* TOC {:toc}Overview over the linear algebra functions of Numpy.
Questions to David Rotermund
There more functions in the scipy linalg package!!!
@ => Matrix product
* => outer product A[i] * B[i]
The @ operator is preferable to other methods when computing the matrix product between 2d arrays. The numpy.matmul function implements the @ operator.
import numpy as np
a = np.arange(0, 3).reshape(3, 1)
b = np.arange(4, 7).reshape(1, 3)
print(a @ b)
print(b @ a)
[[4 5 6]]
[[ 0 0 0]
[ 4 5 6]
[ 8 10 12]]
For comparison the outer product:
import numpy as np
a = np.arange(0, 3).reshape(3, 1)
b = np.arange(4, 7).reshape(1, 3)
print(a * b)
print(b * a)
[[ 0 0 0]
[ 4 5 6]
[ 8 10 12]]
[[ 0 0 0]
[ 4 5 6]
[ 8 10 12]]
dot(a, b[, out]) | Dot product of two arrays. |
linalg.multi_dot(arrays, *[, out]) | Compute the dot product of two or more arrays in a single function call, while automatically selecting the fastest evaluation order. |
vdot(a, b, /) | Return the dot product of two vectors. |
inner(a, b, /) | Inner product of two arrays. |
outer(a, b[, out]) | Compute the outer product of two vectors. |
matmul(x1, x2, /[, out, casting, order, ...]) | Matrix product of two arrays. |
tensordot(a, b[, axes]) | Compute tensor dot product along specified axes. |
einsum(subscripts, *operands[, out, dtype, ...]) | Evaluates the Einstein summation convention on the operands. |
einsum_path(subscripts, *operands[, optimize]) | Evaluates the lowest cost contraction order for an einsum expression by considering the creation of intermediate arrays. |
linalg.matrix_power(a, n) | Raise a square matrix to the (integer) power n. |
kron(a, b) | Kronecker product of two arrays. |
linalg.cholesky(a) | Cholesky decomposition. |
linalg.qr(a[, mode]) | Compute the qr factorization of a matrix. |
linalg.svd(a[, full_matrices, compute_uv, ...]) | Singular Value Decomposition. |
linalg.eig(a) | Compute the eigenvalues and right eigenvectors of a square array. |
linalg.eigh(a[, UPLO]) | Return the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a complex Hermitian (conjugate symmetric) or a real symmetric matrix. |
linalg.eigvals(a) | Compute the eigenvalues of a general matrix. |
linalg.eigvalsh(a[, UPLO]) | Compute the eigenvalues of a complex Hermitian or real symmetric matrix. |
linalg.norm(x[, ord, axis, keepdims]) | Matrix or vector norm. |
linalg.cond(x[, p]) | Compute the condition number of a matrix. |
linalg.det(a) | Compute the determinant of an array. |
linalg.matrix_rank(A[, tol, hermitian]) | Return matrix rank of array using SVD method |
linalg.slogdet(a) | Compute the sign and (natural) logarithm of the determinant of an array. |
trace(a[, offset, axis1, axis2, dtype, out]) | Return the sum along diagonals of the array. |
linalg.solve(a, b) | Solve a linear matrix equation, or system of linear scalar equations. |
linalg.tensorsolve(a, b[, axes]) | Solve the tensor equation a x = b for x. |
linalg.lstsq(a, b[, rcond]) | Return the least-squares solution to a linear matrix equation. |
linalg.inv(a) | Compute the (multiplicative) inverse of a matrix. |
linalg.pinv(a[, rcond, hermitian]) | Compute the (Moore-Penrose) pseudo-inverse of a matrix. |
linalg.tensorinv(a[, ind]) | Compute the 'inverse' of an N-dimensional array. |