- Dropped Python 3.8 from CI and support
- Declare support for Python 3.13 (#609)
- Add MongoDB 8.0 support to CI
- Adjust links after repository transfer
- Adjust workflows for actions-reuse 3
- Pin OS to Ubuntu 22.04 for Mongo 7 and 6 tests.
- Use pre-commit for maintaining code style and linting
- Support Python 3.12 (#507)
- Dropped support for python 3.7 (#384)
- support only for python 3.7 and up
- rely on get_port functionality delivered by port_for
- [feature] Add noproces fixture that can be used along the client to connect to already existing MongoDB instance.
- [feature] Allow for mongo client to be configured with time zone awarness
- [feature] Drop support for python 2.7. From now on, only support python 3.6 and up
- fix pypi description
- [enhancement] require at least pymongo 3.6
- [enhancement] removed path.py depdendency
- [enhancements] set executor timeout to 60. By default mirakuru waits indefinitely, which might cause test hangs
- [feature] - migrate usage of getfuncargvalue to getfixturevalue. require at least pytest 3.0.0
- [feature] defaults logs dir to $TMPDIR by default
- [feature] run on random port by default (easier xdist integration)
- [feature] add command line and ini option for: executable, host, port, params and logsdir