has two iOS-only fields: isConnectable and overflowServiceUuids.

  Future<void> stopDeviceScan();

Ends peripheral scan.

Managing log level

  Future<void> setLogLevel(LogLevel logLevel);

Sets log level of underlying native libraries. Possible values are:

  • none
  • verbose
  • debug
  • info
  • warning
  • error
  Future<LogLevel> logLevel();

Returns current log level of underlying native libraries.

Managing radio state

  Future<void> enableRadio({String transactionId});

Turns on system's Bluetooth Adapter. Android-only feature. This operation will fail immediately on iOS.

  Future<void> disableRadio({String transactionId});

Turns off system's Bluetooth adapter. Android-only feature. This operation will fail immediately on iOS.

  Future<BluetoothState> bluetoothState();

Return the current state of system's Bluetooth adapter.

  Stream<BluetoothState> observeBluetoothState({bool emitCurrentValue = true});

Returns a stream of system's Bluetooth adapter state changes. By default emits current value first; behaviour can be overridden by passing false to the optional argument.

Listing known devices

  Future<List<Peripheral>> knownDevices(List<String> peripheralIdentifiers);

Return a list of Peripherals that have been scanned and match any of the supplied identifiers. Returns empty list if an empty list is passed.

  Future<List<Peripheral>> connectedDevices(List<String> serviceUUIDs);

Returns a list of connected Peripherals that have at least one service with UUID matching any of the supplied UUIDs. Returns empty list if an empty list is passed.

Cancelling asynchronous operations

  Future<void> cancelTransaction(String transactionId);

Some of the asynchronous operations done by the library do not have a complementary stop...() function, but accept an optional parameter transactionId, eg. reading from characteristic. This function allows the user to break the execution of such operation, which will immediately return with BleError and errorCode operationCancelled.

IMPORTANT The cancelled operation will still be completed (perhaps with error), but the user will not be notified about its result.

(Read more about transactions)


Object representing a peripheral. Allows for managing connection, discovery and serves as a shortcut to characteristic operations, if the user knows the UUIDs of both service and characteristic. All of the following methods belong to Peripheral instance.


  Future<void> connect(
          {bool isAutoConnect = false,
          int requestMtu,
          bool refreshGatt = false,
          Duration timeout});

Attempts to connect to the peripheral.

autoConnect waits for device to be discoverable before attempting connection; Android-specific. See more

requestMtu defaults to 0, which means the library won't set it. Valid values according to BLE specification are between 23 and 512. IMPORTANT can be requested only once: if you pass this argument, then every call to requestMtu() will fail.

refreshGatt forces GATT to refresh its cache; Android-specific.

If connection has not been established by timeout, the operation fails. timeout defaults to 30 seconds.

  Stream<PeripheralConnectionState> observeConnectionState(
          {bool emitCurrentValue = false,
          bool completeOnDisconnect = false});

Returns a stream containing changes to the connection state. By default doesn't emit current state, nor terminates the stream after disconnecting. Note: due ambiguities concerning disconnecting state, current implementation never emits disconnecting, only connecting, connected, disconnected.

  Future<bool> isConnected();

Returns true if the peripheral is currently connected.

  Future<void> disconnectOrCancelConnection();

Terminates connection or any attempt to connect.

Obtaining services, characteristics and descriptors

  Future<void> discoverAllServicesAndCharacteristics({String transactionId});

Runs the discovery process, caching all discovered services and characteristics in the native parts. Must be run before services(), characteristics() and any operations on characteristics Operation is cancellable, meaning the operation's result in Dart can be discarded.

  Future<List<Service>> services();

Returns a list of all discovered services for the peripheral. Fails if discovery has not been done.

  Future<List<Characteristic>> characteristics(String servicedUuid);

Returns a list of all discovered characteristics for the specified service of the peripheral. Fails if discovery has not been done.

  Future<List<Descriptor>> descriptorsForCharacteristic(
    String serviceUuid,
    String characteristicUuid,

Returns a list of all descriptors of the specified characteristic. Returns first match encountered, if there are UUID conflicts.


  Future<int> rssi({String transactionId}) {
    return _manager.rssi(this, transactionId);

Reads current RSSI if the device is connected.

  Future<int> requestMtu(int mtu, {String transactionId}) {
    return _manager.requestMtu(this, mtu, transactionId);

Request peripheral to set a different MTU. On iOS only returns the current value. Returns the MTU set by peripheral after the request.

MTU can be requested only once in the lifetime of the connection, meaning this call will fail if it was set prior by either passing a valid value to connect(requestMtu: int) or calling this function.

Characteristic convenience methods

Finds first service with specified UUID and first characteristic in said service with specified UUID and then performs the requested operation. Following operations will be discussed in details in Characteristic section. CharacteristicWithValue object is a Characteristic with additional Uint8List value property.

Future<CharacteristicWithValue> readCharacteristic(
    String serviceUUID,
    String characteristicUUID, {
    String transactionId,
  Future<Characteristic> writeCharacteristic(
    String serviceUUID,
    String characteristicUUID,
    Uint8List bytes,
    bool withResponse, {
    String transactionId,
  Stream<CharacteristicWithValue> monitorCharacteristic(
    String serviceUUID,
    String characteristicUUID, {
    String transactionId,


Object representing a unique service associated with unique peripheral, ensured by the internal mechanisms of MultiPlatformBleAdapter. For ease of use exposes property peripheral. All of the following methods belong to Service instance.

Obtaining characteristics

  Future<List<Characteristic>> characteristics();

Returns a list of characteristics this service contains.

Characteristic convenience methods

Following operations will be discussed in details Characteristic section. Finds first characteristic with specified UUID and then performs the requested operation. CharacteristicWithValue object is a Characteristic with additional Uint8List value property.

  Future<Characteristic> writeCharacteristic(
    String characteristicUUID,
    Uint8List bytes,
    bool withResponse, {
    String transactionId,
  Future<CharacteristicWithValue> readCharacteristic(String characteristicUUID,
          {String transactionId});
  Stream<CharacteristicWithValue> monitorCharacteristic(
    String characteristicUUID, {
    String transactionId,


Object representing unique characteristic inside a unique service associated with unique peripheral, all ensured by the internal mechanisms of MultiPlatformBleAdapter. For ease of use exposes property service. Contains following boolean properties:

  • isReadable
  • isWritableWithResponse
  • isWritableWithoutResponse
  • isNotifiable
  • isIndicatable

All of the following methods belong to Characteristic instance.

  Future<Uint8List> read({String transactionId});

Reads the value of the characteristic. Operation is cancellable, meaning the operation's result in Dart can be discarded.

  Future<void> write(
    Uint8List bytes,
    bool withResponse, {
    String transactionId,

Writes value to this characteristic. It is user's responsibility to choose whether write should be done with or without response.

  Stream<Uint8List> monitor({String transactionId});

Operation is cancellable, which allows the user to terminate the notifications from the peripheral for this characteristic.


Object representing unique descriptor inside unique characteristic inside a unique service associated with unique peripheral, all ensured by the internal mechanisms of MultiPlatformBleAdapter.

For ease of use exposes characteristic property.

  Future<Uint8List> read({String transactionId});
  Future<void> write(Uint8List value, {String transactionId})