twistedcat/nocat can proxy between any two twisted endpoints be they both client, both server, or client and server endpoints.
you can install twistedcat in your python virtual environment like this:
$ pip install git+
commandline usage summary:
usage: nocat [-h] [-c CLIENT] [-s SERVER] twistedcat - proxy between any two Twisted endpoints optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c CLIENT, --client CLIENT Twisted client endpoint descriptor string -s SERVER, --server SERVER Twisted server endpoint descriptor string
example usage:
./bin/nocat -s tcp:interface= -s tcp:interface=
Bugfixes with pull requests welcome!
- email [email protected]
- gpg key ID 0x836501BE9F27A723
- gpg fingerprint F473 51BD 87AB 7FCF 6F88 80C9 8365 01BE 9F27 A723