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File metadata and controls

242 lines (178 loc) · 5.77 KB


Arangrate is a flexible ArangoDB migration package for node.js.


npm install arangrate --save


Environment Variables


DEV_DATA allows you to switch between development and production migrations. DEV_DATA=true means you are using the development migrations.

Migrate script


import { join } from 'path';
import { arangrate } from 'arangrate';

const migrate = arangrate({
  path: join(
    process.env.DEV_DATA ? 'migrations/dev' : 'migrations/prod'
  collection: 'migrations'



  • path: The location of your migrations, relative to the main entry point (required).
  • (optional) collection: The database collection used to track migrations. Default: migrations

Package.json script

"scripts": {
    "migrate": "npm run build && node .build/migrate.js",
  • replace .build with your build folder


Arangrate includes the arangojs package to handle connections and also exports a few helper functions:

  • db
    • Database instance
  • aql
    • Template strings from arangojs
  • createCollection
  • createEdgeCollection
  • dropCollection

Anything that can be done with the Database class from arangojs can be done with the db object here.

Usage of the helper functions is demonstrated in the examples below.

Arangrate provides flexibility for your migrations. Migrations will be stored as determined in the migrate.js script you created. You are also allowed to choose the naming convention for your migrations, with the following format:

  • [indentifier].do.[title].js

Reversions use .undo. instead of .do., but should use the same identifier and title in the following format:

  • [identifier].undo.[title].js

The identifier should provide an alphabetical or numerical order, such as 0001, 0002, 0003...

The title is displayed in the console log and stored in the migrations collection for reference later.

I recommend using a logger in the migration scripts; arangrate uses the logade npm package for logging, so that is what is used in the examples.

The only requirement for arangrate to run the script is for it to have a default export: export default async fuction setup() { ... } to handle the migration. You write the queries or use the arangrate helpers to perform the migration. Arangrate will execute the setup() function to perform the migration and record it in the database.

Example -

import { db, createCollection, createEdgeCollection } from 'arangrate';
import { getLogger } from 'logade';

export default async function setup() {
  const log = getLogger('0001');'Migrating');

  const documentCollections = [
  const edgeCollections = ['hasPrivilege', 'hasRole'];

  for (const localName of documentCollections) {
    await createCollection({ name: localName });

  for (const localName of edgeCollections) {
    await createEdgeCollection({ name: localName });

   * Sessions Indexes
  const sessions = await db.collection('sessions');

  await sessions.ensureIndex({
    type: 'hash',
    unique: false,
    fields: ['uid']

  await sessions.ensureIndex({
    type: 'hash',
    unique: false,
    fields: ['expires']

   * Users Indexes
  const users = await db.collection('users');

  await users.ensureIndex({
    type: 'hash',
    unique: true,
    fields: ['username']

  await users.ensureIndex({
    type: 'hash',
    unique: true,
    fields: ['email']

   * Notifications
  const notifications = await db.collection('notifications');

  await notifications.ensureIndex({
    type: 'hash',
    unique: false,
    fields: ['userId']

  return true;


npm run migrate
2021-10-03 16:56:09 [info][migrate] Performing target DEVELOPMENT migration!
2021-10-03 16:56:09 [info][arangrate] Total migrations: 1
2021-10-03 16:56:09 [info][0001] Migrating
2021-10-03 16:56:09 [info][arangrate] Migration 0001 - 0001.initial complete!
2021-10-03 16:56:09 [info][migrate] Migration target for DEVELOPMENT completed!

Example - 0001.undo.initial.js

import { dropCollection } from 'arangrate';
import { getLogger } from 'logade';

export default async function setup() {
  const log = getLogger('0001');'Reverting');

  const documentCollections = [
  const edgeCollections = ['hasPrivilege', 'hasRole'];

  for (const localName of documentCollections) {
    await dropCollection({ name: localName });

  for (const localName of edgeCollections) {
    await dropCollection({ name: localName });

  return true;

Revert a Migration

To revert, simply provide the migration identifier you would to revert to. If you are on migration 6, you can revert to any identifier before 6, such as entering 5 to revert just migration 6, with 0 being to revert all.

npm run migrate 0
2021-10-03 16:59:52 [info][migrate] Performing target DEVELOPMENT migration!
2021-10-03 16:59:52 [info][arangrate] Total migrations: 1
2021-10-03 16:59:52 [info][0001] Reverting
2021-10-03 16:59:52 [info][arangrate] Reverted 0001 - 0001.initial complete!
2021-10-03 16:59:52 [info][migrate] Migration target for DEVELOPMENT completed!

File Structure

The examples used here would fall under the following file structure:

- /src
  - /migrations
    - dev
      - 0001.undo.initial.js
    - prod
      - 0001.undo.users.js
  - migrate.js